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Table of Contents


After installing and configuring your virtual appliance SWS or SaaS instance, now you can use their method to sign or apply timestamp. SWS have two interfaces SOAP and REST. SOAP is used for files under 50MB and REST interface is used for files over 50MB.

SWS can manage some signature devices like:

  • automatic signature (her name starts with AHI or AHIP followed by numbers)
  • eSeal (her name starts with SHI or SHIP followed by numbers)
  • remote signature (her name starts RHI or RHIP followed by numbers) 
  • disposable signature (her name starts with RHI or RHID followed by numbers)
  • long-lived signature (her name starts with RHIL or RHILD followed by numbers)

During the integration, you can only see:

  • eSeal like an automatic signature
  • disposable, long-lived like a remote signature

The remote signature is like an extension of the automatic signature because it requires the OTP code beyond username and password.

SWS supports three different types of signatures:

  • Pades: valid only for PDF files
  • Xades: valid only for XML files
  • Cades: valid for every type of file

Apply timestamp on files (according to standard RFC3161)

Each type of signature and timestamp has its web method, which is described in the next sections.

In this user guide, the examples will be shown using "SoapUI". This is a free tool which can be installed on every OS. It is possible to create SOAP requests with this tool that invokes different web methods.

During the integration, the application client of SWS should recreate the same XML soap request created on SoapUI with his program language.

Methods for sign

SWS offer different method according to type of device signature. For example with automatic signature isn't possible to use the method "sendOtpBySMS" because don't require the second factor for sign. Below will be described all methods offered by SWS.

Methods for automatic and remote signature

The main methods used to sign (valid for remote and automatic signatures) are:

signPAdES → Used for sign only PDF files

signCAdES → Used for sign every type of files

signXAdES → Used for sign XML files

getSignatures → allows obtaining the number of signatures, since the certificate was issued

getCertificate → allows obtaining the certificate associated to signature device

getAvailableSignatures → allows obtaining the numbers of signatures (valid only for device NOT pay per use, otherwise an exception is generated)

changePassword → allows changing the password (PIN) of the device

Each method requires the Credentials object. In the next section, you will see how to populate this field.

Method signPades

In this table are defined the parameters required (IN) and the output (OUT) of this method:

credentialsCredentialsSee the Credentials section to see how to populate this objectIN
bufferbyte[]Byte array which you want to signIN
PAdESPreferencesPAdESPreferencesSpecify the details of PadesSignature. See the PadesPreferences section to populate the objectIN

byte[]Byte array containing the files just signedOUT

Method signCades

In this table are defined the parameters required (IN) and the output (OUT) of this method:

credentialsCredentialsSee the Credentials section to see how to populate this objectIN
bufferListbyte[]Byte array that you want to signIN
CAdESPreferencesCAdESPreferencesSpecify the details of PadesSignature. See the CadesPreferences section to populate this objectIN

byte[]List of byte array containing the file just signedOUT

Method signXades

In this table are defined the parameters required (IN) and the output (OUT) of this method:

credentialsCredentialsSee the Credentials  section to see how to populate this objectIN
bufferListbyte[]Byte array that you want signIN
XAdESPreferencesXAdESPreferencesSpecify the details of XadesSignature. See the XadesPreferences section to populate this objectIN

byte[]Byte array containing the file just signedOUT

Method changePassword

In this table are defined the parameters required (IN) and the output (OUT) of this method:

credentialsCredentialsSee the Credentials section to see how to populate this objectIN
newPasswordStringString that contains the new passwordIN

VERY IMPORTANT: if the customer forgets the new password, it IS NOT POSSIBLE to recover/reset the password.

Methods only for remote signature

If you are signing with a remote signature, you can also use these methods:

getOTPList → allows obtaining the list of OTPs associated with your remote signature (OTP is assigned to the owner of the certificate. For example, if you have two or more remote signatures associated with the same owner, you can use this OTP for each remote signature).

sendOtpBySMS → it will send an SMS containing the OTP code.

openSession → allows obtaining the token (like a string) for the signature instead of inserting new OTP code for each signature). The token is available for three minutes from generation.

getRemainingTimeForSession → returns time until the session is valid

closeSession → if you want to destroy the token before three minutes (however will expire after three minutes)

Method getOtpList

credentialsCredentialsSee the Credentials section to see how populate this objectIN

List<OTP>List of OTP assigned to the CredentialsOUT

Method sendOtpBySMS

credentialsCredentialsSee the Credentials section to see how populate this objectIN

After this method is done the customer receives an SMS with an OTP code to use.

Method openSession

credentialsCredentialsSee the section Credentials for see how populate this objectIN

StringSessionkey to use for signOUT

At the end of this method the customer will receive the SMS with OTP code to use.

Method getRemainingTimeForSession

credentialsCredentialsSee the section Credentials for see how populate this objectIN

intSeconds left until the session is validOUT

Method closeSession

credentialsCredentialsSee the section Credentials for see how populate this objectIN

After this method is done the session is destroyed.

Methods for timestamp

SWS offers methods for applying timestamp and enquiry (only for Namirial accounts).

timestampallows to get the file with timestamp; there are two types TSR or TSD. The TSR option means that the timestamp is in another file, while TSD means that the timestamp signature is in the same file.

getAvailableTimestampsallows getting the timestamp; available ONLY for Namirial account.

Each method is described below with the required inputs.

Method timestamp

contentbyte[]Byte array to which the timestamp is applied.IN
preferencesTimeStampPreferencesPreferences about timestamp url, username, password, etc.IN

byte[]Timestamp in binary format.OUT

This method can be used with all timestamp account (not only Namirial) they must use standard RFC3161.

NOTE: Since SWS v2.5.44 this method supports Adobe Timestamp. In the timestampPreferences you should set "outputAsPDF=true".

Method getAvailableTimestamps (since SWS v2.5.44)

preferencesTimeStampPreferencestimestamp url, username, passwordIN

LongNumber of timestamps available. An exception will be generated for the payperuse .OUT

NOTE: TimestampUrl can be set to:


How Sign the file

To sign the file with SWS each method requires parameters:

  • Credentials: contain the value about signature device;
  • Preferences: contain the details of the signature such as page, appearance etc., Level of signature (B, T, LT, etc.). There are different types of preferences PadesPreferences, CadesPreferences, XadesPreferences;
  • buffer: file you want to sign.

In the next sections you will learn how to set these parameters.

Credentials Object

All methods for signing (signPAdES..., signCAdES..., signXAdES) use the Credentials object, as you can see in this table:

usernameStringDevice name starts with: RHI (remote/disposable), SHI (eSeal) or AHI (automatic)
passwordStringPIN associated to device name (can be set by the customer or read into blind envelope)
idOtpintotp identifier associated to device (used only in remote signature) can be SMS, App, Token . Every remote device can have one or more idOtp (for example se
otpStrinngotp code for sign/change password (this is used only in remote device)


Stringstring code (like a token) valid 3 minutes for sign (instead to insert every times new otp code)
securityCodeStringThis is the second factor (used in automatic and eSeal) for change the password. This code is linked to the portal account.

How to fill in these fields?

For automatic and remote signature

For each type of signature (automatic signature and remote signature) you must fill in these two fields:

username: contains the device name starting with RHI..., AHI... or SHI...

password: contains the PIN associated to the device (read from the blind envelope or set by the customer)

Only for automatic signature

Only if youusethe automatic signature (username starts with AHI... or SHI...) you should fill in these fields:

securityCode: this parameter must not be set. It is used only in certain situations (for example during the change password)

Only for remote signature

Only if youusethe remote signature (username starts with RHI...) you should fill in these fields:

idOtp: (optional) specify the idOtp you want to use for the signature. If you do not want to set the idOtp, set idOtp to "-1" and SWS will automatically use the default OTP. You can use getOTPListmethod to get the idOtp;

Otp: contains the OTP code received via SMS or read in the Namirial app;

sessionKey: contains the token (like a string) received from openSession method;

How works method getOTPList?

With this method, you can get the OTP list which can be used with the specified username, and you can fill in the Credentials.idOtpvariable.

This method requires only the username.

credentialsCredentialsYou must specify only credentials.username with the device name (RHI...)IN

List<OTP>list of OTPs associated to device nameOUT

The "OTP" object is compose by:

idOtpintidentifier otp used for sign/change password
serialNumberStringthis field isn't used by SWS, this is serial number printed on OTP token
typeStringspecify the token type, the value can be: "SMS", "OTP PUSH" (not consider this value for SWS), "OTP GENERATOR"

NOTE: with SWS is not possible to use the OTP with type "OTP PUSH".

