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  • Subject: Subject of the EviNotice to be sent.
  • Body: Body (may a html) of the EviNotice.
  • RecipientAddress: Recipient's email address or a phone number (E.164).
  • RecipientDisplayName [optional]: Recipient's display name.
  • RecipientLegalName [optional]: Name or corporate name of the recipient of the email (for example, The name and Fiscal Identity Number (NIF) of the recipient company).
  • IssuerLegalName [optional]: Name or corporate name of EviNotice issuer (por example, The name and Fiscal Identity Number (NIF) of the issuer company).
  • LookupKey [optional]: Identifier allocated by the user. It can be used later to locate evidence through the query web service (Query).
  • CustomLayoutLogoUrl [optional]: Allows to set a custom logo URL. This logo will be used to replace the existing logo during the delivery process.

  • Attachments [optional]: List of attachments:
    • Data: Content (bytes) of the file to be attached.
    • FileName [optional]: Name of the file.
    • DisplayName [optional]: Name of the attachment.
    • MimeType [optional]: Information on mime type of attachment.
    • ContentId [optional]: Mime identifier of the attachment.
    • ContentEncoding [optional]: Encoding of the attachment.
    • ContentDescription [optional]: Mime description of the attachment.
    • IncludeOnAffidavits [optional]: Boolean to may render this attachment on a AffidavitOnDemand request.
  • CertificationLevel [optional]: It specifies the level of tracking and certification that will be applied to the EviNotice. Values to be displayed are as follows:
    • None: (Default) None – Only tracking of status, alerts and traceability.
    • Standard: Standard – Generation of an Affidavit (receipt) when the tracking of status is over.
    • Advanced: Advanced – several Affidavits (one for each event) and timestamp. This parameter is important for invoicing purposes.
    • QERDS: Applies a level of certification compliant with the eIDAS Qualified eIDAS Certified Electronic Delivery Service, including Recipient identification and registration.
      • Note !: For QERDS the authentication will be with a 2FA, you must authenticate with user/pwd, as usual, and with a client certificate, for that, please, you must put in contact with our support team who help you to issue the client certificate, in staging and live environment.  
  • QERDSProfile [optional]. This parameter defines the profile that will be used to identify the recipient in the case is not yet a registered user of Evicertia's QERDS service; the site must have its configuration the profiles that can be used.   
    • Uanataca::VideoId::Email - The Recipient will be identified in an unassigned video conference process and with subsequent operator approval. This profile must be selected if sending an EviNotice to an email address.
    • Uanataca::VideoId::Mobile - The Recipient will be identified in a video conferencing process with subsequent operator approval. This profile must be selected if you are sending an EviNotice to a phone number via SMS.
    • Bit4Id::SPIDOnly::Email - Recipient will be identified through the Italian digital identification system. This profile must be selected if you are sending an EviNotice to an email address.
    • Bit4Id::SPIDOnly::Mobile - The Recipient will be identified through the Italian digital identification system. This profile should be selected if you are sending an EviNotice to a phone number via SMS. 
  • AffidavitKinds [optional]: List of Affidavit kinds. It specifies which Affidavits will be generated during the process. This parameter is important for invoicing purposes. Values to be displayed are as follows: 
    • Submitted: An Affidavit will be generated when the message has been processed locally, its contents certified and ready for further transmission.
    • SubmittedAdvanced: An Affidavit will be generated when the message was processed locally, its contents certified and included in the Affidavit, ready for further transmission.
    • TransmissionResult: (For SMS sendings) An Affidavit will be generated when: 
      • The system successfully sent the message to the server of the organisation.
      • The system could not credit the sending of the message to the server of the organisation
    • Received: An affidavit will be generated when the system confirmed the acknowledgement of receipt of notification. 
    • DeliveryResult: An Affidavit will be generated when:
      • The system received confirmation of the delivery of the message.
      • The system received confirmation that the message was undeliverable.
    • Refused: An affidavit will be generated when the user, without seeing the message, exercised the option to refuse the notification.
    • Read: An Affidavit will be generated when the system confirmed the opening/reading of the message.
    • Committed: An Affidavit will be generated when:
      • The recipient made a formal statement accepting the message and its contents.
      • The recipient made a formal statement rejecting the message and its contents.
