
Below will be detailed the SOAP request for sign, change password ecc...

All the methods described are on interface:


The SOAP request examples are generated using SoapUI, you can use this guide to configure SoapUI on your pc.

In this guide will be described the example of Soap Requests.

Credentials Object

All methods for sign require the ojbect Credentials is used to specify the device signature are you using for sign. This object is composed by this variables:


According the device signature (automatic or remote) are you using you should populate different fields.

Automatic Signature

Below the example of Credentials :


Fileds required:

  • username
  • password

Remote Signature

If you sign with the remote there are two ways:

  • specify "idOtp" and "otp"
  • specify the sessionKey

Example with "idOtp" and "otp":


Example with "sessionKey"


If you decide to sign with idOtp and OTP you must obtain the OTP code for sign (from SMS, App and Token) and idOtp.

How obtain the idOtp and OTP code

Below will described with SOAP request how obtain idOtp (with method getOtpList) and OTP code.

Obtain the idOtp

You can obtain the idOtp with method getOtpList. Below the example of SoapRequest. In this example we are using the devicename: "RHIP20102336019765":

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

In output the SOAP response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getOTPListResponse xmlns:ns2="">
            <type>OTP GENERATOR</type>
            <type>OTP PUSH</type>

During the signing process, it is possible to choose between these two idOtps: 501719 (associated with OTP SMS) and the idOTP: 537430 (associated with OTP GENERATOR).

It is not possible to use OTP PUSH, they are used for other purposes, not for signing.

For the signature we can choose two types of idOTP: 501719 or 537430.

Obtain the OTP code

With OTP SMS we can obtain the code using the method "sendOtpBySMS" like in this SOAP request:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

If everything is ok, in output response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:sendOtpBySMSResponse xmlns:ns2=""/>

On your mobile phone, you will receive an SMS containing the OTP code (composed of 6 numbers) for signature. Now, for example, we have received the code: “214196”.

While with OTP App and Token you don't require the method of SWS because you can read the OTP code on Token display or on your smartphone display (if you are using the App).

Manage the sessionKey

Below will be describe the SOAP request example for obtain the sessionKey, check if the sessionKey is valid and destroy the sessionKey

Obtain the sessionKey

Below the SOAP request example for create the openSession:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 

In output will obtain the value of sessionKey which will be used for the signature:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:openSessionResponse xmlns:ns2="">	

The sessionKey just obtained is valid for three minutes (it is not possible to edit this value!). After it expires, you will need to generate another sessionKey using openSession method and new OTP code (it is not possible to use the same OTP already in use).

Check the sessionKey status

Below the SOAP request example for check the sessionKey status:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 
				f4lf7bq/cCxW6mTgL3iGjFEST5cEAZjgLnXvV3hUFzFHcTvjlH3FOkJy+kv/0Zsv1				uNK0S7L6jMqHYSspBz+CZl7h3r5IEP2FqrK7WJQTVyrNfyr/trZmDgxYOLuACyoZVUFIlnck5Lkjihui					sv+gZeB68Spwm+cNDdQQdUS3ngzJavHXxo9ADCX6VDIKKMe/AY0v+R51XWE90JF5LfKEThlv1OCpQC5nhnW8WKOFOm						P4vM90d79JhFYGVVSZWtnTQ9Dg8pOMvg9wwxNm3uGkKKaS7oTp1ewd+eCG/uSC9k3H2w9GB6vQLHQEbn6d						VVMcsIqJ0RMmZ2IgraD+scb4Q==

The SOAP response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getRemainingTimeForSessionResponse xmlns:ns2="">

Where 167 is the seconds until the session is active. After 180 seconds from creation, the session will be automatically deleted, but for good practice, close the session before it expires.

You can destroy the session manually before it expires with the method closeSession.

Destroy the sessionKey

Below the example of SOAP request for destroy the session:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">
<sessionKey>f4lf7bq/cCxW6mTgL3iGjFEST5cEAZjgLnXvV3hUFzFHcTvjlH3FOkJy+kv/0Zsv1uNK0S7L6jMqHYSspBz+CZl7h3r5IEP2FqrK7WJQTVyrNfyr/trZmDgxYOLuACyoZVUFIlnck5Lkjihuisv+gZeB68Spwm+cNDdQQdUS3ngzJavHXxo9ADCX6VDIKKMe/AY0v+R51XWE90JF5LfKEThlv1OCpQC5nhnW8WKOFOm P4vM90d79JhFYGVVSZWtnTQ9Dg8pOMvg9wwxNm3uGkKKaS7oTp1ewd+eCG/uSC9k3H2w9GB6vQLHQEbn6dVVMcsIqJ0RMmZ2IgraD+scb4Q==

The SOAP response will be ever like this:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
		<ns2:closeSessionResponse xmlns:ns2=""/>


The credentials object for automatic signature is composed like in this example:


With remote signature if you don't use the sessionKey the object Credentials will be:


While if you are using the sessionKey the object Credentials will be:

<sessionKey>f4lf7bq/cCxW6mTgL3iGjFEST5cEAZjgLnXvV3hUFzFHcTvjlH3FOkJy+kv/0Zsv1uNK0S7L6jMqHYSspBz+CZl7h3r5IEP2FqrK7WJQTVyrNfyr/trZmDgxYOLuACyoZVUFIlnck5Lkjihuisv+gZeB68Spwm+cNDdQQdUS3ngzJavHXxo9ADCX6VDIKKMe/AY0v+R51XWE90JF5LfKEThlv1OCpQC5nhnW8WKOFOm P4vM90d79JhFYGVVSZWtnTQ9Dg8pOMvg9wwxNm3uGkKKaS7oTp1ewd+eCG/uSC9k3H2w9GB6vQLHQEbn6dVVMcsIqJ0RMmZ2IgraD+scb4Q==

Methods for sign

Below will be described the SOAP request example for every type of signature:

  • Pades
  • Cades
  • Xades


The SOAP request for create Pades signature:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">
				<signerName>Name of Signer</signerName>

At this link is possible to see the full example (with file to sign and logo image) of signature Pades with appereance.


