Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 21.31

Date: October 2021

titleOAuth2 for signer and user authentication

You can now also configure JWT for the OAuth2 authentication for user authentication and signer authentication. For more information please see the How to configure OAuth2 authentication. For OAuth2 samples please see this guide. In this guide is also a ID Austria sample with JWT documented.

titleSupport for document browsing on STU520/530/540 and NT5010

Document browsing is now also supported for the devices listed above. Please note that the feature is disabled per default but can be configured either in the SAW viewer global.xml or in the customization service.


Code Block
 <!-- Defines whether or not to enable document view on some specific compatible signature pads (e.g Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010 or some StepOver devices)
           'useDocViewMonitor': defines whether or not to use a 'doc view monitor' upon using specific compatible devices (e.g. Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010) -->
      <DocViewModeEnabled useDocViewMonitor="1">0</DocViewModeEnabled>

Customization Service:

Code Block
  <!--Defines whether or not to enable document view on some specific compatible signature pads (e.g Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010 or some StepOver devices)-->

   <variable category="global/SignificantDriverConfiguration" comment="Defines whether or not to enable document view on some specific compatible signature pads (e.g Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010 or some StepOver devices)" value="0" name="DocViewModeEnabled"/>

   <!--For 'DocViewModeEnabled': defines whether or not to use a 'doc view monitor' upon using specific compatible devices (e.g. Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010)-->

   <variable category="global/SignificantDriverConfiguration" comment="For 'DocViewModeEnabled': defines whether or not to use a 'doc view monitor' upon using specific compatible devices (e.g. Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010)" value="1" name="UseDocViewMonitor"/>


titleUse external signature image


This is a non-default feature of eSignAnyWhere. If you are interested in this optional feature please contact us. The feature flag "ExternalSignatureImage" is necessary.

This feature allows signers to upload their picture (custom signature picture) and add it as additional graphics to the stamp imprint. Furthermore signers can store the signature image within a gallery for later usage.


Please note the following supported signature types:

  • Click2Sign
  • Draw2Sign
  • Type2Sign
  • Otp-Signature
  • Local Certificate
  • Namirial Remote Certificate
  • Namirial Remote Disposable Certificate

The external signature image can be configured as optional, required or disabled.

UI configuration

On the designer page you can select the "Custom Signature Picture" for the signature field to allow external signature pictures. Please see the next figure:

Before the signer can then use the external signature image, the Local Signature Image Stamp /Gallery must be enabled (can be found in the SawViewer in the settings). Please see the next figure:

If the sender allows the external signature image and the settings in the SawViewer are enabled the signer can see the following configurations:


  1. Upload an image
  2. Store an image

Note: The Draw2Sign signature includes a new toggle to switch between drawing the signature and inserting the signature image.


Image gallery

Allows uploading & removing uploaded signature images.

In case the workstep contains a signature image provided by eSignAnyWhere, this will also show up here.

API configuration

To allow external signature images please add the following key value pair to the additional parameters:

Code Block
                    "Key": "useExternalSignatureImage",
                    "Value": "Optional"

You can also find a complete configuration in the next collapse:

