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Table of Contents



To integrate Netheos identification into eSignAnyWhere, several components are in place. All the integration is available out of the box; the below architecture information is just for completeness and probably useful for a better understanding of the below.

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Identification and OAuth IDP Configuration Guide

Step 1: configure organization


, project and an identification workflow in Netheos product

When configuring a workflow on the Netheos ( platform, ensure that a proper notification to the integrating component (clientside JS notification as required by IDHub) is part of the workflow.

See Netheos product documentation for detailled instructions.


(Details to be provided by Netheos colleagues)

As a result:

  • you have an organization on one of the servers ( or
  • you have a username of Trust&Sign Netheos product of your customer's organization (or probably a shared organization)
  • you have an API password token for that organization
  • there are one or several workflows configured in T&SNetheos, which can be used in next step in the IDConnect IDHub "identity provider" configuration

Step 2: configure the


IDHub OAuth Identity Provider

As shown in the architectural diagram above, IDHub acts as a layer that exposes proprietary API functionality of Netheos through a standardized OAuth compliant interface. If configured, IDHub will also send additional evidence to eSignAnyWhere Platform, which is added as evidence to the Audit Trail.

The configuration


This step covers registering a new Application in the IDConnect IDHub administrative back-end and configureing configuring platform settings such as the conenction connection to Netheos (Trust&Sign for the IDConnect middleware) for IDHub. This step has to be performed by Namirial staff.Configuration is done on

Login to IDHub





app/Authentication requires an account on MyNamirial pre-prod environment (

The login is performed by using a MyNamirial account of a Namirial staff member. This account must be granted IDHub admin permissions before being able to use an account with these environments.

Tenant/Organization selection

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Configuration of Organization Settings

If it's a newly created organization, it will be necessary to fill basic configuration data of the organization.

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Basic "Organization Configuration"

the organization name is predefined by the IDHub administrator which created the organization.

eSAW Tech Parameters

Select to which eSAW instance the IDHub organization will be connected.

The application allows selecting from a predefined list of well-known eSignAnyWhere endpoints. For the well known endpoint, the WorkstepController.Process credentials are already predefined in the IDHub configuration done by the System Administrators.

Alternatively, e.g. when connecting with an On-Premise installation of eSignAnyWhere, use the option "Custom Service". In this case, the following additional parameters can be configured:

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To use different eSignAnyWhere instances, it is mandatory to have multiple organizations (tenants) in IDHub.


It requires that the target server is installed using Namirial Installation Scripts for eSignAnyWhere, or provides the WorkstepController.Process service at the typical endpoint. Mind to configure only the base URL (without trailing slash). The path and endpoint (/WSCProcess/WorkstepController.Process.asmx) will automatically extended.

Netheos Tech Parameters

Netheos is a user identity verification (IDV) platform developed by Namirial. It offers identification flows such as Facematch Video Fast ("FMV-Fast"), which allow unattended video identification. The configuration is optional and will be necessary only when using IDHub to connect with Netheos.

The settings refer to the API credentials necessary to access the Netheos platform.

The application allows selecting from a predefined list of well-known Netheos endpoints. The URLs are predefined in the IDHub configuration done by the System Administrators.

SPID Tech Parameters

SPID is one the Italian eID options available. The configuration is optional and will be necessary only when using IDHub to connect with SPID infrastructure. It allows identification with SPID issued by Namirial, but also with SPID identities issued by other providers.

These refer to the API credentials necessary to access the Netheos platform.

The application allows selecting from a predefined list of well-known Netheos endpoints. The URLs are predefined in the IDHub configuration done by the System Administrators.

CIE Tech Parameters

CIE is anoner Italian eID options available. The configuration is optional and will be necessary only when using IDHub to connect with CIE infrastructure.

These refer to the API credentials necessary to access the Netheos platform.

The application allows selecting from a predefined list of well-known Netheos endpoints. The URLs are predefined in the IDHub configuration done by the System Administrators.

OAuth Identity Provider Configuration

Open the "Identity Providers" section to configure the identity provider (or in OAuth terminology: the OAuth application).

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In this section, configure your new identity provider for the specific business case.
The identity provider is the specific configuration which eSignAnyWhere later uses, and which knows by configuration which workflow of Trust&Sign to be used.

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Wizard to create a new identity provider

OAuth Client Application Setup

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Important: note down (copy) the client id and client secret to your eSAW configuration! You will need this in a later step. We recommend to store this information in a password manager software of your choice.

If you are used to work with multiple windows in parallel, you can directly create the eSAW-side configuration now and copy/paste the values. Otherwise, if you follow this manual step-by-step, you will need this information later.

eSAW Parameters

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Use eSAW (yes/no): define if the OAuth provider is used with eSignAnyWhere. If declared to be used with eSignAnyWhere, it will fetch data from eSAW and - depending on further configuration - send evidence to the Audit Trail.



Authorization URI

Token URI

Meant to help configuring the OAuth identity provider in eSignAnyWhere.

Copy these urls, you will need it in your eSAW configuration.

If you are used to work with multiple windows in parallel, you can directly create the eSAW-side configuration now and copy/paste the values. Otherwise, if you follow this manual step-by-step, you will need this information later.

Requires phone number for disposables

This checkbox changes the behavior of IDHub. If the phone number was not specified before, IDHub will actively ask the signer to provide his phone number.

Identity Provider

This page requires to select which external identity provider to be offered through an OAuth interface for this specific identity provider configuration (= OAuth application).

For Netheos identification, choose the value "Netheos".

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If you want to allow using different identification methods, it will be necessary to set up multiple Identity Providers within your IDHub organization and configure all of them as Identity Providers in eSignAnyWhere.

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Complete the wizard and save the just created Identity Provider.

In the processes tab, you see ongoing and completed identification processes (i.e. instances of identification).

Step 3: Configure eSignAnyWhere Identity Provider Configuration

IDHub Identity Provider (Test)

eSignAnyWhere test and demo environments (including are connected to the The IDHub test environment.


Login: Namirial account (but user has to be added to the idconnect backend by an admin first)

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Step 3: Configure eSignAnyWhere Identity Provider Configuration

IDConnect Identity Provider hosted by Namirial SpA (TEST environment deployed by Alten)

Prototype version hostet by Namirial SpA, deployed by Alten is working with DEMO environment, therefore on the prototype following redirect URI is configured:

Example of a Mapping updates the disposable certificate data and verifies the holder name:

ParameterValueField Mapping ConfigurationComment

Field Property PathModeData Field
Provider Namee.g. "Netheos Trust&SignFacematch"

Will be shown in eSAW to select the authentication/identification method, and will be shown to the signer in authentication method selection.
Client Id(use the client ID created in step 2. It should have been provided by Namirial sales or presales team)

TEST ClientID for Christoph's Test Org: 09c11f68-2212-4a91-8070-105ba414fc71
Client Secret(use the client secret created in step 2. It should have been provided by Namirial sales or presales team)

TEST Client Sectet for Christoph: Slack message LR to CB, Tue 26/04/2022 in combination with above's Client ID
Scopeopenid profile email trustsign

Authorization URI

Token URI

Logout URI

JSON Web Token (JWT) Configuration



Add 'nonce' parameterOff

Validate audienceOff

Validate issuerOn

Validate lifetimeOn

Field Mapping
given_nameValidateRecipient First Name

Note that this is a validation rule to ensure that the signer is the one which the sender defined. When providing an UPDATE rule for the given errrorfield, IDConnect IDHub currently returns "Invalid parameter 'firstName' format (Invalid value)":
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Field Mapping
family_nameValidateRecipient Last NameNote that this is a validation rule to ensure that the signer is the one which the sender defined

Field Mapping
identification_typeUpdateDisposable Certificate Identification Type

Field Mapping
document_typeUpdateDisposable Certificate Document Type

Field Mapping
identification_numberUpdateDisposable Certificate Identification Number

Field mapping(
leave out this one for now!!)phone_number
Disposable Certificate Phone Number20220530: not available in demo process! If left out, it has to be set by the sender in eSAW.

Field Mapping
issuing_countryUpdateDisposable Certificate Document Issuing Country

Field Mapping(
leave out this one for now!!)issued_byUpdateDisposable Certificate Issued By20220530: not available in demo process! If left out, it has to be set by the sender in eSAW. Depending on TSP rules, it might be allowed to use a static value which references to Trust&Sign.

Field Mapping
document_numberUpdateDisposable Certificate Document Number

Field Mapping
identification_countryUpdateDisposable Certificate Identification Country

Field Mapping(
leave out this one for now!!)issued_onUpdateDisposable Certificate Document issued On20220530: not available in demo process! Depending on TSP rules, it might be allowed to use some artificial value if Trust&Sign process that doesn't return this date is approved.

Field Mapping
expiry_dateUpdateDisposable Certificate Document ExpirationExpiry Date


  • Trust&Sign  Netheos  (in this configuration) does NOT offer a phone number. Therefore, the checkbox in IDHub must be enabled to ask for the phone number must not . Otherwise it cannot be set as UPDATE rule in e.g. another identification configuration which is used as backup option.
  • Trust&Sign (in this configuration) does NOT offer a document issuing date.
  • Trust&Sign (in this configuration) does NOT offer an issuing authority name ("issued by").


  • Create a new envelope
  • Select the document(s) to be signed
  • Open the Authentication/Identification section
  • Add the OAuth Identification method "Netheos Trust&Sign" 
  • If indicated, place in the Designer page a signature field and select the signature method "Disposable Certificate".


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(passport picture taking)

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Backoffice Approval

In case the process is one with backoffice approval step, an operator has to log in at Netheos agent portal and approve the transaction.


Productioncommunicated during project

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Technical Appendix

Sample JWT returned by the wrapper

  "iss": "<url>/identityserver",
  "nbf": 1653930619,
  "iat": 1653930619,
  "exp": 1653930919,
  "aud": "09c11f68-2212-4a91-8070-105ba414fc71",
  "amr": [
  "at_hash": "tHwwAcNywwPHqyOX9xzC2A",
  "sid": "44874189B9D8A26F1740F37849B0CFC4",
  "sub": "91a73a82-341e-4cb7-a3a6-0a7fe9530bdc",
  "auth_time": 1653930454,
  "idp": "local",
  "name": "Simon Seller",
  "given_name": "Simon",
  "family_name": "Seller",
  "email": "",
  "email_verified": [
  "document_number": "",
  "document_type": "PASSPORT",
  "identification_number": "",
  "identification_type": "PASSPORT",
  "identification_country": "",
  "issuing_country": "",
  "expiry_date": "",
  "first_name": "Simon",
  "last_name": "Seller",
  "preferred_username": "01bd99be-c6cf-44d7-b082-10891c8083f8"



Trust&Sign, Facematch, FMV Photo, FMV Fast