Sign with OTP SMS

If you decide to sign with OTP SMS, you should use the method sendOTPBySMS.

credentialsCredentialsYou must specify only credentials.username with the device name (RHI...)IN

voidwill receive on your mobile phone the SMS with OTP codeOUT

Sign with OTP GENERATOR (App)

If you decide to sign with OTP GENERATOR, you should open the Namirial OTP App and insert the OTP code shown during the signing process.

→Show the guide "How to configure Namirial OTP App" (To Do/Add)

Sign with sessionKey 

With otp it is possible to create only one signature, but if you need to sign more files, it is possible with “sessionKey”. The next section describes how the session works.

This function is available only for remote signatures. It allows signing for a maximum of 3 minutes with the same sessionKey. You can see the session like a token provided from the method “openSession”.

How obtain the sessionKey?

The “openSession” method allows obtaining the sessionKey.

Input requires:

  • username
  • password
  • otp
  • idOtp


You must specify:

  • credentials.username with the device name (RHI...)
  • credentials.password
  • credentials.idOtp
  • credentials.otp

Stringwill receive the session which will be used for sign will be the value of credentials.sessionKeyOUT

The sessionKey is valid for three minutes from has been generated. With this is possible unlimited files.

How to check if the session has expired or is valid

You can find out when the session expires with the method getRemainingTimeForSession. This method requires input:
  • username
  • sessionKey (obtained from method "openSession")


You must specify:

  • credentials.username with the device name (RHI...)
  • credentials.sessionKey

intseconds until the sessionKey is validOUT

Destroy the session manually

The method closeSession requires in input:

  • sessionKey

  • username


You must specify:

  • credentials.username with the device name (RHI...)
  • credentials.sessionKey

the sessionKey will be destroyedOUT

NOTE: for security reasons, this method doesn't generate an exception if you insert the wrong sessionKey and/or username.

Sequence diagram for signature with session with OTP App

In this sequence diagram, we can summarise the methods that are for the signature with sessionKey and OTP SMS:

Sequence diagram for signature with session and OTP SMS

In this sequence diagram, we can summarise the methods that are called for the signature with sessionKey and OTP SMS:


Finally, we have all the requirements to populate the Credentials object during the signing. As already mentioned, the methods for signing are:

  • signPAdES
  • signCAdES
  • signXAdES

There are the same methods with the suffix "List", they accept in input a list of files to be signed. Therefore with only SOAP requests is possible to sign more files (using automatic signature or sessionKey).

With these three methods it is possible to sign with any type of signature (automatic and remote).

Each of these three methods uses the Credentials object filled in at the same time.

For the automatic signature, it requires only the username and password variables in the object Credentials.

For example, for an automatic signature with the username: AHI7609757152622 and password 13572468 Credentials object will be filled in as shown:

Code Block

If you use a remote signature, you should also fill in the other fields:

  • idOtp (only if you received multiple idOTP from the method getOTPList)
  • OTP or sessionKey (will see in the next section how to populate this variable)

Suppose we want to sign using the OTP code received previously from the method sendOtpBySMS.

The credentials object will be filled in this way:

Code Block

idOtp was obtained from method getOTPList method and otp is the code received from method sendOTPBySMS.

Therefore for the automatic signature, the credentials object is composed by:

  • username
  • password

While for the remote signature, the credentials object is composed by:

  • username
  • password
  • otp
  • idOtp (only if you have more OTP, otherwise you can set this to "-1")
  • sessionKey (optional)

If you need to sign multiple files with remote signature you should use the sessionKey as described earlier.

Now, that we know how to fill the Credentials object for the methods: signPades, signCades and signXades, we can fill the object buffer.

Now we should populate the value of:

  • buffer
  • preferences of signature (there are different types for each type of signature)

Populate the "buffer"

The buffer contains the file (in byte array) you want to sign.

In SoapUI, for example, the buffer is composed of the base64 of the file you want to sign, as in this example:

Code Block
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

You can download the complete example at this link: signPadesList.xml

The output is the base64 associated with the file you just signed as followsRESPONSE-base64-signPadesList.b64 and decoded will be this PDF: RESPONSE-signPadesList.pdf.