The SOAP request for create Cades signature:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

In this example the buffer to sign is "txt" files.

The SOAP response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

SignCades Detached

If you want make the Cades detached signature, SWS not require all files to sign, but only the hash. The tag "buffer" will be the hash of the file.

For example if we want the cades detached signature of this PDF the procedure is:

1) Calculate the hash of this file, for example with the openssl:

openssl dgst -sha256 -binary FILE_TO_BE_SIGN | openssl enc -a

And in output will obtain the hash to sign, will be:

HASH TO SIGN = msj3f4hJCSELbMkWjkFwNrf0XhkebTnAKaKhx4686DY=

2) Now can execute the method signCades, using the field "cadesPreferences.detached=true":

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The SOAP response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

In the tag "return" there is the cades detached signature, you MUST decode the content of this tag and will obtain this file: Cades_detached_PDF_SampleHelloWorld.p7s

3) Finally we have the cades detached signature and we ready to verify the signature at this link:

  • field "signed file" → upload the detached signature
  • field "original file" → upload the file "FILE_TO_BE_SIGN"

And the output will be:


The SOAP request for create Xades signature:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The SOAP response will be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:signCAdESResponse xmlns:ns2="">

Below is the example of Xades Signature Level B:


Below, there is an example of Xades using the preferences:

  • signElement
  • signatureId

We sign the XML parts with "Id=tagToSign" specified on Soap request by:


And we set the id of the digital signature to:


The full example:



The SOAP request for create raw signature (PKCS1):

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The SOAP response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:signPkcs1Response xmlns:ns2="">

Manage signer device

In this section you can find the example of SOAP request associated to the information about signer device, timestamp, errors

Method change password on automatic/eseal signature

Below an example of change password on automatic signer device (AHIP22021318589386):

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

After this execution, the password/PIN of the device signature will be changed from "13572468" (old password) to "NEWPASSWORD123".

Method change password on remote signature

Below an example of change password on remote signer device (RHI3644468199007):

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

After this execution the password/PIN of the device signature will be changed from "847291742" (old password) to "NEWPASSWORD123".

Method getCertificate

Below the SOAP request example for obtain the certificate associate to signer device: "SHI7493852568871"

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The SOAP response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getCertificateResponse xmlns:ns2="">

In the tag "return" there is the base64 associated to the signer device.

Method getAvailableSignatures

Below the SOAP request example for obtain the certificate associate to signer device: "SHI7493852568871"

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The SOAP response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getAvailableSignaturesResponse xmlns:ns2="">

In the tag "return" there is the number of signatures available.

Method getSignatures

Below the SOAP request example for obtain the certificate associate to signer device: "SHI7493852568871"

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The SOAP response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getSignaturesResponse xmlns:ns2="">

In the tag "return" there is the number of signatures apposed since the device has been created.

Manage errors in SWS

In this section will be described how manage the errors in SWS and obtain the info about errors.

If the SOAP request is not correct in output will obtain the SOAP response with this structure:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
         <faultstring>Codice OTP errato, riprovare con il prossimo codice</faultstring>
            <ns2:WSException xmlns:ns2="">
               <message>Codice OTP errato, riprovare con il prossimo codice</message>

This SOAP response contains:

  • error code = 44
  • error message = "Codice OTP errato, riprovare con il prossimo codice"

By default SOAP response on SWS contains the error message  in italian, but is possible to obtain the error message in other different languages using the method "getErrors".

Method getErrors

This method permits to obtain the list of all errors in a specified language or all languages.

For example if we want obtain the list of all errors in english language the SOAP request will be:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

 In output will obtain a list of all errors in a specified language:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getErrorsResponse xmlns:ns2="">
            <errorText>No errors found</errorText>
            <errorText>Generic error</errorText>
            <errorText>The OTP device was not activated</errorText>
            <errorText>Unavailable attempts for the OTP device</errorText>
            <errorText>The OTP device was not associated to the holder</errorText>

With this method is possible to obtain the description associated to a specified error code (in this example 44). Below the example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The SOAP response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getErrorsResponse xmlns:ns2="">
            <errorText>Wrong OTP code, try again with the next code</errorText>

Methods for timestamp

Below the SOAP request for apply timestamp and get the timestamps available

Apply timestamp

Below an example of SOAP request for apply timestamp. In output will have the timestamp in TSD format

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

In output will obtain the TSD.


The TSA-URL for PROD environment is:

While the TSA-URL for TEST environment is:

Method getAvailableTimestamps

This method permits to obtain the timestamp available. Below an example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The SOAP response will contain the number of timestamp available associate to TSA-USERNAME.

NOTE: if you are checking the PROD TSA account the timestampURL will be:

Methods for utilities

Below the utilitiest to extraxt info about file

Method getAllSignatureFieldsWithPreferences

This method permits to obtain the extract all info about signature fields of a PDF document available. Below an example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getAllSignatureFieldsWithPreferencesResponse xmlns:ns2="">
               <name>DEMO NOME DEMO COGNOME</name>
               <reason>prova nuovo metodo</reason>

Method getAvailableSignatureFields

This method permits to obtain the extract all info about signature fields of a PDF document available. Below an example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

The response will be:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <ns2:getAvailableSignatureFieldsResponse xmlns:ns2="">

For example, you can test this request using this pdf

Examples (source code)

Below will find the links contains the source code with examples.


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