Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.





This page shows the features with the respective versions. For detailed information about LTS (Long-Term-Support) please have a look at: eSignAnyWhere Release Policy
Current LTS version: 21.76

Explanation of Feature Release and LTS Release:

Feature Release: New functionality, lower priority fixes

Long-Term-Support-Release (LTS): 2 years of guaranteed hotfixes for critical bugs and Critical/High security findings.



Image Added


Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 22.28

Date: July 2022

Beside, focusing on stabilizing and improving existing features to make them even better to use, following new features are available with this version:

titleLean disposable validity (30 days)

It is now possible to choose between the following validity times for disposable certificate:

  • Regular disposable
  • Lean disposable with validity of 60 min
  • Lean disposable with validity of 30 days

It is possible to either change the validity in the web UI:

Image Added

or it can be changed in the _global.xml (for more information please have a look at the RemoteSignaturePlugin - restricted access).

Code Block
<!-- Defines the type for disposable certificate (Overridden by customization service) -->
<DisposableType values="Disposable;LeanDisposable;LeanDisposableExtendedValidity">Disposable</DisposableType>

titleComplexity check for DrawToSign

A complexity check is now available for the signature type Draw2Sign. Please see the following sample configuration ( for a complexity check:

Code Block
          <!--Minimum count/amount of packets for a signature. Default is empty value or 0 => All signatures are accepted in terms of length-->
          <variable name="SignatureComplexity_Draw2Sign_MinimumPackets" value="0" comment="Minimum count/amount of packets for a signature. Default is empty value or 0 => All signatures are accepted in terms of length" category="global/ViewerPreferences/SignatureComplexityChecks/Draw2Sign/MinimumPackets" />
          <!--Minimum time in milliseconds for a signature. Default is empty value or 0 => All signatures are accepted in terms of duration-->
          <variable name="SignatureComplexity_Draw2Sign_MinimumTimeInMs" value="0" comment="Minimum time in milliseconds for a signature. Default is empty value or 0 => All signatures are accepted in terms of duration" category="global/ViewerPreferences/SignatureComplexityChecks/Draw2Sign/MinimumTimeInMs" />

Please note that in the given configuration all signatures are allowed without checking time and packets.




LTS Release

eSignAnyWhere 21.76 ("22 LTS")

Date: May 2022

LTS version based on the feature release version 21.52.





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 21.52

Date: February 2022

The focus of this release is on stabilizing and improving existing features to make them even better to use. Please see all improvements in the following overview:

titleOAuth2 improvements
  • It is now allowed to have multiple identity providers in use for a single recipient. Please note that this is only allowed if the providers have a completely identical set of update rules.
  • Nested JSON in JWT are now also accepted by the OAuth2 checks.
  • The separation is now more visible between the OAuth2 Authorization Providers and the OAuth2 Identity Providers. In detail:
    • In the OAuth2 Authorization Providers list you will now only find OAuth2 providers with just validation rules
    • In the OAuth2 Identity Providers list you will now only find OAuth2 providers with at least one update rule
  • Stabilization of OAuth2
    • Stabilization of the OAuth2 provider authentication via api.
    • The template which was created from an envelope with OAuth2 configuration now also includes the OAuth2 configuration from the original envelope.

For more information about the OAuth2 configuration please have a look at the OAuth2 guide and for samples please also see the OAuth2 sample guide.

titleAudit Trail improvements
  • Additionally to the hash of the finished envelope you can now also find the hash of the initial document in the audit trail
  • The audit trail now also contains the eSAW version information
  • The audit trail sealing now considers PAdES signature level.
  • Stabilization of the audit trail
    • You can now find information about the OAuth2 authentication in the audit trail.
    • Timezone formatting issue fixed.
    • Chinese characters are now supported to be displayed correctly in the audit trail.

For more information about the audit trail please see the electronic signature guide.

titleField markup handling improvement

There will no longer appear exceptions if a document is uploaded with predefined syntax which do not meet the requirements. Instead you will get the following warning:

You can either proceed with the uploaded document or cancel the upload.

For more information about the field markup handling in general please see the following guide: Field markup




Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 21.31

Date: October 2021

titleOAuth2 for signer and user authentication

You can now also configure JWT for the OAuth2 authentication for user authentication and signer authentication. For more information please see the How to configure OAuth2 authentication. For OAuth2 samples please see this guide. In this guide is also a ID Austria sample with JWT documented.

titleSupport for document browsing on STU520/530/540 and NT5010

Document browsing is now also supported for the devices listed above. Please note that the feature is disabled per default but can be configured either in the SAW viewer global.xml or in the customization service.


Code Block
 <!-- Defines whether or not to enable document view on some specific compatible signature pads (e.g Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010 or some StepOver devices)
           'useDocViewMonitor': defines whether or not to use a 'doc view monitor' upon using specific compatible devices (e.g. Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010) -->
      <DocViewModeEnabled useDocViewMonitor="1">0</DocViewModeEnabled>

Customization Service:

Code Block
  <!--Defines whether or not to enable document view on some specific compatible signature pads (e.g Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010 or some StepOver devices)-->

   <variable category="global/SignificantDriverConfiguration" comment="Defines whether or not to enable document view on some specific compatible signature pads (e.g Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010 or some StepOver devices)" value="0" name="DocViewModeEnabled"/>

   <!--For 'DocViewModeEnabled': defines whether or not to use a 'doc view monitor' upon using specific compatible devices (e.g. Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010)-->

   <variable category="global/SignificantDriverConfiguration" comment="For 'DocViewModeEnabled': defines whether or not to use a 'doc view monitor' upon using specific compatible devices (e.g. Wacom STU 520/530/540, NT5010)" value="1" name="UseDocViewMonitor"/>


titleUse external signature image

This feature allows signers to upload their picture (custom signature picture) and add it as additional graphics to the stamp imprint. Furthermore signers can store the signature image within a gallery for later usage. For more information please see the following documentation: Use external signature image

titleKeyboard Usability

All dialogs support now keyboard usability.


Please note that the actual functionality of the keypress depends on the context of the dialog!

"ESC" keypress

  • closes the dialog
  • stops additional tasks if required

"Enter" keypress

  • activates the primary button, when no other action is required in the dialog
    • e.g. "Finish" dialog

"Tab" keypress

  • to navigate to the next element

For more information about the keyboard usability and about other aspects of the accessibility please see this guide.

titleGeneric Signing Plugin extensions

The generic signing plugin is now also available for short time certificates (one time, one shot,  disposable etc.).

For more information about the generic signing plugin please see the release notes 21.16. For detailed information about the REST configuration of the generic signing plugin please see this guide.

titleBreaking changes in API (Phone number format validation)

With eSAW 21.31 we introduced, as part of a bugfix, a more strict phone number validation. For example: SMS-OTP authentication, the phone number must be provided in international format (+xxyyyyyyyyyyy) where +xx is the country prefix, and yyyy is the phone number inclusive carrier prefix (different length of country prefix and phone number are supported). The  use of phone numbers without country prefix - which did not return an error via REST Api, but did not lead to successful delivery in many cases - cannot be supported any longer as it was not determined which country is used.





Documentation change

Date: August 2021

titleDetailed information about Metadata and AdditionalClientWorkstepInformation
The documentation about metadata and the AdditionalClientWorkstepInformation has been updated in the following guide: Beginner Guide




Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 21.27

In preparation

Date: Expected 24 August 2021

titlePerformance optimizations

We improved again the performance of our solution to provide you an excellent user experience.

titleIdentity settings providers

The identity settings providers moved to a separate configuration page. Those settings can now be found in Settings → Identity Providers. Please also see the next figure:

titleSwissCom OnDemand Certificate UI

The SwissCom OnDemand Certificate is now also available in the UI. You can find the settings for the SwissCom OnDemand Certificate in Settings → Organization.

The settings for the recipient can be found on the create envelope page. There you have to fill in the mobile phone number, the country of residence and the organization (optional).

After these configurations you can use the SwissCom OnDemand Certificate as signature field in the UI:

Moreover, you can create a SwissCom OnDemand certificate signature field with Advanced Document Tags.

Just add the following code to your document to place a SwissCom OnDemand certificate signature:

[[!sigField1:signer1:signature(sigType="SwissComOnDemandCertificate"):label("some label"):size(width=150,height=60)]]

For general information about the advanced document tags please see: Use Text Placeholders Advanced Document Tags to insert Form Elements or Signature Fields

titleRenaming of "Acknowledge" recipients to "Must view" recipients

The recipient who has to view the document was renamed to "Must view" recipient instead of "Acknowledge" recipient. For example:





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 21.16

Date: April 2021


Please note: For detailed information about the 21.16 features please also see this release notes document.

titleEnvelope Expiration

The feature implementation change of envelope expiry allows to specify absolute expiration timestamps (date and time), beside relative expiration date. For the relative expiration date, it allows specifying days, hours and minutes instead of just days. An expiration of less than one day is now supported. This enables senders of an envelope to set the exact expiration timestamp of an envelope, e.g. for offers valid just till an exact time like midnight.

titleCustomization of localizations
Organization administrators can now customize localization (especially text translations) per organization. It enables a higher level of customization and more adjustments of the SignAnyWhere Viewer (Signer Front-End). The front-end can now be adjusted to the company’s common wording.

titleSigning certificate filter
The organization administrator can now define filters on intended-use of certificates, for envelopes containing local certificate (SmartCard) signing experience. With that filter configured, the list of selectable certificates can be restricted to the certificates relevant on a local market (e.g. if a local signature smartcard contains two or more certificates for different purposes, like signing and identification).

titleRemove REST API v1 and v2

With release 20.14 a year ago, the REST API Versions /v1 and /v2 have been marked as obsolete/deprecated and a migration guide has been published. With the 21.16 release, those versions have been removed:

• /api/v1 (also accessible via /api/v1.0)
• /api/v2 (also accessible via /api/v2.0)

The REST migration guide, which contains also some more information about the different API versions and in particular about the differences from version 1.0 or 2.0 to newer versions, is available here:

Migration Guide

Please mind that the guide describes the migration to v4, but similar functionality will also be applicable for a migration to /v5. The swagger documentation, which is our REST API reference documentation, is available here:

titleMetaData for templates

When storing signed documents in a document management system (DMS), a tagging of the document(s) is common and mandatory to find the document again. While eSignAnyWhere already supported providing metadata in API integrations, older versions allowed the sender via WebUI to specify just one free-text metadata field with the recommendation to put an XML structure into it. Since 20.52, it is possible to integrate custom tagging implementations, which consider structures and allowed values predefined in a DMS. It allows organization admins to define a custom page, being presented to the sender before sending an envelope for signing.