titleComplete configuration

Code Block
  "SspFileIds": [
  "SendEnvelopeDescription": {

  "Name": "test",
  "EmailSubject": "Please sign the enclosed envelope",
  "EmailBody": "Dear #RecipientFirstName# #RecipientLastName#\n\n#PersonalMessage#\n\nPlease sign the envelope #EnvelopeName#\n\nEnvelope will expire at #ExpirationDate#",
  "DisplayedEmailSender": "",
  "EnableReminders": true,
  "FirstReminderDayAmount": 5,
  "RecurrentReminderDayAmount": 3,
  "BeforeExpirationDayAmount": 3,
  "ExpirationInSecondsAfterSending": 2419200,
  "CallbackUrl": "",
  "StatusUpdateCallbackUrl": "",
  "LockFormFieldsAtEnvelopeFinish": false,
  "Steps": [
      "OrderIndex": 1,
      "Recipients": [
          "Email": "##EMail##",
          "FirstName": "##Name##",
          "LastName": "##Name##",
          "LanguageCode": "en",
          "EmailBodyExtra": "",
          "DisableEmail": false,
          "AddAndroidAppLink": false,
          "AddIosAppLink": false,
          "AddWindowsAppLink": false,
          "AllowDelegation": true,
          "AllowAccessFinishedWorkstep": false,
          "SkipExternalDataValidation": false,
          "AuthenticationMethods": [],
          "IdentificationMethods": []
      "EmailBodyExtra": "",
      "RecipientType": "Signer",
      "WorkstepConfiguration": {
        "WorkstepLabel": "test",
        "SmallTextZoomFactorPercent": 100,
        "FinishAction": {
          "ServerActions": [],
          "ClientActions": []
        "ReceiverInformation": {
          "UserInformation": {
            "FirstName": "##Name##",
            "LastName": "##Name##",
            "EMail": "##EMail##"
          "TransactionCodePushPluginData": []
        "SenderInformation": {
          "UserInformation": {
            "FirstName": "##Name##",
            "LastName": "##Name##",
            "EMail": "##EMail##"
        "TransactionCodeConfigurations": [],
        "SignatureConfigurations": [],
        "ViewerPreferences": {
          "FinishWorkstepOnOpen": false,
          "VisibleAreaOptions": {
            "AllowedDomain": "",
            "Enabled": false
        "ResourceUris": {
        "AuditingToolsConfiguration": {
          "WriteAuditTrail": true
        "Policy": {
          "GeneralPolicies": {
            "AllowSaveDocument": true,
            "AllowSaveAuditTrail": true,
            "AllowRotatingPages": false,
            "AllowAppendFileToWorkstep": false,
            "AllowAppendTaskToWorkstep": false,
            "AllowEmailDocument": true,
            "AllowPrintDocument": true,
            "AllowFinishWorkstep": true,
            "AllowRejectWorkstep": true,
            "AllowRejectWorkstepDelegation": true,
            "AllowUndoLastAction": true,
            "AllowColorizePdfForms": false,
            "AllowAdhocPdfAttachments": false,
            "AllowAdhocSignatures": false,
            "AllowAdhocStampings": false,
            "AllowAdhocFreeHandAnnotations": false,
            "AllowAdhocTypewriterAnnotations": false,
            "AllowAdhocPictureAnnotations": false,
            "AllowAdhocPdfPageAppending": false,
            "AllowReloadOfFinishedWorkstep": true
          "WorkstepTasks": {
            "PictureAnnotationMinResolution": 0,
            "PictureAnnotationMaxResolution": 0,
            "PictureAnnotationColorDepth": "Color16M",
            "SequenceMode": "NoSequenceEnforced",
            "PositionUnits": "PdfUnits",
            "ReferenceCorner": "Lower_Left",
            "Tasks": [
                "Texts": [
                    "Language": "en",
                    "Value": "Signature Disclosure Text"
                    "Language": "*",
                    "Value": "Signature Disclosure Text"
                "Headings": [
                    "Language": "en",
                    "Value": "Signature Disclosure Subject"
                    "Language": "*",
                    "Value": "Signature Disclosure Subject"
                "IsRequired": false,
                "Id": "ra",
                "DisplayName": "ra",
                "DocRefNumber": 1,
                "DiscriminatorType": "Agreements"
                "PositionPage": 1,
                "Position": {
                  "PositionX": 48.0,
                  "PositionY": 594.0
                "Size": {
                  "Height": 80.0,
                  "Width": 190.0
                "AdditionalParameters": [
                    "Key": "enabled",
                    "Value": "1"
                    "Key": "enabled",
                    "Value": "1"
                    "Key": "useExternalSignatureImage",
                    "Value": "Optional"
                    "Key": "req",
                    "Value": "1"
                    "Key": "fd",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Key": "fd_dateformat",
                    "Value": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
                    "Key": "fd_timezone",
                    "Value": "datetimeutc"
                "AllowedSignatureTypes": [
                    "AllowedCapturingMethod": "Draw2Sign",
                    "Id": "eaf4f1e8-0e72-4ac2-8385-2be7bc1b0e11",
                    "DiscriminatorType": "SigTypeDraw2Sign",
                    "Preferred": false,
                    "StampImprintConfiguration": {
                      "DisplayExtraInformation": true,
                      "DisplayEmail": true,
                      "DisplayIp": true,
                      "DisplayName": true,
                      "DisplaySignatureDate": true,
                      "FontFamily": "Times New Roman",
                      "FontSize": 11.0,
                      "OverrideLegacyStampImprint": false,
                      "DisplayTransactionId": true,
                      "DisplayTransaktionToken": true,
                      "DisplayPhoneNumber": true,
                    "SignaturePluginConfigurationId": "ltaLevelId"
                "UseTimestamp": false,
                "IsRequired": true,
                "Id": "1#XyzmoDuplicateIdSeperator#Signature_45434d7f-dc19-0f07-d986-be7e5c1936fe",
                "DisplayName": "",
                "DocRefNumber": 1,
                "DiscriminatorType": "Signature"
                "PositionPage": 1,
                "Position": {
                  "PositionX": 56.0,
                  "PositionY": 483.0
                "Size": {
                  "Height": 80.0,
                  "Width": 190.0
                "AdditionalParameters": [
                    "Key": "enabled",
                    "Value": "1"
                    "Key": "completed",
                    "Value": "0"
                    "Key": "req",
                    "Value": "1"
                    "Key": "fd",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Key": "fd_dateformat",
                    "Value": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
                    "Key": "fd_timezone",
                    "Value": "datetimeutc"
                "AllowedSignatureTypes": [
                    "AllowedCapturingMethod": "Type2Sign",
                    "Id": "2b07feee-7e6e-4a25-ba90-6f7565912a21",
                    "DiscriminatorType": "SigTypeType2Sign",
                    "Preferred": false,
                    "StampImprintConfiguration": {
                      "DisplayExtraInformation": true,
                      "DisplayEmail": true,
                      "DisplayIp": true,
                      "DisplayName": true,
                      "DisplaySignatureDate": true,
                      "FontFamily": "Times New Roman",
                      "FontSize": 11.0,
                      "OverrideLegacyStampImprint": false,
                      "DisplayTransactionId": true,
                      "DisplayTransaktionToken": true,
                      "DisplayPhoneNumber": true
                    "SignaturePluginConfigurationId": "ltaLevelId"
                "UseTimestamp": false,
                "IsRequired": true,
                "Id": "1#XyzmoDuplicateIdSeperator#Signature_2ed0db4c-9f0a-660b-e4c7-929ead39e4c9",
                "DisplayName": "",
                "DocRefNumber": 1,
                "DiscriminatorType": "Signature"
          "FinalizeActions": {
            "FinalizeActionList": [
                "DocRefNumbers": "*",
                "SpcId": "ltaLevelId",
                "DiscriminatorType": "Timestamp"
        "Navigation": {
          "HyperLinks": [],
          "Links": [],
          "LinkTargets": []
      "DocumentOptions": [
          "DocumentReference": "1",
          "IsHidden": false
      "UseDefaultAgreements": true
      "OrderIndex": 2,
      "Recipients": [
          "Email": "##Email##",
          "FirstName": "##Name##",
          "LastName": "##Name##",
          "LanguageCode": "en",
          "EmailBodyExtra": "",
          "DisableEmail": false,
          "AddAndroidAppLink": false,
          "AddIosAppLink": false,
          "AddWindowsAppLink": false,
          "AllowDelegation": false,
          "SkipExternalDataValidation": false,
          "AuthenticationMethods": [],
          "IdentificationMethods": []
      "EmailBodyExtra": "",
      "RecipientType": "Cc",
      "DocumentOptions": [],
      "UseDefaultAgreements": false
  "AddFormFields": {
    "Forms": {}
  "OverrideFormFieldValues": {
    "Forms": {}
  "AttachSignedDocumentsToEnvelopeLog": false

