
Here you can change your organization settings. Note: In the list below you can find just some information to introduce the feature. You can click on the headline of the feature to get to the detailed explanations.

Organization Details

Before the version 20.42 you were able to configure the following settings in this section:

Overview of the organization settings

Default Callback URL

In section “Default Callback URLs” you can define which URLs should be invoked as callback for envelopes sent via WebUI. When sending envelopes via API, the callback URL can be specified on envelope level via API.

Following callback URLs can be defined for envelopes sent via WebUI:

Callback typeStatus Change
Callback for completed envelopeGets fired whenever an envelope gets finished (completed or rejected)
Callback for envelope status change

Gets fired whenever an envelope's status value changes
(workstepFinished, workstepRejected, workstepDelegated, workstepOpened, sendSignNotification, envelopeExpired, workstepDelegatedSenderActionRequired)

In both URLs, you can use following placeholders:



the envelope id; typically in GUID format
##Action##the action which triggered the callback; usually one of workstepFinished, workstepRejected, workstepDelegated, workstepOpened, sendSignNotification, envelopeExpired, workstepDelegatedSenderActionRequired. But consider in a callback handler implementation, that future versions may fire additional callbacks.

For envelopes sent via WebUI, it is currently not supported to specify a workstep event callback handler URL.
Read the Integration Guide, section Api Reference - Introduction REST, for further information about integrating with callback handlers.

You can define an authentication for the callback.

The next screenshot shows an overview where you can find the settings:


  1. Default callback URLs settings
  2. Add authentication

If you click on the button “add authentication” the following window appears:


  1. New callback authentication

In this section you can define:

If you choose “basic” as authentication the following window appears:


  1. Select basic authentication
  2. Basic authentication settings

Within this section you can define:

After filling in the dates for the authentication you can test if the URL matches any pattern of the authentications. If no pattern matches you get an information. The following screenshots show you a warning and a successful matching of the patterns.

WarningMatching pattern

If you have more than one authentication and you check the URL for the pattern and more than one authentication matches, always the first one of the list will be highlighted green.

After those settings you can send an envelope as usual. If you have authentication activated but the given dates are wrong you get an information.

In the next Screenshot you can see both scenarios (with a valid authentication and with a invalid authentication). If you click on the exclamation mark following text appears: “Response status code does not indicate success:401 (unauthorized)”.

Using the following two websites by your own risk. These two websites are not part of Namirial!

If you want to try the callback URL without authentication you can try it with:

If you want to try the callback URL with authentication you can try it with:postman echo

Design of the document viewer for recipients

In this section you can define the redirect URL for finished documents. Moreover you can upload the current design, reset the design to default, download the current design and download the design template. For more information about designing the viewer please also have a look at the Viewer Guide.

Disposable Certificate

In this section of your organization you can define a disposable certificate. For this setting you need following dates:

Moreover, you can decide if you want to use a lean disposable, if you want to get a disclaimer before certificate request and if you want to send disposable disclaimer document emails. The following screenshot shows you where to find those settings.


  1. Disposable certificate settings

For more details and information of how to use the disposable certificate please also see the Beginner Guide.

BankId Authentication 

This feature is not available with basic subscription, so please contact your Namirial sales.

You can find a sample configuration (REST and SOAP) on the following page: Beginner Guide

Generic Signing Plugin 

This feature is not available with basic subscription, so please contact your Namirial sales.

In your organization settings you can find the configuration for the generic signing plugin. Configure the plugin in this settings to use the signature in creating an envelope. Please see the next figure (sample of a plugin).

For more information about how to create an envelope with a generic signing plugin in the UI please also have a look at the Beginner Guide.

For information about how to send an envelope with a generic signing plugin in REST please see a sample configuration at the Beginner Guide.

Policy for the document viewer for recipients

In this section you can:

Please see the following sample of the policy template.


You can find an overview of all policies on this page: Document-Policy

Retention Period

In this section you can define a retention period for the organization drafts and envelopes. Please note the following rules for the different types of documents (add the days you selected in this section to the following rules:

When enabling retention period, please ensure to set up an appropriate process to keep copies of signed documents, audit trail evidence and other legally binding documentats related to the envelope elsewhere. Data retention configuration will permanently delete the envelopes, including signed envelopes, from the eSignAnyWhere Platform according to the rules described above. We recommend to store the documents and related evidence in a DMS. When API access is granted for your account, you can implement automatic storage in a DMS after an envelope was completed. Alternatively you could e.g. keep copies in any other storage or probably keep a copy in your mail inbox.


In this section you can download all finished envelopes you have signed or sent.

If you click on the “Finished Envelopes” button you can see that the backup is prepared.

While collecting all envelopes on the server for the backup (which may take up to several hours), following Text will be displayed:

Your backup is queued and will be started soon. You will receive an email once your backup is ready for download.

If you e.g. have been logged in in several browsers while requesting the backup, or request the backup at the same time as another user does, the text might not yet be visible while the backup process is already in progress. If you press the button to start a backup process, an error message informing that you "tried to schedule a backup operation while another one is already in progress" will be shown.

Once the backup was completed, you will receive an email to download the backup. The backup is then available for 48 hours to be downloaded.

Automatic Remote Signature Profiles  

In this section the user manager of an organization can add automatic remote signature profiles, which can be used for any workflow as a recipient (recipient type “Automatic”). This recipient signs automatically the signatures and the workflow continues automatically. For more information please also have a look at the electronic signature guide.

Default Signature Settings

In this section you can set the default signature type for the envelopes. After you have set the configuration in this section the defined signature type will be preselected if you create a new envelope.

Envelope Defaults

You can set the following settings for the envelope defaults:

If you prevent editing form fields after the envelope is finished the form fields in the PDF are all read only.

Therefore, after locking the form fields (after the final workstep), the form fields are not editable any more with other PDF tools.

Please also see the next figures:



Information on whether the form fields are locked or not can also be found in the audit trail. Please see the next figure:

Audit log Settings

Note: It is not recommended to disable the audit-log, because it is an important evidence (see signature guide).

In this section you can define the following settings:

Signature PAdES Configuration

Allows to set the signature configuration based on the different PAdES levels, for following types of signatures.

Description of the different PAdES baseline levels supported by eSignAnyWhere:


  1. PAdES settings

Email Settings

User Logout Redirect Url

Default redirect url before sending a draft

This setting is available only when the feature flag "BeforeDraftSendRedirect" was granted to the organization.

Configures a Redirect URL to which the envelope creator is redirecting instead of sending an envelope.

Instead of the page sequence

"Recipients Page" - "Designer Page" - "Summary Page"

, with a configured redirect url before sending, the sequence is following:

"Recipients Page" - "Designer Page" - "Summary Page" - (custom redirect page)

In this scenario, the custom redirect page may adopt the draft with the draft update API methods, and has to send the draft via API methods.
See Document Tagging Scenario - Example showing how to collect metadata for DMS archiving for an example on how to integrate a DMS tagging using that functionality.

Envelope Details Page

Recipient settings

You can set the following settings for the recipient:

If you force an authentication and the user does not select any or a specific authentication method then the user will get the following notification: