Versions Compared


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  1. Summary
  2. Notification settings
  3. General settings
  4. Send the envelope

Envelope Management

In addition an advanced guide and an electronic signature guide are available for further information (also linked at relevant chapters).

Documents, Filter and Status

Documents will list your sent envelopes & drafts and envelopes you have to sign (sent by someone else). It also shows you the envelope status and allows you to filter and manage the envelopes.


  • Search: enter a text to search the envelopes
  • Status: an icon shows the status of the envelope
  • Actions: direct on-click to sign or continue
  • Export as CSV: export current list of envelopes (e.g. for a reporting)
  • Sort by: recent activity or envelope name
  • Filter: click on a filter from the menu to apply it to the current list. You can easily apply more filters to the selection or remove them one-by-one.

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  1. Filter
  2. Search
  3. Status
  4. Export as CSV
  5. Actions

Document Status Icons


This list shows you the available document status icons, a textual representation is next to the icon in eSignAnyWhere.

eSAW Status Icon FinishedImage Added

Envelope is finished

eSAW Status Icon CancelImage Added

Envelope is canceled by one of the recipients

eSAW Status Icon RejectedImage Added

Envelope is rejected by one of the recipients

eSAW Status Icon DraftImage Added

Envelope is a Draft

eSAW Status Icon PenImage Added

Waiting for signing

eSAW Status Icon EyeImage Added

Waiting for acknowledge

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Caution (e.g. email bouncing)

eSAW Status Icon ExpiredImage Added

Envelope is expired


Note: If you select an envelope you can select all available actions from the top bar (Sign, Remind, Restart, Cancel, Delete, Unlock). The action-button in the list of envelopes shows the typical required action.

Envelope Details

To modify an envelope just click on it to load the envelope details page. On this page you can see the defined workflow with recipients, the document(s) and basic information about the envelope (e.g. start and expiration date). Moreover, you are able to enable or disable, if the envelope is shared with your team members.

Possible Actions on the envelope:

  • Sign: if you are the signer, you can directly open the envelope for signing
  • Remind: if a signer is not signing (or rejecting) the envelope, you can remind him manually. The reminder notification will be sent to the recipient (the automatic reminder will still continue to work, if configured). Please note that a manual reminder limit of 12 hours (default value) is set. This means you can only send one reminder every 12 hours, to prevent spamming the recipient. This value can be changed on private SaaS and on premise instances.
  • Cancel: Cancel will stop the envelope and cancel the workflow. The recipients will get a notification about cancellation.
  • Unlock: if a signer has blocked in a parallel signer step the envelope (opened, but is not finished/rejected), you can manually reset his document changes to enable the envelope for the other parallel signers. (Note: in a parallel signer step, only one can open and sign the document. As long as the envelope is not finished by the signer, the others will not be able to sign the document. This is based on a technical limitation of the security of the PDF document, which is only allowing sequential changes to ensure its security).
  • Delete: Delete the envelope

Document Detail Page with highlighted envelope and recipients area.


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  1. Details
  2. Recipients
  3. Message

Finished envelopes will allow you to download the finished documents and audit trail (log document). If you have the developer mode enabled, you can download the envelope configuration as XML and JSON. The next screenshot shows where you can download the finished document and the audit trail:


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  1. Download documents

The audit trail shows all information about the envelope e. g. the general information (status of the envelope, the creation date and more). Moreover, it shows the recipients and all changes made to the document e. g. which signature fields were placed on the document, the information about the time when the workstep was finished and more.

The finished document shows the PDF including the signed signature fields. Please also have a look at the signer guide.

Edit & Delete Recipient

It is possible to edit or delete a recipient after the envelope was sent. Therefore, you just click on “edit” to change user details (First Name, Last Name, Email), set the personal message, change authentication method, set digital remote signature or set SMS-OTP signature. You can just change details of recipients, who did not yet fulfill their assigned task. Finished recipients are shown via icon in the Document detail view. “Delete” will delete the recipient’s envelope, as long his signing task was not yet finished.

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The “Clipboard” link will show you a window with a link (to copy) to the recipients envelope for signing. In case the signer has a problem with receiving the email, you can send the link to the recipient via other channel (e.g. instant messenger).


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  1. Clipboard

Document Preview

The document preview will show you a small and, by clicking on it, a large preview of the document.
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Filter Document


When you first load the “Document” page no filters are applied. All your envelopes are listed in it. You can easily add filters by selecting them from the menu (left) and set text filters.

  • Status
    • Drafts, Completed, Active (Action Required, Waiting for Others, Expiring Soon), Rejected, Canceled and Expired
  • Sent | Signed
    • By Me
    • By a team member
    • By team
  • Sender Date
    • Yesterday, Since last 7 Days, 30 Days, 90 Days, 6 Months, Year and Custom Date
  • Bulk (if feature is available)
    • Exclude bulk children
    • Bulk parents only
  • Text
    • Filter by a text you have entered (at the top bar)

The applied filters are listed at the top and you can remove specific filters by clicking on the “x” or reset all filters.

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Download as CSV

You can also download CSV (comma-separated values) files. So you can open them in e.g. Microsoft Excel for analysis or reporting.

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  1. Download as CSV

The CSV contains:

  • ID of the envelope
  • Name
  • State
  • Sender
  • Sending Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Subject
  • Document(s) as CSV
  • Recipient(s) as CSV


Templates can be used for recurring documents or workflows. You can prepare them and directly use them from the template page. When you use or edit the template the procedure is similar to create envelope, except the prepared configuration is used.


  • Use: directly use the envelope
  • Details: show details about template
  • Edit: modify template
    • recipients
    • settings
    • documents: you can replace documents. The signature fields are kept, except they can not be applied (e.g. page in new document doesn’t exist any more). If a recipient is replaced his/her fields get unassigned, except there is only one recipient.

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If you open a template, where you have already set signature and form fields, but you need to replace the document without losing the configuration, just click after loading the template, on the replace icon of the document.

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  1. Replace

Document Tags and Placeholders