    • CommittedAdvanced: An Affidavit will be generated when:
      • The recipient made a formal statement accepting the message and its contents. The content will be included in the Affidavit.
      • The recipient made a formal statement rejecting the message and its contents. The content will be included in the Affidavit.
    • Closed: An Affidavit will be generated when the system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached.
    • ClosedAdvanced: An Affidavit will be generated when the system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached. The content will be included in the Affidavit.
    • Event: An Affidavit will be generated when the system received an event considered relevant that does not have a specific Kind of affidavit.
    • Complete: An Affidavit will be generated when the system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached and generated a tracking summary.
    • CompleteAdvanced: An Affidavit will be generated when the system terminated the processing of the message when the tracking expiry date was reached and generated a tracking summary. The content will be included in the Affidavit.
    • OnDemand: An Affidavit will be generated when the system issued a new affidavit (on demand) at the request of the issuer with the information collected so far.
    • Failed: An Affidavit will be generated when the system received a finalising error that makes it impossible to continue processing the file.
    • NotificationDispatched: An Affidavit will be generated when the notification is sent to the recipient, after rendering the template provided by the client.
  • EvidenceAccessControlMethod [optional]: Access control method to the custody. Values to be displayed are as follows:
    • Session: (Default) Users of related sites (issuer/recipient).
    • Public: Anyone who knows the link will be able to access the content.
    • Challenge: Challenge question/answer, The operation will be carried out if the question selected as challenge by the issuer to be answered correctly.
      • Other values ​​that should only be reported if the corresponding method has been selected are as follows:
      • EvidenceAccessControlChallenge: If option Challenge has been selected as EvidenceAccessControlMethod this is where you specify the question.
      • EvidenceAccessControlChallengeResponse: If option Challenge has been selected as EvidenceAccessControlMethod this is where you specify the answer to the question raised in EvidenceAccessControlChallenge.
    • AutoChallenge: Request of random known data, the operation will be carried out if a random question about a known data, such as the e-mail address of the recipient, is answered correctly.
  • NotificationPolicy [optional]: Define the delivery channel of the EviNotice if RecipientAddress is a mobile phone number (E. 164). 
    • SmsOnly : This value indicates that the channel for sending the EviNotice is by SMS.
    • WhatsAppOnly: This value indicates that the channel for sending the EviNotice is via WhatsApp.
    • SmsThenWhatsApp: This value indicates that the main sending channel is by SMS and in case of failure in all retries the sending is done by WhatsApp.
    • WhatsAppThenSms: This value indicates that the main sending channel is by WhatsApp and in case of failure in all retries the sending is done by SMS.
    • Empty: It is sent by the default channel which is SMS.
  • DeliverySignMethod [optional]: Security mechanism to be used to sign (a consent).
    • WebClick: (Default) Click in web through safe link or locator. The operation will be carried out if the reference or locator of the EviNotice is known.
    • Challenge: Challenge question/answer. The operation will be carried out if the question selected as challenge by the issuer to be answered correctly.
      • Other values ​​that should only be reported if the corresponding method has been selected are as follows:
      • DeliverySignChallenge: Question asked when the signature method is Challenge.
      • DeliverySignChallengeResponse: Answer to the previous question.
    • MobilePin: Security code PIN sent to mobile phone. The operation will be carried out after identifying the user that accesses or signs, requesting a random PIN sent to his mobile phone.
      • Other values ​​that should only be reported if the corresponding method has been selected are as follows:
      • DeliverySignFixedMobile: Mobile phone number (E.164) to send the PIN to when the signing method is MobilePin.
      • WhatsAppPinPolicy: Indicates the default value for the PIN sending policy by WhatsApp. It only applies when the signature method is MobilePin.
        • Disabled: The WhatsApp channel is not enabled to send the PIN. Corresponds to the Normal delivery policy (by SMS).
        • Optional: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN as an alternative to SMS.
        • Fallback: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN only on retry.
    • EmailPin: Security code PIN sent to e-mail. The operation will be carried out after identifying the user that accesses or signs, requesting a random PIN sent to his e-mail address.
      • Other values ​​that should only be reported if the corresponding method has been selected are as follows:
      • DeliverySignFixedEmail: Email account to send the PIN to when the chosen method is EmailPin.