The UI of a metadata tagging form (or other before-send redirect page) can be aligned to the eSAW UI look and feel, or be aligned e.g. with your DMS. Consequently, the new change now allows defining metadata in templates. This can be used to set defaults, which are considered in a custom tagging page when a template was used to create the draft. Beside DMS tagging, metadata can be used also to define other values necessary for post-processing by a callback handler. Any additional information/description can be added into the metadata section of an envelope.

titleMerging a draft's bulk recipient list with template
A new dialog will let you choose between bulk recipients added in an envelope draft and bulk recipient list defined in a template. For example: If you add a template with a bulk to an envelope which already has a bulk included you will be asked if you want to continue with the bulk from the template or with the bulk from the envelope. This will help you with the process flow of bulk sending as you can now differentiate between the bulks of different envelopes.

titleStamp Imprint
With custom signature rendering layout configuration (stamp imprint configuration), an organization administrator can define how the stamp imprint on the signature image looks like (e.g. fonts, elements, layout etc). The new functionality allows to set organization wide background images (e.g. company logos) or define specific fonts for text added to the stamp imprint. While it has no impact on the legal levels of signatures (in EU, defined by eIDAS), a customer specific stamp imprint representation can create higher subjective trust and contract awareness of your customers.

titleUI clean up: Hide non-accessible features
This feature clears up ambiguities in the UI. Only those features are displayed which are actually possible with the given settings. Non-accessible features will be hidden to optimize the UI experience.

titleGeneric Signing Pluging Improvements
The “Generic Signing Plugin” (GSP) allows implementation of custom 3rd party signature creation implementations (HSM based, web service based, etc). It is typically used to integrate external CAs into eSignAnyWhere. A GSP based implementation of a 3rd party CA is available for envelopes created via eSAW API or via eSAW WebUI. New features and improvements allow wider usage of the GSP.





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 20.52

Date: December 2020

titleDraft API calls for addtitional integration scenarios
You can now create, update and send a draft via API. Therefore, with the new API calls you can prepare an envelope and send it at any time. Before sending you can also update the draft if some configuration should be changed.
For more information about how to create and send a draft via API please have a look at the following guide: Use Case Example Draft

titleForce Download/Print electronic agreement

You can now configure the following viewer preference: AcceptAgreementDisabledUntilRequiredActionsDone

Note: You can configure the viewer preference in the UI in the section organization->design of the document viewer. Download the design template or your current design and set the variable AcceptAgreementDisabledUntilRequiredActionsDone to 0,

to disable this preference or to 1, to enable this preference. You can also configure this viewer preference via API. Therefore, just add the following variable in the section viewer preferences like it is shown in the next sample:

Code Block
"ViewerPreferences": {
          "AcceptAgreementDisabledUntilRequiredActionsDone": true,
          "VisibleAreaOptions": {
            "AllowedDomain": "*",
            "Enabled": false
          }         },

Please also make sure that the "Allow Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure" is enabled:

If the preference is set to true and the agreement configuration is enabled the signer will then see the following interface before accessing the document:

titleExport/Import organization

On-premise only.

Organization Export

Allows you to export an organization’s settings and use it to create/update other organizations. Organizations can be exported, created and updated using the DB Manager or Admin Web. The result of the export operation is a Zip file that holds 3 files as follows:

  • Logo – The organization logo. (If the organization has no logo, then this file will be missing from the Zip file)
  • – Customization file of the organization. (If customization is not allowed for the organization, then this file will be missing from the Zip file)
  • ExportedSettings.xml -The actual settings of the organization in XML format.

Organization Import

There are two options for organization import:

  • Create new organization using the exported data of other organization.
  • Update an existing organization with the exported data of other organization.

The update process will skip updating the settings below (even if they are in the xml file) since they can affect ongoing/draft envelopes.

  • OAuth settings
  • Saml settings
  • Bank Id settings
  • SwissCom settings
  • Disposable certificate settings

Note: Data such as envelopes, address book etc. are not supported with the export/import of the organization.

titleAnonymized log files
eSignAnyWhere and SSP from now on separates between an “anonymized” and a “full” log file. On-Premise customers can share with us e.g. for analysis purposes the anonymized log file. Whereas offering SaaS, where anyhow a data processing agreement should exist, Namirial still has access to both log files but it allows sharing the non-anonymized log file with more people inside Namirial while the logs which contain personnel information will still be accessible only for a very restricted number of employees.Note that messages in log files and the error text returned e.g. in API calls (but not the error codes) will change in order to be more data privacy friendly.

titleNew entry (disposable)

If you use lean disposable via API, you have to provide the document issuing country instead of the country of residence. Therefore, we introduced the DocumentIssuingCountry via API. For compatibility with existing implementations, we allow to use the field CountryOfResidence but for legal reasons you also have to provide here (when using lean disposable) the country which issued the identification document.

If you do not use lean disposable (but consider that the “traditional” non-lean disposable should be used only in exceptional cases), you have to continue using the field CountryOfResidence as in the past.





Documentation change

Date: November2020

titleBeginner Guide
The Beginner Guide has been expanded to include the following:
In the section “signatures” you can now also find an example (REST/SOAP) of a StampImprintConfiguration.

titleUse Case Example: Template
The Use Case Example Template has been expanded to include the following:
In the section “Override Radiobutton” you can now find an example (REST/SOAP) of how to override a radio button from a template.





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 20.42

Date: October 2020

titleGeneric Signing Plugin

This plugin provides a generic way of integrating external (remote) signatures. Please see the following supported features:

  • Signing types (defined by the plugin implementation)
    • User signing
    • Batch signing
    • Automatic signing
  • Authentication
    • Using dynamic data fields
      • Types: Text, Phone number, Number, List (dropdown), Email, Password
    • Using external system (redirection to external URI)
    • Using external app (e.g. push notification) + callback receiver
  • Signing method
    • Hash signing only via the plugin
    • Hash signing only via the default SSP integration

For more information about the configuration in the UI please have a look at the Electronic Signature Guide, the Signer Guide and the User Guide.
For more information about the configuration with REST API please have a look at the Beginner Guide. There you can find a sample configuration.

titleAPI Token

Previously the API authorization consisted of two parameters (OrganizationKey and UserLoginName). This has been reduced to a single parameter; an API Token. This token is individual for each user and can be created/updated/disabled/deleted on a new Page (ApiToken/Index->My Tokens). A user can have multiple API Tokens that allow a more granular usage of them. For example one token for integration A and another token for integration B.

Note: If a token is deleted it can not be recreated with the same token value.

Two possibilities for authentication:

  1. Using the new API Token header (REST) or the API Token XML node (SOAP). Here
    only the API token is a valid value.
  2. Use the OrganizationKey and the userLoginName for the authentication

For more information about the

titleAdditional Identification Type (Disposable Certificate)

You can now also use the driving license as an identification type. This new identification
type is available in the UI as well as in the API.

For more information about the disposable certificate please also have a look at the Beginner Guide.

titlePerformance Improvements
We improved again the performance of our solution to provide you an excellent user experience.

titleSOAP deprecation information
We declared SOAP as deprecated and therefore SOAP will not be included in versions after 21.76 (already postponed by one year, initially the 20.76 was announced). Latest release including SOAP API for eSAW will be 21.76, released in spring 2022 and with the software maintenance on 21.76 until spring 2024.
Therefore, we recommend REST technology for integration. Please see also the migration guide.

titleBulk signing assistant

The bulk signing assistant is a feature that allows you to sign multiple documents with one click.

Note: The bulk signing assistant (eBSA) currently does not support the full set of features of eSignAnyWhere envelopes and signature methods. It is limited to

  • Envelopes without authentication
  • Envelopes that use Click2Sign as the only signature variant
  • Only envelopes that do not require confirming an agreements dialog (Terms&Conditions) first

Please see also this guide: Bulk signing assistant





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 20.28

Date: July 2020

titleSOAP deprecation information
We declared SOAP as deprecated and therefore SOAP will not be included in versions after 21.76 (already postponed by one year, initially the 20.76 was announced). Latest release including SOAP API for eSAW will be 21.76, released in spring 2022 and with the software maintenance on 21.76 until spring 2024.
Therefore, we recommend REST technology for integration. Please see also the migration guide.

titleRole Based Access Control
In addition to the predefined roles and permissions you can now define your own roles. So, for example you can define a new role, where the user can manage and send envelopes, but not create the envelopes on their own. Or a role which can configure automatic remote signatures themselves, without being user managers. Moreover, you can also set the permissions for your roles.
For more information please have a look at this page.

titleLock form fields

You can now find the setting in your organization to lock form fields. If you prevent editing form fields after the envelope is finished the form fields in the PDF are all read only. Therefore, after locking the form fields (after the final workstep), the form fields are not editable any more with other PDF tools.
For more information please have a look at this page.

You can also lock form fields with the API. Therefore, just add the following before the node “steps” in REST:

Code Block
"LockFormFieldsAtEnvelopeFinish": true,

Or in SOAP:

Code Block

titleForcing authentication

In your organization settings you can now select required authentication methods. You can either select any or a specific authentication.

Moreover you can set the following

  • Force input of the phone number when using SMS-OTP authentication
  • Allow skipping forced authentication upon using biometric signatures
  • Allow skipping forced authentication upon using disposable certificate, remote certificate or local certificate

For more information please have a look at this page.

titleDisable clipboard

You can find this feature in your organization settings in the section “Testing Phase Features”.
There you can allow to copy the viewer link from the envelope details page. If the user signs the envelope via the copy viewer link, then this information is also shown in the audit trail.

For more information about the clipboard please have a look at this page.

You can now configure a bankID signature field and a bankID authentication via api.
For more information about bankID and the configuration please have a look at this page.




Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 20.14

Date: April 2020

titleLink areas

You can now define hyperlinks for your document with API. The next lines of code show you a sample configuration of one hyperlink:

Code Block
"HyperLinks": [
		 "Id": "c238bd01-78ca-4958-a6dc-957fed629aa0",
		 "DocRefNumber": 1,
		 "PositionPage": 1,
	         "Uri": "",
			"Position": {
				"PositionX": 346.0,
				"PositionY": 707.0
			 "Size": {
				"Height": 15.0,
				"Width": 152.0

For general information about the hyperlinks please have a look at: Hyperlinks

titleEmail template

The email template configuration in the product changed. Also some new placeholders were added. For more information please have a look at: Settings and Customizing

or in the product in the following section: Settings->Email Templates, there you will find a new section with all possible placeholders for each template. You can copy the placeholders and past it in your template.

titleAllow eSAW recipient to open finished workstep

The sender of an envelope can define wether the recipient of the envelope has access again after finishing and closing the envelope. For more information about the process of opening documents and finishing them please have a look at: Signer Guide

titlePerformance Improvements
We improved again the performance of our solution to provide you an excellent user experience.

titleSupport links in disclaimer dialog

Links are now supported in the disclaimer dialog. For  more information please have a look at: Beginner Guide

titleRecommendation of REST integration
We recommend REST technology for integration. However, we will offer SOAP as well and SOAP is still being maintained. When we decide to declare SOAP as deprecated in the future, we will publish further information on this page. In this case, we will grant enough time before SOAP gets discontinued.





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 3.7

Date: January 2020

titleImprove advanced Batch signing with additional option

You can now choose between the following five configurations for a Batch signature:

  • Simple Batch
  • Signature List (unselected)
  • Signature List (preselected)
  • Signature List (selected, required mandatory)
  • Signature List (unselected, required mandatory)

We added the last two modes for mandatory fields (selected and unselected). This makes it possible to distinguish between mandatory and voluntary fields.

Therefore, the selected means that the user can select/deselect only signatures which are not required. All signatures are initially selected. The unselected means that the user can select/deselect only signatures which are not required. All non required signatures are initially deselected.

For more information please have a look at Signer Guide

titlePAdES configuration in eSAW Organization

PAdES configurations were added to the organization settings. There you can choose between the following levels:

  • B
  • T
  • LT
  • LTA

For detailed information please have a look at Settings and Customizing

There you can find all descriptions for the different levels.


You can now configure an A-TRUST signature in your workstep configuration. For more information please have a look at the Beginner Guide

In this guide you can also find a sample configuration for an A-TRUST signature.

titleNew SIGNificant Kiosk Use Case

If you are using eSAW on premise or in a private SaaS and use the SIGNificant Kiosk, you can use new features now:

  • Combobox
  • Listbox

titleAPI caching/anti polling strategy

The API caching now returns cached results in the case the same request is executed again too fast (e.g. after just some milliseconds).

titlePerformance Improvements
We improved again the performance of our solution to provide you an excellent user experience.





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 3.6

Date: September 2019

titleNew Batch Signature Options for Signers

The viewer supports new batch signature options, where the signer gets a list of the batch signature, either preselected or deselected. The original batch signature dialog is still available.

titleLicense Management

The new license management allows you to set warning notifications if the license or the envelope limit expires. You can even set a callback for an envelope limit warning.

titleNew SIGNificant Kiosk Use Cases

If you are using eSAW on premise or in a private SaaS and use the SIGNificant Kiosk, you can use new features: SMS-OTP, Disposable and a PushTan integration.

titleDisposable Certificate: Allow change holder information

You can easily change now holder information and validate the information in advance.

titleBasic Authentication for Callbacks

If you are using callbacks for your integration, you can set now basic authentication for your callbacks. Moreover, you define a pattern to define different callback-authentications.

titleSAW Viewer - Local Certificate Verification

The SAW Viewer allows now a local certificate verification.

titlePerformance Improvements

We improved again the performance of our solution to provide you an excellent user experience.





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 3.5

Date: July 2019

titleSAW Viewer Redesign

We redesigned the SAW Viewer to enhance the usability and user experience. For more details check the special SignAnyWhere Viewer 2019 page.

titleOptimization of the Disposable Certificate

We optimized the usage of the disposable certificate and how it is integrated.

titleTeam Feature Rework

We reworked the team feature, due some customer feedback. We optimized the sharing between teams, to prevent the sharing of all documents of two (or more) teams with a shared team-member. Moreover a hierarchy is now possible: (1) see all documents up & down or (2) see documents only down (“team lead”, but not seeing sent documents of my manager).

titleOrganization Statistics

You can now view and export your organization’s statistics in the license section of the settings (accessible for user managers).

titleAPI: License Status via API

You can now access the license data via API. For SOAP we have the GetLicenseState_v1 and for REST V4+ V4/license. The response will be the type of the license, expiration date, status about the documents and users.

titleAPI: Parallel Recipient Unlocj

We added a new API call to unlock a parallel recipient to be opened by others again. Older versions only allowed it manually via UI, now you can integrate or automate it yourself. SOAP is called UnlockEnvelope_v1 and REST is called V4/envelope/{envelopeId}/unlock.

titleSAW Viewer policy

We added a new SAW Viewer Policy AutoStartGuiding, which allows you to start automatically the integrated guiding. This enables a use case, where the document loads and directly jumps to the first signature field.

titleUI Improvements

We improved the UI of eSAW to allow a better user experience (e.g. license page).

titleNew Email Template

We changed the default email template to a new one. For existing organizations, the set template will not be changed, just for new organizations or if you reset the template.





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 3.4

Date: February 2019

titleSupport of BankID (Sweden) for Authentication

We integrated the Swedish BankID for authentication. Please contact us if you want to know more about it.

titlePerformance Improvements

We improved the overall systems performance (database optimization, document processing, data management).

titleAudit Trail: Allow to attach signed document to the audit trail

You can now optionally attach the document to the audit trail. So you have the final & signed document as PDF attachment in the audit trail. Note: this will increase the size of the audit trail.

This feature is only available via API in the <envelope> section, per default it is disabled (0).

Code Block

titleOverwrite Signature Disclosure via API

You are able to overwrite the signature disclosure (set up via eSAW UI in the organization settings) via API. So you can define unique information per envelope or recipient (e.g. for internal users disable the signature disclosure).

This is configured via API in the <step> section of the envelope.

Code Block

useDefaultAgreements – true (default value): use the default signature disclosure of the organization (the configuration in the workstepConfiguration is ignored)

useDefaultAgreements – false: use the setting of the workstepConfiguration (overwrite). If the config is empty, no signature disclosure is set for the recipient.

titleOptimization of the on-premise setup

Optimization of the on-premise setup of eSignAnyWhere.

titleSAW Viewer Improvements

Improvements of SAW Viewer

  • Optimized mobile OTP forms
  • BankID support
  • Added check for enabled cookies
  • Added disposable certificate disclaimer text (FR/PT)
  • New languages: Polish, Chinese
  • Security enhancement
  • Fixed QR code for SoP (had some issues with some browsers)
  • Optimized tablet view of the menu
  • Optimized image generation for Click2Sign, Draw2Sign and Type2Sign

via Hotfix

  • Reject message can be empty
  • FinishAction also for Reject and Delegate
  • fixed Translation issues





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 3.3

Date: November 2018

titleImproved security to protect your document

The security of your documents is in our primary focus. Therefore, we improved the security of eSignAnyWhere to ensure the security of your documents.

titleImproved performance to grant excellent user experience and scalability

We improved the overall performance of eSignAnyWhere for excellent user experience and increased scalability to grant you high performance, even in critical high load scenarios.

titleImproved support for point of sales use cases

Improvements for point of sale use cases. This includes for example optimizations for timeouts in the clients and data handling for fast responses in a workflow.

titleAllow to define a logout redirect page

eSignAnyWhere allows you to define a logout redirect page. So you can integrate eSAW in your intranet applications and set a specific logout page for your users.

titleImproved on-premise setup

We improved the installation procedure for on premise installations of eSignAnyWhere.

titleSwissCom Support

We added for API use cases the support of SwissCom certificates (personal and organization certificates).

titleSAW Viewer Improvements
  • Security Improvements (CSS, Input Validation, brute-force PIN prevention)
  • Visual optimization of the disposable certificate form
  • New Language: Bulgarian
  • New viewer preference: PhoneNumberInputSettings
  • Technical: switched to XLIF format for language support
  • fixed some UI bugs

via Hotfix:

  • fixed Draw2Sign & Type2Sign placement
  • fixed QR code for SoP for some browsers





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 3.2

Date: August 2018

titleAutomatic Remote Signatures

It is possible (as advanced feature) to use automatic remote signatures. The user manager of an organization can add automatic remote signature profiles, which can be used for any workflow as a recipient (recipient type “Automatic”). This recipient signs automatically the signatures and the workflow continues automatically. Details see Beginner Guide.

titleAPI: Allow modification of uncompleted steps

It is possible to use the replace recipient method (ReplaceRecipient_v1) to change the workstepconfiguration. It is only possible to change the workstep configuration if the envelope was created via API and the recipient is a signer.

titleFull Support of SIGNificant Biometric Server

eSignAnyWhere 3.2 now fully supports the SIGNificant Biometric Server for signature verification, including the SignAnyWhere Viewer and the audit trail file. This feature is not available on and requires a private SaaS or on premise instance of eSignAnyWhere.

titleEnhanced SAML Support

The SAML support was extended to allow easier user management directly in the UI of eSignAnyWhere. SAML requires a private SaaS or on premise instance of eSignAnyWhere.

titleAutomatic Delefation

Automatic Delegation is an advanced feature, which allows the user to define an automatic delegation. So all of the user’s signing requests are automatically forwarded to a substitute, which is also a user of the organization. An optional end date automatically disables the automatic delegation.

titleSAW Viewer Improvements
  • UI optimized resizing of window behavior
  • Open source information added in the SAW Viewer
  • Fixed biometric signature under certain use cases
  • Optimized UI for authentication
  • Error handling of uploading attachments improved
  • Improved error messages
  • Device Driver UI optimized
  • bugfix for batch signature

via Hotfix:

  • fixed some translations
  • fixed navigation bar, when maximizing window
  • fixed rejecting of document for specific use cases





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 3.1

Date: May 2018

titleBulk Envelopes

Bulk envelopes allow you to send an envelope to multiple signers. The workflow splits with the bulk recipient, so that you will receive unique signed documents for each bulk recipient. This feature is perfect for letting one document (e.g. a new company policy) sign by many recipients. This feature is not available with basic subscription, so please contact your Namirial sales. Details in the Bulk Use Case.

titleP7M Signers

It is possible to define P7M signers in eSignAnywhere. This allows you to define at the end of a signing workflow to define signers with P7M. Details see in the Beginner Guide.

titleREST Interface

In addition to our SOAP interface a new REST/JSON Swagger interface is available. See

titleForm Field Data Validation

Added support for Form-Field-Validation. Six types are supported: No-Validation, Date, Email, Number, Phone and Time. It is only supported with the Placeholder Use Case and via workstep configuration.

titleRetention Period per Organization

The Retention Period per organization sets an automatic timelimit for deleting old envelopes.

titleConfigure Emailsender Name

You can select now the email sender name. In the organization settings you can select between three options: (1) firstname lastname via eSignAnywhere (2) Organizationname via eSignAnywhere (3) eSignAnywhere. On-premise or private SaaS customer can replace eSignAnywhere with their desired text. Via API you can select the option for each envelope.

Code Block

If the displayedEmailSender is empty only eSignAnywhere is used. If the field is not empty, this text will be used before ” via eSignAnywhere”. Without displayedEmailSender the organization default setting is used.

titleSAW Viewer: Change attachment after uploading
  • form field validation
  • added undo option
  • added languages: Spanish, Portugese
  • updated translations
  • improvements for local certificate signing
  • allow configuration of date format for picture signature types
  • fixed UI issues for some devices (mobile, tablet or browsers)
  • fixed device driver issues
  • fixed attachment with hidden documents
  • fixed Finish button visibility after finished document
  • fixed error for some specific policies
  • fixed the guiding for disabled elements
  • fixed local time issue

via Hotfix:

  • fixed a finish document issue
  • fix batch signature with OTP issue
  • optimized Device Driver integration





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 3.0

Date: February 2018

titleHide documents for certain recipients

With this feature you are able to hide specific documents from specific recipients. So you can create an envelope with two documents, where the first signer just can see the first document, the second signer only the second and the third can see all documents. You can configure it in the eSAW UI or via API.

API Configuration is done via envelope/steps/step/documentOption; Sample:

Code Block
             <documentOption docRef="1">
             <documentOption docRef="2">

This feature is not available in all subscriptions.

titleSMS-OTP Signature - one SMS OTP per signature

A new signature type is now available. You can define a signature field, which sends a SMS-OTP in the moment of signing to have a second factor for it. Basically, it is a Click2Sign with an SMS-OTP. You can select it via UI (SMS-OTP Signature Type) or via API:

Code Block
    <phoneMobile>...</phoneMobile> <!-- naming consistent with "disposableCertificateAdditionalInformation" -->

Moreover, in the workstep config the type must be TransactionCode, with trModType set to TransactionCodeSenderPlugin.

This feature is not available in all subscriptions.

titleCustom Links for Notification

For on premise and private SaaS it is possible to configure custom links for notifications. So the workstepRedirector can support your apps to open directly the workstep. For more details contact your Namirial consultant.

titleAcknowledge Recipients are included in the "send finish documents to all signers"

Acknowledge recipients are included in the “send finished documents to all signers” checkbox in the eSAW UI (and it is renamed to support also acknowledge recipients).

titleAPI: Download attachment directly via eSAW

If you are generating a workflow, where a recipient has to enter data and upload a file (as PDF attachment), you can now directly access the file via eSAW API. Call the getEnvelopeById function to retrieve information about the attachment and the file Id for downloading.

titleAPI: Reading Task (evidence if reading the document)

It is possible to set a behavior to confirm reading of a document.

Set in the WorkstepConfiguration (for a recipient) the following Task (in workstepConfigurationPolicyWorkstepTasks):

Code Block
<Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="1" id="847a3d4a-da2c-46f4-8c8c-a9edaa06c29b" displayName="your text for this task" DocRefNumber="1" type="ConfirmReading" />

The task must be the first and required!

Then you have to create the ReadingTaskInfo (directly in the WorkstepConfiguration) with attribute AllDocuments=”1″:

Code Block
<ReadingTaskInfo positionUnit="PdfUnits" positionReferenceCorner="Upper_Left">
	<ReadingTask id="847a3d4a-da2c-46f4-8c8c-a9edaa06c29b" pageNumber="1" DocRefNumber="1" AllPages="0" AllDocuments="1" />

titleAPI: Call on expired envelopes

You retrieve now also a callback, when an envelope expires.

titleAPI: getEnvelopeById has more details in it

The getEnvelopeById contains now more details about the envelope (e.g. recipient details, signing date and authentication).

titleAdvanced Tags - offset support

Advanced document tags now support an offset, to define a relative positioning of the element. Offset is defined as number (double), in Units points and starts at the lower left position. Positive values x are moving to the right and positive values y are moving up. e.g.


titleSAW Viewer Improvements
  • support of hidden documents
  • support for confirm reading
  • reworked rendering of some signature types (local certificate, remote signature, disposable signature)
  • fixed OTP signature issue with wrong OTP
  • reworked zoom handling
  • fixed a delegation issue (delege to yourself)
  • optimized UI for devices (mobile, tablet, browsers)

via Hotfix:

  • fixed translations
  • reworked visual appearence of attachments
  • added new viewer policies for customization
  • fixed UI in landscape for mobile devices
  • fixed OTP handling & errors
  • fixed OAuth/SAML with a port in configuration
  • upgraded Device Driver protocol level
  • fixed a batch disposable certificate issue
  • enhancements for debug mode
  • client server communcation optimization (e.g. retry for calls)





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 2.6

Date: January 2018

titleLanguage support of Audit Trail

The Audit Trail supports now different languages:

  • SignAnywhere Viewer (Signer-Interface): Audit Trail is rendered in the language of the viewer
  • eSignAnywhere UI: Audit Trail is rendered in the users UI language. Moreover it contains a language independent XML representation.
  • API: via API you can download a signed XML, containing the Audit Trail data (via GetEnvelopeById as logXmlDocumentId)

titleSAML 2.0 Support for Signers

You can use SAML to authenticate signers in the SignAnywhere Viewer (Signer Interface). You configure the SAML provider and can use it via UI and API. Click here for details about the configuration for API. Contact your Namirial sales for enabling SAML support.

This feature is not available in all subscriptions.

titlePrivate SaaS/OnPremise: Support of individual biometric encryption keys per organization

Only private SaaS and on premise: each organization of the instance can have their own biometric encryption key.

titleDelete recipient

It is possible to delete recipients of already started workflows, which did not yet sign the document. This is available in the detail view of an envelope in eSignAnywhere.

titleShow a reject button in the SignAnyWhere Viewer (Signer Interface)

It is now possible to show a permanent reject button in the menu. This can be configured via customization with the new parameter DisplayRejectButtonInLeftBar.

titleSigner Authentication: Add OAuth Authentication checks

With OAuth2 it is now possible to do an authentication check. So you can force that a specific userId has to authenticate via OAuth2 provider.

E.g. userId=123 of provider CustomOAuthService has to authenticate. If another user authenticates it is rejected. Just a user with userId=123 is accepted.

See Envelope XML Guide to see how you configure it via API.

This feature is not available in all subscriptions.

titleAudit Trail per document

You can now, in addition to the envelope audit trail, download for each file a specific audit trail via API (GetEnvelopeById in section completedDocuments). You can enable it in the organization settings.

titleDownload Envelope XML for Developers

If you create an envelope within the eSAW UI, you can now download the complete envelope XML including the workstep configurations for your envelope. Therefore you have to be a “Developer”, which can be set up by a user manager in the account settings. Then you are able to download the XML at the end of the envelope-sending-process and in the envelope details page.

titleDefault Callback URL for Organizations
You are able to set a default callback URL in the Organization settings of eSAW. So you can send out envelopes via eSAW UI and perform an integration on your side (e.g. an automatic archiving of the documents).





Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 2.5

Date: September 2017

titleAPI: Custom callbacks on specific events

New types of callbacks are now available. See documentation for details.

titleOn-Premise supports different organizations

The on premise version of eSignAnyWhere supports now different organisations with just one instance.

titleFull support of SIGNificant Device Driver

Full support of SIGNificant device driver. So you can use now signature pads or local certificates with eSAW as a signer.

titleNew eSAW viewer settings

New eSAW Viewer settings are available. For example, you can define now to automatically finish a document when the last signature was applied or configure the download document dialog. See here for details.

titlePerformance Improvements

The performance of eSAW was improved. For example is the generation of the Audit Log optimized and the envelope-postprocessing, if no email is sent, done with highest priority.

titleAPI: Additional information for getEnvelopeById

GetEnvelopeById contains the reason about rejection or delegation.

Code Block






Feature Release

eSignAnyWhere 2.4

Date: July 2017

titleDesigner supports now PDF Forms

We added the support of PDF form fields in the designer. So you can add text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, lists and many more directly in the designer by drag and drop. You can select the behavior similar to signature fields (select a recipient) and configure some properties of them. See the User Guide for more information.

titleNew advanced tags for predefining signature and form fields

New advanced tags are supported to predefine in the documents signature fields and form fields. They are more complex than the easy to use Signature Strings (see User Guide). The advanced tags are documented in the Placeholder Use Case. For the advanced tags a new API function PrepareSendEnvelopeSteps_v1 is available.

titleTemplate: replace documents

It is possible to use a template and replace the document of the template. The position of the fields (e.g. signature fields) are kept. See the User Guide for more details.

titlePredefined Signature for registered signers

Registered signers are able to upload a picture of their signature (e.g. written on paper) and import it to eSignAnyWhere. eSignAnyWhere enables an editor to modify and adopt the signature (crop, rotate, cut) to be used as signature for signing. See User-Guide for more details.

titleEmails are sent as attachmet under 2,5 MB, otherwise they send out a link for downloading

To avoid filling up email postboxes, eSAW now sends the documents as attachments, as long as they are under 2,5 MB. If larger documents are used, just a link to the document is sent. This link is valid for 90 days to download the file.

titleAPI: User Management

You can now manage the users of your organisation via API. See API Reference - SOAP for more information.

titleAPI: Find envelopes

You can now use the FindEnvelopes_v2 function for advanced search via API. See the API Reference - SOAP for more information.

titleIntegration: Avoid sending email for specific recipients

For complex integration it is now possible to disable sending emails for a specific recipient (e.g. in a POS scenario). See Integration for details.

titleIntegration: Add custom buttons in eSAW signing interface

You can add now custom buttons in the signing interface (the eSAW Viewer) to add custom functionality.

titleCustomization: Added settings for eSAW Viewer

We added some configurable settings, such as avoiding dialogs or settings for Batch-Signing, for the eSAW Viewer. So you can define the behavior of the signers-view. See this documentation for more details.
