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title1. EviSign
  • EviSign:Submitted
    • Kind: Certification of admission and content of document(s)
    • Certified Event: The signature process was registered locally certifying its content
  • EviSign:Submitted:Advanced
    • Kind: Certification of admission and content of document(s) (with graphic representation)
    • Certified Event: The signature process was registered locally and its content was certified and incorporated into the affidavit
  • EviSign:SignatureRequest:Result
    • Kind: Certification of the result of sending the signature request to [signer]
    • Certified Event: The signature request has been sent to a signer with one of the following results:
      • The system completed the sending successfully
      • The system was unable to complete the sending successfully, exhausting all sending attempts
  • EviSign:FinalNotification:Result
    • Kind: Certification of the result of sending the final notification to [signer]
    • Certified Event: Final notification has been sent to a signer with one of the following results:
      • The system successfully sent the final signature notification to one of the signers
      • The system was unable to complete the sending successfully, exhausting all sending attempts
  • EviSign:Party:Committed
    • Kind: Certification of signature of [signer] [accepting/rejecting] document(s)
    • Certified Event: The signer accepts or rejects the document by making an electronic signature
  • EviSign:Attachment
    • Kind: Certification of signed attachment: [attachment]
    • Certified Event: The system confirmed delivery to all signers, and they performed one of the following actions on the attached document:
      • All users accepted the attachment.
      • One of the users rejected the attachment
  • EviSign:Main
    • Kind: Certification of signed document(s)
    • Certified Event: The system confirmed delivery to all signers, and they performed one of the following actions on the main document:
      • All users accepted the document by electronically signature it
      • One of the users rejected the document by electronically signing it
  • EviSign:OnDemand
    • Kind: Auxiliary certification demanded by the user
    • Certified Event: The system issued a new affidavit (on demand) at the request of the issuer with the information of the events recorded so far
  • EviSign:Summary
    • Kind: Certification summary of the dossier
    • Certified Event: The system issued a new affidavit (summary) at the request of the issuer with information on the events recorded at the time of closing the transaction
  • EviSign:Event
    • Kind: Certification of relevant fact
    • Certified Event: The system received an event considered relevant that does not have a specific Kind of affidavit
  • EviSign:Failed
    • Kind: Certification of failure in the dossier
    • Certified Event: The system received an error that makes it impossible to continue processing the file
  • EviSign:SignatureRequest:Dispatched
    • Kind: Certification of signature request issuance
    • Certified Event: Evidence of the content (html) of the signature request sent, after rendering the template provided by the client.
  • EviSign:FinalNotification:Dispatched
    • Kind: Certification of the issuance of the final notification
    • Certified Event: Evidence of the content (html) of the final notification, after rendering the template provided by the client.

title2. EviMail
  • EviMail:Submitted
    • Kind: Certificate of admission of certified email
    • Certified Event: The message was processed locally, its contents certified and ready for further transmission.
  • EviMail:Submitted:Advanced
    • Kind: Certificate of admission of certified email (with graphic representation)
    • Certified Event: The message was processed locally, its contents certified and ready for further transmission.
  • EviMail:Transmission:Result
    • Kind: Certification of the result of the certified email transmission
    • Certified Event:
      • The system successfully sent the message to the server of the organisation managing the recipient's mailbox.
      • The system could not credit the sending of the message to the server of the organisation managing the recipient's mailbox.
  • EviMail:Delivery:Result
    • Kind: Certification of the result of the delivery of the certified email
    • Certified Event:
      • The system received confirmation of the delivery of the message.
      • The system received confirmation that the message was undeliverable.
  • EviMail:Read
    • Kind: Certification of acknowledgement of opening/reading of message
    • Certified Event: The system confirmed the opening/reading of the message.
  • EviMail:Committed
    • Kind: Certification of formal [acceptation/rejection] of the message
    • Certified Event:
      • The addressee recipient made a formal statement accepting the message and its contents.
      • The addressee recipient made a formal statement rejecting the message and its contents.
  • EviMail:Committed:Advanced
    • Kind: Certification of formal [acceptation/rejection] of the message (with graphical representation)
    • Certified Event:
      • The addressee recipient made a formal statement accepting the message and its contents.
      • The addressee recipient made a formal statement rejecting the message and its contents.
  • EviMail:Closed
    • Kind: Certification of completion of follow-up
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached.
  • EviMail:Closed:Advanced
    • Kind: Certification of completion of follow-up (with graphical representation)
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached.
  • EviMail:Complete
    • Kind: Certification of the certified email file
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached and generated a tracking summary.
  • EviMail:Complete:Advanced
    • Kind: Certification of the certified email file (with graphical representation)
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached and generated a tracking summary.
  • EviMail:OnDemand
    • Kind: Auxiliary certification requested by the issuer
    • Certified Event: The system issued a new affidavit (on demand) at the request of the issuer with the information collected so far.
  • EviMail:Event
    • Kind: Certification of relevant fact
    • Certified Event: The system received an event considered relevant that does not have a specific Kind of affidavit.
  • EviMail:Failed
    • Kind: Certification of message processing failure
    • Certified Event: The system received a finalising error that makes it impossible to continue processing the file.


title3. EviSMS
  • EviSms:Submitted
    • Kind: Certification of admission of certified SMS
    • Certified Event: The message was processed locally, its contents certified and ready for further transmission.
  • EviSms:Submitted:Advanced
    • Kind: Certified SMS Admission Certification (with graphic representation)
    • Certified Event: The message was processed locally, its contents certified and ready for further transmission.
  • EviSms:Transmission:Result
    • Kind: Certified SMS transmission result certification
    • Certified Event:
      • The system successfully sent the message to the server of the organisation managing the recipient's mailbox.
      • The system could not credit the sending of the message to the server of the organisation managing the recipient's mailbox.
  • EviSms:Delivery:Result
    • Kind: Certification of the result of the delivery of the certified SMS
    • Certified Event:
      • The system received confirmation of the delivery of the message.
      • The system received confirmation that the message was undeliverable.
  • EviSms:Closed
    • Kind: Certification of completion of follow-up
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached.
  • EviSms:Closed:Advanced
    • Kind: Certification of completion of follow-up (with graphical representation)
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached.
  • EviSms:Complete
    • Kind: Certified SMS file certification
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached and generated a tracking summary.
  • EviSms:Complete:Advanced
    • Kind: Certified SMS file certification (with graphical representation)
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached and generated a tracking summary.
  • EviSms:Event
    • Kind: Certification of relevant fact of the certified SMS
    • Certified Event: The system received an event considered relevant that does not have a specific Kind of affidavit.

title4. EviNotice
  • EviNotice:Submitted: An Affdavit will be generated when the EviNotice is submitted and :
    • Kind: Certification of admission of the message.
    • Certified Event: The message was admitted for certification, pending to be processed by the system.
  • EviNotice:Submitted:Advanced: An Affdavit shall be generated when the EviNotice is submitted and processed by the system. This Affidavit shall contain the content of the notification:
    • Kind: Certification of message admission (with graphical representation)
    • Certified Event: The message was admitted for certification, pending processing by the system.
  • EviNotice:Transmission:Result:
    • Kind: Certification of the result of
    the certified email transmission
    • sending the notification.
    • Certified Event: 
      • The system successfully sent the notification to the message centre.
      • The system successfully sent the notification to the mail server.
      • The system has exhausted all attempts to send the notification to the message centre.
      • The system has exhausted all attempts to send the notification to the mail server.
  • EviNotice:Delivery:Result:
    • Kind: Certification of the delivery result of the notification.
    • Certified Event:
      • The system confirmed the undeliverability of the notification.
      • The system confirmed the delivery of the
    certified notification
      • notification with the link to the final recipient, but the content has not yet been opened/read.
  • EviNotice:Received: An Affidavit shall be generated when an acknowledgement is received from the EviNotice
    • Kind: Certification of acknowledgement of receipt of the notification.
