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After install and configure you virtual appliance SWS, now you can use their method to sign or apply timestamp. SWS have two interfaces SOAP or REST. SOAP is used for files under 50MB and REST interface is used for files over 50MB.

SWS can manage some signature device like:

  • automatic signature (her name start with AHI or AHIP followed by numbers)
  • eSeal (her name start with SHI or SHIP followed by numbers)
  • remote signature (her name start RHI or RHIP followed by numbers) 
  • disposable signature (her name start with RHI or RHID followed by numbers)
  • long lived signature (her name start with RHIL or RHILD followed by numbers)

Only during the integration, you can see:

  • eSeal like a automatic signature
  • disposable, longlived like a remote signature

And the remote signature like an extension of automatic signature, because beyond username and password require the OTP code.

Can support three different types of signature:

  • Pades: valid only for PDF files
  • Xades: valid only for XML files
  • Cades: valid for every type of files

Apply timestamp on files (according to standard RFC3161)

For every type of signature and timestamp, there is a dedicated web method, which will be described in the the next sections.

In this user guide the examples will be shown using "SoapUI". This is a free tool which can be installed on every OS. With this tool, is possible to create SOAP request which invoke the differents web methods.

During the integration, the application client of SWS should recreate the same XML soap request created on SoapUI with his program language.


For test SOAP interface, you can request with SoapUI, following this steps:

Download and install SoapUI from this link:

Once complete the installation:

open SoapUI → File → New Soap Project

And add appliance SWS method to SoapUI, like in this image:

In text box “Initial WSDL” use this URL:


And you will obtain the list of method like this:


The principal method used to sign (valid for remote and automatic signature), they are:

signPAdESList → Used for sign only PDF files

signCAdESList → Used for sign every type of files

signXAdESList → Used for sign XML files

getSignatures → permit to obtain the number of signature made since certicate creation

getAvailableSignatures → permit to obtain the numbers of signatures (valid only for device NOT pay per use, else it will generate an exception)

Every method require the Credentials object, in the next section will see how populate this field.


If you are signing with remote signature, you can use this method:

getOTPList → permit to obtain the list of OTP associate to your remote signature (exactly the OTP is associated to the holder of certificate. For example if you have two or more remote signature associate to same holder, you can use this OTP for every remote signature).

sendOtpBySMS → it will send the SMS containig the OTP code.

openSession → permit to obtain the token (like a string) for sign instead to insert new OTP code on every signature). The token is valid for three minutes from generation.

getRemainingTimeForSession → it return the time until the session is valid

closeSession → if you want destroy the token before three minutes


If you want apply only timestamp, you can use this method:

timestamp → it permits to obtain the file with timestamp is possible to choose between two types TSR or TSD. The option TSR mean the timestamp is another files, while the TSD mean the timestamp signature is in the same file.

After this introduction, below will be described every method with input required.


All the methods used for sign (signPAdES..., signCAdES..., signXAdES) they use the Credentials object, like you can see in this image:

How popolate this fields?


For every type of signature (automatic signature and remote signature) you must fill this two fields:

username: contain the device name it start with RHI..., AHI... or SHI...

password: contain the PIN associated to device


While only if you you are using the remote signature (username starts with RHI...) you should fill this fields:

idOtp: (optional) it specify the idOtp which you want use for sign. If you don't want set the idOtp, SWS will use automatically the default OTP. You can use the method getOTPList for obtain the idOtp.

Otp: it contains the OTP code recived by SMS or read on app Namirial

sessionKey: it contain the token (like a string) received from method openSession

securityCode: this parameter must not be set. It is used only in certain situation

How works method getOTPList?

With this method you can obtain the OTP list which can be use with specified username, and you will can populate the variable Credentials.idOtp.

This method it require only the username.

For example with username: RHIP20102336019765, in this request:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

You will obtain response like this:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getOTPListResponse xmlns:ns2="">
            <type>OTP GENERATOR</type>
            <type>OTP PUSH</type>

During the sign process is possible to choose between this two idOtps: 501719 (associated to OTP SMS) and the idOTP: 537430 (associated to OTP GENERATOR).

Isn't possible to use OTP PUSH, they are used for other purpose, not for sign.

Now during the sign we can choose two types of idOTP: 501719 or 537430.

Sign with OTP SMS

If you decide to sign with OTP SMS, you should use the method: sendOTPBySMS

This method require in input only the username (in this example the username is: RHIP20102336019765).

The soap request will be like this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

And if everything is ok, in output will receive the response like this:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:sendOtpBySMSResponse xmlns:ns2=""/>

And on mobile phone will receive the SMS containing the OTP code (composed from 6 number) for sign, for example now we have received the code: “214196”.

The OTP code just received will be the variable Crediantls.otp during the process of sign.


If you decide to sign with OTP GENERATOR, you should open the Namirial OTP App and insert the OTP code showed during the sign process.

→Show the guide "How to configure Namirial OTP App"

How Sign File

Finally we have all requisites to populate Credentials object during the sign. Like mentioned before, the methods to sign are:

  • signPAdESList
  • signCAdESList
  • signXAdESList

With this three methods is possible to sign with every type of signature (automatic and remote).