titleAlternative: SOAP implementation (deprecated)

Code Block
<workstepConfiguration skipThirdPartyChecks="0">
    <WorkstepLabel />
        <ClientAction clientName="SIGNificant WSI" closeApp="0" RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList="0" CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync="1" />
        <ClientAction clientName="SIGNificant SignAnywhere" closeApp="0" RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList="0" CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync="1" />
        <ClientAction clientName="SIGNificant iPadApp" closeApp="0" RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList="0" CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync="1" />
        <ClientAction clientName="SIGNificant AndroidApp" closeApp="0" RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList="0" CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync="1" />
        <ClientAction clientName="SIGNificant Kiosk for Server Platform" closeApp="0" RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList="0" CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync="1" />
        <ClientAction clientName="SIGNificant WindowsApp" closeApp="0" RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList="0" CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync="1" />
        <sig useTimestamp="false" id="click2sign">
            <param name="enabled">1</param>
            <param name="completed">0</param>
            <param name="bio">0</param>
            <param name="sigType">Picture</param>
            <param name="allowedCapturingMethods">Click2Sign</param>
            <param name="useExternalSignatureImage">Optional</param>
            <param name="req" />
            <param name="uid" />
            <param name="fd" />
            <param name="spcId" />
            <param name="reason" />
            <param name="location" />
            <param name="contactInfo" />
            <param name="isPhoneNumberRequired">0</param>
            <param name="trModTypeId" />
            <param name="trConfId" />
            <param name="trValidityInSeconds">60</param>
            <param name="signatureIdInDocument" />
        <sig useTimestamp="false" id="draw2sign">
            <param name="enabled">1</param>
            <param name="completed">0</param>
            <param name="bio">0</param>
            <param name="sigType">Picture</param>
            <param name="allowedCapturingMethods">Draw2Sign</param>
            <param name="useExternalSignatureImage">Optional</param>
            <param name="req" />
            <param name="uid" />
            <param name="fd" />
            <param name="spcId" />
            <param name="reason" />
            <param name="location" />
            <param name="contactInfo" />
            <param name="isPhoneNumberRequired">0</param>
            <param name="trModTypeId" />
            <param name="trConfId" />
            <param name="trValidityInSeconds">60</param>
            <param name="signatureIdInDocument" />
        <sig useTimestamp="false" id="type2sign">
            <param name="enabled">1</param>
            <param name="completed">0</param>
            <param name="bio">0</param>
            <param name="sigType">Picture</param>
            <param name="allowedCapturingMethods">Type2Sign</param>
            <param name="useExternalSignatureImage">Optional</param>
            <param name="req" />
            <param name="uid" />
            <param name="fd" />
            <param name="spcId" />
            <param name="reason" />
            <param name="location" />
            <param name="contactInfo" />
            <param name="isPhoneNumberRequired">0</param>
            <param name="trModTypeId" />
            <param name="trConfId" />
            <param name="trValidityInSeconds">60</param>
            <param name="signatureIdInDocument" />
        <sig useTimestamp="false" id="localcertificate">
            <param name="enabled">1</param>
            <param name="completed">0</param>
            <param name="bio">0</param>
            <param name="sigType">LocalCertificate</param>
            <param name="useExternalSignatureImage">Optional</param>
            <param name="req" />
            <param name="uid" />
            <param name="fd" />
            <param name="spcId" />
            <param name="reason" />
            <param name="location" />
            <param name="contactInfo" />
            <param name="isPhoneNumberRequired">0</param>
            <param name="trModTypeId" />
            <param name="trConfId" />
            <param name="trValidityInSeconds">60</param>
            <param name="signatureIdInDocument" />
        <sig useTimestamp="false" id="remotecertificate">
            <param name="enabled">1</param>
            <param name="completed">0</param>
            <param name="bio">0</param>
            <param name="sigType">TransactionCode</param>
            <param name="trModType">RemoteSignature</param>
            <param name="trRsNamUserId">949741c8</param>
            <param name="isPhoneNumberRequired">0</param>
            <param name="trValidityInSeconds">60</param>
            <param name="useExternalSignatureImage">Optional</param>
            <param name="req" />
            <param name="uid" />
            <param name="fd" />
            <param name="spcId" />
            <param name="reason" />
            <param name="location" />
            <param name="contactInfo" />
            <param name="trModTypeId" />
            <param name="trConfId" />
            <param name="signatureIdInDocument" />
        <sig useTimestamp="false" id="transactioncode">
            <param name="enabled">1</param>
            <param name="completed">0</param>
            <param name="bio">0</param>
            <param name="sigType">TransactionCode</param>
            <param name="trModType">TransactionCodeSenderPlugin</param>
            <param name="phonenumber">+436776214772</param>
            <param name="trValidityInSeconds">15</param>
            <param name="useExternalSignatureImage">Optional</param>
            <param name="isPhoneNumberRequired">1</param>
            <param name="phoneNumber">+436776214772</param>
            <param name="req" />
            <param name="uid" />
            <param name="fd" />
            <param name="spcId" />
            <param name="reason" />
            <param name="location" />
            <param name="contactInfo" />
            <param name="trModTypeId" />
            <param name="trConfId" />
            <param name="signatureIdInDocument" />
        <sig useTimestamp="false" id="disposable">
            <param name="enabled">1</param>
            <param name="completed">0</param>
            <param name="bio">0</param>
            <param name="sigType">TransactionCode</param>
            <param name="spcId">includedss</param>
            <param name="trModType">RemoteSignatureDisposableCertificate</param>
            <param name="isPhoneNumberRequired">0</param>
            <param name="trValidityInSeconds">60</param>
            <param name="trConfId">remoteCertificateSignSmsText</param>
            <param name="useExternalSignatureImage">Optional</param>
            <param name="trConfIdIssueCertificate">disposableCertificateEnrolAndSignSmsText</param>
            <param name="req" />
            <param name="uid" />
            <param name="fd" />
            <param name="reason" />
            <param name="location" />
            <param name="contactInfo" />
            <param name="trModTypeId" />
            <param name="signatureIdInDocument" />
        <trRsDcNamHolderInformation>{"identificationType":"PASSPORT", "identificationCountry": "it", "sex":"m","firstName":"Max","lastName":"Mustermann","birthDate":"20/10/1980","birthCadastralCode":"Z102","countryResidence":"AT","email":"","phoneMobile":"00436646101703","recognitionType":"CI","passport":"FOOBARTEST321","documentIssuedBy":"Some Authority","documentIssuedOn":"01/09/2010","documentExpiryDate":"01/09/2020","documentNumber":"FOOBAR123TEST"}</trRsDcNamHolderInformation>
    <Agreements />
    <pdfForms isEditingAllowed="1" />
    <attachmentFields />
    <TypewriterAnnotationTaskInfo />
        <SendVisibleArea allowedDomain="*">0</SendVisibleArea>
    <Policy version="">
        <WorkstepTasks SequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks">
            <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="click2sign" displayName="click2sign" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1#1" allRequiredFieldsFilledOnWorkstepCreation="0" />
            <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="draw2sign" displayName="draw2sign" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1#1" allRequiredFieldsFilledOnWorkstepCreation="0" />
            <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="type2sign" displayName="type2sign" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1#1" allRequiredFieldsFilledOnWorkstepCreation="0" />
            <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="localcertificate" displayName="localcertificate" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1#1" allRequiredFieldsFilledOnWorkstepCreation="0" />
            <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="remotecertificate" displayName="remotecertificate" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1#1" allRequiredFieldsFilledOnWorkstepCreation="0" />
            <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="transactioncode" displayName="transactioncode" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1#1" allRequiredFieldsFilledOnWorkstepCreation="0" />
            <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="disposable" displayName="disposable" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1#1" allRequiredFieldsFilledOnWorkstepCreation="0" />
        <completedActions />
        <TaskTransactionIds />
            <ValidateSigningCertificateName regex="(?<LastName>.*) (?<FirstName>.*)">0</ValidateSigningCertificateName>
                <Password />
                <Uri />
                <UserName />
                <Identifier />
    <signaturePluginConfiguration spcId="includedss">
            <ValidateSigningCertificateName regex="(?<LastName>.*) (?<FirstName>.*)">0</ValidateSigningCertificateName>
                <Password />
                <Uri />
                <UserName />
                <Identifier />
    <AuditingToolsConfiguration WriteAuditTrail="1">
        <NotificationConfiguration />
        <TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId="">
            <Message>Please sign the document with the transactionId {tId} with the code: ### {Token}</Message>
        <TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId="disposableCertificateEnrolAndSignSmsText">
            <Message>Please confirm the issuance of your disposable certificate and signature with the OTP (transactionId '{tId}'): </Message>
        <TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId="remoteCertificateSignSmsText">
            <Message>Please sign the document with the transactionId {tId} using the code: </Message>

titleKeyboard Usability

All dialogs support now keyboard usability.


Please note that the actual functionality of the keypress depends on the context of the dialog!

"ESC" keypress

  • closes the dialog
  • stops additional tasks if required

"Enter" keypress

  • activates the primary button, when no other action is required in the dialog
    • e.g. "Finish" dialog

"Tab" keypress

  • to navigate to the next element

For more information about the keyboard usability and about other aspects of the accessibility please see this guide.

titleGeneric Signing Plugin extensions

The generic signing plugin is now also available for short time certificates (one time, one shot,  disposable etc.).

For more information about the generic signing plugin please see the release notes 21.16. For detailed information about the REST configuration of the generic signing plugin please see this guide.

titleBreaking changes in API (Phone number format validation)

With eSAW 21.31 we introduced, as part of a bugfix, a more strict phone number validation. For example: SMS-OTP authentication, the phone number must be provided in international format (+xxyyyyyyyyyyy) where +xx is the country prefix, and yyyy is the phone number inclusive carrier prefix (different length of country prefix and phone number are supported). The  use of phone numbers without country prefix - which did not return an error via REST Api, but did not lead to successful delivery in many cases - cannot be supported any longer as it was not determined which country is used.





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 20.42

Date: October 2020

titleGeneric Signing Plugin

This plugin provides a generic way of integrating external (remote) signatures. Please see the following supported features:

  • Signing types (defined by the plugin implementation)
    • User signing
    • Batch signing
    • Automatic signing
  • Authentication
    • Using dynamic data fields
      • Types: Text, Phone number, Number, List (dropdown), Email, Password
    • Using external system (redirection to external URI)
    • Using external app (e.g. push notification) + callback receiver
  • Signing method
    • Hash signing only via the plugin
    • Hash signing only via the default SSP integration

For more information about the configuration in the UI please have a look at the Electronic Signature Guide, the Signer Guide and the User Guide.
For more information about the configuration with REST API please have a look at the Beginner Guide. There you can find a sample configuration.

titleAPI Token

Previously the API authorization consisted of two parameters (OrganizationKey and UserLoginName). This has been reduced to a single parameter; an API Token. This token is individual for each user and can be created/updated/disabled/deleted on a new Page (ApiToken/Index->My Tokens). A user can have multiple API Tokens that allow a more granular usage of them. For example one token for integration A and another token for integration B.

Note: If a token is deleted it can not be recreated with the same token value.

Two possibilities for authentication:

  1. Using the new API Token header (REST) or the API Token XML node (SOAP). Here
    only the API token is a valid value.
  2. Use the OrganizationKey and the userLoginName for the authentication

For more information about the

titleAdditional Identification Type (Disposable Certificate)

You can now also use the driving license as an identification type. This new identification
type is available in the UI as well as in the API.

For more information about the disposable certificate please also have a look at the Beginner Guide.

titlePerformance Improvements
We improved again the performance of our solution to provide you an excellent user experience.

titleSOAP deprecation information
We declared SOAP as deprecated and therefore SOAP will not be included in versions after 21.76 (already postponed by one year, initially the 20.76 was announced). Latest release including SOAP API for eSAW will be 21.76, released in spring 2022 and with the software maintenance on 21.76 until spring 2024.
Therefore, we recommend REST technology for integration. Please see also the migration guide.

titleBulk signing assistant

The bulk signing assistant is a feature that allows you to sign multiple documents with one click.

Note: The bulk signing assistant (eBSA) currently does not support the full set of features of eSignAnyWhere envelopes and signature methods. It is limited to

  • Envelopes without authentication
  • Envelopes that use Click2Sign as the only signature variant
  • Only envelopes that do not require confirming an agreements dialog (Terms&Conditions) first

Please see also this guide: Bulk signing assistant
