Accessibility is for Namirial an important aspect of inclusion in the whole process from defining an envelope, sending the envelope to the signer and signing a document. All new features are evaluated for meeting minimum accessibility criteria, while existing functionality which was developed over a longer period is adopted to meet current requirements.

In some countries of the world, accessibility is already enforced by law in general or for use in specific business. With the "EU Accessibility Law" (official title: "Directive (EU) 2019/882 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on the accessibility requirements for products and services") it is expected that many of those requirements are also formally adopted to national law in the countries of European Union within the next years.

This document focuses on following components of the "eSignAnyWhere Platform":

Following aspects of accessibility are considered in general:

Following application functionality does not offer the full feature set in adequate accessibilty mode: