Below is a step-by-step instructions on configuring the application settings to tailor them to your specific requirements.

Open Advanced Settings option



  1. click the gear Icon
  2. click Advanced Settings

Open Solutions list



  1. click Settings drop down
  2. click Solutions

Select the eSignAnyWhere connector



  1. click eSignAnyWhere for Dynamics 2016

Configure the general Application Settings



  1. click Configuration
  2. Your organization eSAW instance url
  3.  If you choose this option, all envelopes will be created by default with preview enabled. This value can be modified in each envelope.
  4. Default languages set for all recipients. (Be sure to set a language configured in your eSAW instance). This value can be modified in each recipient.
  5. click Save button

Configure the Recipients Source Settings



  1. click Recipients to manage the list of the Dynamics entities that you wat to configure as eSAW recipient source. (Contacts, Leads and Users are configured by default, but can be modified).
  2. Select the entity that you want to add.
  3. Add the already selected entity (in point 2) as new recipient source.
  4. Dynamics entity name configured as recipient sources.
  5. Recipient source name shown in eSAW connector.
  6. The field of the choosen Dynamics entity object that must be used as first name of the envelope recipient.
  7. The field of the choosen Dynamics entity object that must be used as last name of the envelope recipient.
  8. The field of the choosen Dynamics entity object that must be used asemail of the envelope recipient.
  9. Remove the Dynamics entity as recipient source list.
  10. Save changes.

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