Signature Preferences

The difference between signPades, signCades and signXades is based on the preferences:

signPades → use PadESPreferences

signCades → use CadESPreferences

signXades → use XadESPreferences

How to populate these preferences is described in the next sections.

PadES Preferences

This type of preference is used in method signPades. Their main options are:

NameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescriptionIncluded from SWS version
SHA256Algorithm you want to use for signature. Possible values are: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512.
BSee the description of Level type.



Not used.

Not used.
falseSpecify wheater you want to add the timestamp to the signedfile or not,
falseSet true if you want the file signed in Base64 encoding.
SHA-256Algorithm you want to use during the process of applying timestamp.

URL of timestamp provider with standard RFC3161.

Namirial URL:




Username of timestamp credentials.


Password of timestamp credentials.

1Indicate the page number on which you want to apply the signature appearance. If you want to add the appearance on the last page of the PDF file, you should set it to "-1".
falseSet true if you want to apply the timestamp after the signature.

Specify the password PDF, if present.


See the description of SignerImage.

Used to specify the template to be used. (used in old version)
falseSet true if you want to apply the signature on signature field in the PDF file.


The SignerImage object is composed of the following:

NameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescriptionIncluded from SWS version

Contains the image you want to apply to the appearance.

Contains the text you want to type to the appearance.

Indicate the reason for the signature.
trueAllows the text to be shown on appearance or not.

Position of the "signerName" on appearance. It is possible to choose between:

  • TOP
  • LEFT


X coordinate of the appearance (0 is on left of the page).

Y coordinate of the appearance (0 is on bottom of the page).

Specify the width of the appearance.

Specify the height of the appearance.

Specify the fieldname to which the signature is to be applied. This fieldName must already exist in the PDF file before the signature is applied.

Specify the font to be used for the text on the appearance. The possible values are:

  • Times-Roman
  • Times-Bold
  • Times-Italic
  • Times-BoldItalic
  • Helvetica
  • Helvetica-Bold
  • Helvetica-Oblique
  • Helvetica-BoldOblique
  • Courier
  • Courier-Bold
  • Courier-Oblique
  • Courier-BoldOblique
  • Symbol
  • ZapfDingbats


Specify the ttf path which contain custom font.2.5.39

URL to get the logo for appearance.
falseAllows the logo to be displayed or not when it appears.
10Allows the fontsize to set set.

Path of the logo on appearance.
falseSet true if you want to resize the logo on appearance.

Place of the signature.

Below the example of Pades signature with appearance:


Cades Preferences

With cades signature, it is possible to sign each type of file. The signCades method requires:

  • Credentials assigned to device signature;
  • Buffer, the file that you want to sign;
  • CAdESPreferences, the preferences about CAdES signature.

In the following table, you can see how to set the CAdESPreferences correctly:

NameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescriptionIncluded from SWS version


falseEncodes the just signed file in base64.

Algorithm you want to use during the process of applying timestamp.



URL of the timestamp provider with the RFC3161 standard.

Namirial URL:




Username of the timestamp credentials.
hashAlgorithmStringyesSHA256Algorithm which you want to use for signing. Possible values: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512.
BSee the description of Level type.

Set true if you want to apply the timestamp after the signature.



falseSet true if you want the signature and the files in two different files. The output will be the signature.

Xades Preferences

With Xades Signature it is possible to sign only XML files, the signXadesmethod requires:

  • Credentials assigned to device signature
  • Buffer, file that you want to sign
  • XAdESPreferences, the preferences about XAdES signature

In the following table you can learn how to set the XAdESPreferences correctly:

NameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescriptionIncluded from SWS version


falseEncodes the just signed file in base64.

Algorithm you want to use during the process of applying timestamp.



URL of the timestamp provider with the RFC3161 standard.

Namirial URL:




Username of the timestamp credentials.
hashAlgorithmStringyesSHA256Algorithm you want to use for signing. Possibile values: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
BSee the description of Level type.

Set true if you want to apply the timestamp after the signature.

falseSet true if you want the signature and the files in two different files. The output will be the signature.


Allows to specify the "Id" on XML which you want to sign.