    • Certified Event: The user clicked on the link attached to the received electronic notification, producing its initial access to the system, confirming the receipt of the notification, but without yet viewing/reading the notified message.
  • EviNotice:Read: An Affidavit will be generated when the recipient has opened/read the EviNotice:
    • Kind: Certification of acknowledgement of opening/reading of the message.
    • Certified Event: The notified user proceeded to the opening/reading of the message in the system through his web browser, being the notification confirmed.
  • EviNotice:Committed: An Affidavit will be generated when the recipient has Accepted/Rejected the EviNotice:
    • Kind: Certification of formal [Signed ? "acceptance" : "rejection"} of the message
    • Certified Event:
      • The recipient made a formal statement accepting the message and its contents.
      • The recipient made a formal statement rejecting the message and its contents.
  • EviNotice:Committed:Advanced::
    • Kind: Certification of formal {Signed ? "acceptance" : "rejection"} of the message (with graphical representation)
    • Certified Event:
      • The recipient made a formal statement accepting the message and its contents.
      • The recipient made a formal statement rejecting the message and its contents.
  • EviNotice:Refused:
    • Kind: Certification of formal refusal
    An Affidavit will be generated when the recipient has refused to access the EviNotice. It shall contain the content
    • of the notification.
    EviNotice:Refused: An Affidavit shall be generated when the recipient has refused to access the EviNotice
    • Certified Event: The user, without actually viewing the message, exercised the option to refuse the notification.
  • EviNotice:Closed: An Affidavit shall be generated at the end of the set follow-up time, and if affidavit profile has been indicated as ContentOnClose. The Affidavit shall be recapitulative:
    • Kind: Certification of completion of the follow-up. 
    • Certified Event: The system has finished the processing of the message, ending the follow-up of the message, so no more acknowledgements or replies are expected and the message will be archived.
  • EviNotice:Closed:Advanced:An Affidavit shall be generated at the end
    • Kind: Certification of completion of the
    • follow-up
    time, and if affidavit profile has been indicated as ContentOnClose. The Affidavit shall be recapitulative and contain the content of the notification
    • with graphical representation.
    • Certified Event: The system has finished the processing of the message, the tracking of the message is finished and no more acknowledgements or responses are expected and the message shall be archived.
  • EviNotice:Event: An Affidavit shall be generated per relevant event, e.g. on receipt of a forwarding DSN, expanded, etc... or on receipt of confirmation that the notification was delivered by the message centre (provider):
    • Kind: Certification of relevant event
    • Certified Event:
      • The system received a technical notification (DLR) indicating that the message centre has started to forward the notification to the recipient.
      • The system received a technical notice (DSN) indicating that the notification was forwarded by the remote server.
      • The system received a DSN indicating a delay in the delivery of the notification from the remote server.
      • The system received a DSN indicating that the destination address corresponds to multiple recipients from the remote server.
  • EviNotice:Complete: An Affidavit shall be generated when closing the EviNotice:
    • Kind: Certification of the electronic notification file
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached and generated a tracking summary.
  • EviNotice:Complete:Advanced: An Affidavit shall be generated when closing the EviNotice. It shall contain the content of the notification:
    • Kind: Certification of the electronic notification dossier (with graphical representation)
    • Certified Event: The system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached and generated a tracking summary.
  • EviNotice:OnDemand: An Affidavit shall be generated each time it is requested on demand.:
    • Kind: Auxiliary certification requested by the user
    • Certified Event: Affidavit Requested (OnDemand)
  • EviNotice:Failed: An Affidavit shall be generated when a failure occurs in the notification process. :
    • Kind: Certification of failure in message processing
    • Certified Event: A finalising error occurred that makes it impossible to continue with the processing of the message. 
  • EviNotice:Notification:Dispatched
    • Kind:Certification of issuance notification
    • Certified Event: Evidence of the content (html) of the notification, after rendering the template provided by the client. (Only when the EviNotice is sent to an email address).