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In this section you can set your email notification templates. You can change the layout, texts, logo, etc. to adopt it to your needs. With the keywords you can add dynamically information (e.g. recipients name, message, etc.).



Email Template SettingsImage ModifiedImage Added

  1. Email Notification template editor
  2. Template text
  3. List of placeholders which are supported by the selected email template
  4. Preview

The Email Templating Notification Template allows you to adopt the email, sent by eSignAnyWhere. A default template and default notifications are present for every organization and can always be restored to default. For each language set in “Localization”, a separate template and notification can be set. This allows you to set up languages, which are not directly supported by eSignAnyWhere and send the notifications in the, by you translated, language to the recipient.

Note: If a recipient has an eSignAnyWhere user account (on the same instance), the user will receive the mails in his/her prefered preferred language. Sample: the recipient has a eSAW language set in German and you send her/him an envelope in Italian, he/she will receive the notification in German (his prefered preferred language).



Restore a specific template of a specific language to the system’s default template.

It restores only the current selected template.

More about Templates

There are three types of templates:


<h4>The envelope "#EnvelopeName#" has been signed by the following recipients:</h4>\n<p>#RecipientList#</p>
Email Template SampleImage RemovedEmail Template SampleImage Added