Everyone of this three methods use the Credentials object filled in the same time.

The automatic signature, require only the variables username and password in the object Credentials.

For example in automatic signature with username: AHI7609757152622 and password 13572468

the object Credentials will be populate like in the image:


While if you are using remote signature you should fill the other fields:

  • idOtp (only if you have more idOTP received from method getOTPList)
  • OTP or sessionKey (will see in the next section how populate this variable)

Suppose we want sign using with the OTP code received previously from method sendOtpBySMS.

The credentials object will be filled in this way:


idOtp was obtained from method getOTPList method and otp is the code received from method sendOTPBySMS.

Sign using session

With otp is possible to make only one signature, but if you have need to sign more files, with the “sessionKey” is possible. In the next section will be described how works the session.

This function is available on remote signature, it permits to sign at most 3 minutes using the same session. You can see the sessione like a token provided from method “openSession”.

How obtain the sessionKey?

The method “openSession” it permits to obtain the sessionKey.

In input it require:

  • username
  • password
  • otp
  • idOtp

Like in this example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 

In output will obtain the value of sessionKey which will be used for sign:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:openSessionResponse xmlns:ns2="">	

The sessionKey just obtained is valid for three minutes, after will expire and will needed to generate another sessionKey using the method openSession and new OTP code (isn't possible to use the same OTP already used).

Is possible to know when the session will expire with method: “getRemainingTimeForSession”. Like in this image:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getRemainingTimeForSessionResponse xmlns:ns2="">

Where 167 are the seconds until the session is active. After 180s from creation will be destroyed automatically, but is good pratice close the session before will expire.

You can destroy the session manually before will expire with method: "closeSession"

Destroy manually the session

The method "closeSession" require in input:

  • sessionKey
  • username

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 

For security reason, this method doesn't generate an exception if you insert wrong sessionKey and/or username.

In this seguence diagram, we can sumarize the methods to call for sign using sessionKey and OTP SMS:

If you are using OTP on App you can skip the method "sendOTPBySMS".

DA VALUTARE: se mettere o meno il diagramma delle sequenze con Namirial App OTP


For automatic signature the credentials object is composed by:

  • username
  • password

While for remote signature the credentials object is composed by:

  • username
  • password
  • otp
  • idOtp (only if you have more OTP else you can set this to "-1")
  • sessionKey (optional)

If you need to sign multiple files with remote signature you should use the sessionKey how already described.

Now, is complete how populate the Credentials object for methods: signPadesList, signCadesList and signXadesList, we can populate the object bufferList.

How populate the bufferList

The bufferList contain the list of files (in byte array) which you want sign.

For example in SoapUI the bufferList is composed by the base64 of file which you want sign, like in this example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

You can dowload the full exampe at this link: signPadesListxml

In output will obtain the base64 associated to file just signed like this: RESPONSE-base64-signPadesList.b64 and decoded will be this PDF: RESPONSE-signPadesList.pdf.

The difference between signPadesList, signCadesList and signXadesList are based on the preferences:

signPadesList → use PadESPreferences

signCadesList → use CadESPreferences

signXadesList → use XadESPreferences

How populate this preferences will be describe in the next sections.

How populate PadESPreferences

This type of preference is used in method signPadesList. Their principal options are:

NameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescription











The variables starts with “timestamp” they are associate to timestamp details, they are:

  • timestampHashAlgo: should be set to SHA-256

  • timestampPassword: password associated to timestamp account

  • timestampUrl: url used for applt timestamp (for example for Namirial TSA is: “”)

  • timestampUsername: username associate to timestamp account

While the other variables are:

  • hashAlgoritm: hash algorithm used to sign (for example SHA-256)

  • level: type of signature with or without timestamp, ocsp response ecc.., is possible to choose between B, T, LT, LTV, LTA

  • withTimestamp: maybe true or false if you want use or not timestamp during the process of digital signature. If you set “true” this variable, you should set the variable starts with “timestamp”

  • page: indicate the number page of appereance (if you don't use the appereance, you should set this to “1”)

  • signerImage: this object is used for specify the details on appereance like logo image or string.

  • withSignature: set to “true” if you want apply the appereance con PDF signature fiels, else set to “false”

How populate the object signerImage

Read this section only if you want apply the appereance on PDF.

The object credentials is composed by:

The object “signerImage” is used to describe how populate the appereance. Set the image and string on appereance.

  • fieldName: use this variable with name of field signature if your PDF have a field signature else you should not set this variable.

  • fontName: name of the font used for the string on appereance

  • fontSizie: size of the font used for the string on appereance

  • height: specify the height (in pixel) of appereance

  • image: in SOAP request will be the image in base64 associated to the logo

  • imageFilename: used only in certain situation

  • imageURL: url which contain the image associated to the logo

  • imageVisible: set true if you want show the image in the appereance

  • location: this property is associated to the position of the String in appereance. The possible options are: BOTTOM, TOP, LEFT, RIGHT

  • reason: is a string ….insert the adobe image example



While for verify only timestamp, you can use this methods:

timestampTSDVerify → It permits to validate TSD files (file and timestamp in the same file)

timestampTSRVerify → It permits to validate TSR files (file and timestamp in two different files)

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