Address Book

Here you can manage your personal address book. You can add new contacts manually or import them via CSV. Moreover you can filter the list (see highlighted filter in screenshot) and easily modify or remove a contact.


  1. Add new contact
  2. Sort the list
  3. Actions

Adding new contacts one-by-one

Adding new contacts using a CSV file

The import CSV should have the following parameter, where the first line is required as column identifier:

first name, last name, e-mail address, primary phone, business address, company 
Bob, Xyzmo, bob@xyzmo.mail, +55123551255, Companycenter 1, Namirial 1 Charly, Xyzmo, charly@xyzmo.mail, +55123551255, Companycenter 2, Namirial2

Field Usage

TitleCurrently used only as reference in the address book page.
First NameUsed when adding a recipient based on an address book entry
Last NameUsed when adding a recipient based on an address book entry
EmailUsed when adding a recipient based on an address book entry
AddressCurrently used only as additional information in the address book.
CompanyCurrently used only as information in the address book, to keep evidence in which context a user was added.
LanguageUsed as recipient language (e.g. for sending emails,...) when selecting the recipient from the address book.
Ignored when the recipient has his own user account on the eSignAnyWhere instance.
Mobile PhoneUsed as recipient phone number when selecting the recipient from the address book

Using contacts from the Address Book

Contacts entered in the address book are used as one of the data sources for auto-completion, and presented in the contacts dialog, when selecting recipients in the Envelope Creator - Recipients Page.