Allows to specify the "Id" of the signature.
falseAllows to sign the file with/without previous signature.

Allows to sign a specified path of XML

Below is the example of Xades Signature Level B:


Below, there is an example of Xades using the preferences:

  • signElement
  • signatureId

We sign the XML parts with "Id=tagToSign" specified on Soap request by:


And we set the id of the digital signature to:


The full example:



You can see how to set the correct Level signature:

ValueDescriptionApply on signatureIncluded from SWS version
BIn the signed file the electronic signature and the signing certificate are added.Pades, Cades, Xades
TLike B-Level, but adds a time-stamp, respectively a time-mark that proves the signature existed at a certain date and time.Pades, Cades, Xades
LTLike T-Level, but adds VRI (Verification Related Information) data to the DSS (Long Term).Pades, Cades, Xades
LTALike LT-level, but adds a timestamp document and VRI data for the TSA (Time Stamping Authority). An LTA may help to validate the signature beyond any event that may limit its validity (Long Term with Archive Time-Stamps).Pades, Cades, Xades
LTV(Long Term Validation) contains the OCSP/CRL response after the signature. It is used for validation after the signing certificate has expired.Pades

How apply the timestamp

It is possible to apply timestamp with the method timestamp, in input require:

  • content: byte array of the file to which the timestamp is applied;
  • preferences: object containing details about timestamp.

Below the object timestamp:

NameTypeMandatoryDefault valueDescriptionIncluded from SWS version


falseEncoded the file just signed in base64.

Algorithm you want to use during the process of applying timestamp.



URL of the timestamp provider with RFC3161 standard.

Namirial URL:



Manage signer device

As already mentioned, SWS offers a method for managing the signing device.

Method changePassword

This method requires a different signature according to device type: automatic/eseal or remote.

The output of this method will change the password. 

NOTE: if the holder device forgets the new password, it IS NOT POSSIBLE TO RESET the password.

changePassword on automatic/eseal signature

Input requires:

  • credentials.username
  • credentials.password
  • credentials.securityCode
  • newPassword

Below is the example:

Code Block
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

After this execution, the password/PIN of the device signature will be changed from "13572468" (old password) to "NEWPASSWORD123".

changePassword on remote signature

Input requires:

  • credentials.username
  • credentials.password
  • credentials.idOtp
  • credentials.otp
  • newPassword

Below the example:

Code Block
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">

After this execution the password/PIN of the device signature will be changed from "847291742" (old password) to "NEWPASSWORD123".

Manage error in SWS

Each method can generate an exception, for example PIN not correct, sessioneKey expired or OTP not correct.

For example if we try to execute the signPAdESListmethod with the same OTP, we get the SOAP response with error 44, as in this response:

Code Block
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
         <faultstring>Codice OTP errato, riprovare con il prossimo codice</faultstring>
            <ns2:WSException xmlns:ns2="">
               <message>Codice OTP errato, riprovare con il prossimo codice</message>

By default, the error message is in the Italian language. 

Below is the table description of all error messages SWS can generate during your execution method:

Error details
Error numberDescription
0No errors foundNessun errore riscontrato
1Generic errorErrore Generico
2Virtual device not foundDispositivo virtuale inesistente
3Virtual device lockedDispositivo virtuale bloccato
4Wrong credentialsCredenziali errate
5Wrong emergency codeCodice di emergenza errato
6Virtual device status changes deniedModifiche allo stato del dispositivo virtuale negate
7Signature errorErrore nella firma
8Error creating slotErrore nella creazione dello slot
9Error deleting slotErrore nella eliminazione dello slot
10PIN change errorErrore nel cambio PIN
11Key generation errorErrore nella generazione chiave
12Error in key management configurationErrore nella configurazione del sistema di gestione delle chiavi
13Wrong company codeCodice azienda errato
14No available slotsNessuno slot disponibile
15Virtual device already existsDispositivo virtuale gia' esistente
16Operation performed using a wrong certificateOperazione eseguita usando il certificato errato
17Wrong virtual device codeCodice dispositivo virtuale errato
18Slot already usedSlot gia' utilizzato
22Incompatible file format for the signature type requiredRichiesta una firma di file di formato non compatibile con il tipo di firma richiesto
23Unsupported hash algorithmAlgoritmo di hash non supportato
24Error decrypting CMS dataErrore nella decifratura del CMS EnvelopedData
25Error importing key and certificatesErrore nell'importazione di chiave e certificati
26The public key in the certificate does not match the private keyChiave pubblica nel certificato non corrisponde a quella privata
27Web method denied for the credentials or ssl certificate usedEseguita una chiamata a web method mediante credenziali o certificato ssl non abilitato per questa funzione
28CA doesn't existLa CA inserita non esiste
29The user didn't enter all required fields for the profileL'utente non ha inserito tutti i campi richiesti per il profilo
30EJBCA errorErrore di EJBCA
31Authorization deniedAutorizzazione negata
32Error due to waiting for data approvalErrore dovuto all'attesa per l'approvazione dei dati
33Error approving the entered dataErrore nell'approvazione dei dati inseriti
34Illegal queryErrore per query illegale
35Certificate already revokedCertificato gia' revocato in precedenza
36I / O error, caused by writing / reading / converting a file / byte array / stringErrore di I/O, causato dalla scrittura/lettura/conversione di un file/array di byte/stringa
37Payment verification failedVerifica di pagamento non andata a buon fine
38No available signaturesEseguite tutte le firme a disposizione
42A denied feature is invoked in the current modeE' stata richiamata una funzionalita' non permessa nella modalita' corrente
43A denied feature is invoked in the implementation usedE' stata richiamata una funzionalita' non permessa nell'implementazione usata
44Wrong OTP code, try again with the next codeCodice OTP errato, riprovare con il prossimo codice
45The key isn't associated to a certificateLa chiave non ha associato un certificato
46Unknown certificate formatE' stato passato un certificato di formato sconosciuto
47It isn't possible to open the slotNon e' stato possibile aprire lo slot
49Key login errorErrore di login sulla chiave
50Error generating the CSRErrore nella generazione del CSR
51The maximum number of attempts to access the virtual device is reachedRaggiunto il numero massimo di tentativi di accesso al dispositivo virtuale
52Error decryptingErrore nella decifra
53The certificate has expiredIl certificato associato alla chiave e' scaduto
54There are no tokens for automatic signature with Cosign HSMNon sono disponibili token per la firma automatica con hsm Cosign
55Error updating certificate in dbErrore durante l'aggiornamento del certificato nel db
56Wrong method useErrato utilizzo del metodo
57Method not implemented yetMetodo non ancora implementato
58Error assigning the OTPErrore durante l'assegnazione dell'OTP
59Error assigning the static tokenErrore durante l'assegnazione del token statico
60Error deleting the accountErrore durante la cancellazione dell'account
61Error activating the accountErrore durante l'attivazione dell'account
62Error loading the accountErrore durante il caricamento dell'account
63Error unlocking the accountErrore durante lo sblocco dell'account
64Unavailable hsm licensesLicenze per hsm esaurite
65PIN too shortPIN troppo corto
66Session key incorrectSession key errata
67Session key not specifiedSession key non specificata
68Session key undefinedSession key non definita
69Session key expiredSession key scaduta
70Session key not usableSession key non utilizzabile
71Error generating session keyErrore durante la generazione della session key
72Error incrementing the session counterErrore durante l'incremento del session counter
73Error sending OTP codeErrore durante l'invio del codice OTP
74Error deleting session keyErrore durante la cancellazione della session key
76Error appositioning timestampErrore durante l'apposizione della marca temporale
77Error closing sessionErrore durante la chiusura della sessione
78The number of documents to be signed differs from the number of signature preferencesIl numero di documenti da firmare differisce dal numero di preferenze di firma
79Error detecting Security WorldErrore durante il rilevamento del Security World
80Error detecting the ModuleErrore durante il rilevamento del Modulo
81Error reading the SoftCardErrore durante la lettura della SoftCard
82Error writing the SoftCardErrore durante la scrittura della SoftCard
83Error deleting the SoftCardErrore durante la cancellazione della SoftCard
84Error loading SoftCardErrore durante il caricamento della SoftCard
85SoftCard not loadedSoftCard non caricata
86SoftCard already exists in the systemSoftCard gia' esistente a sistema
87SoftCard does not existSoftCard inesistente
88Error reading the keyErrore durante la lettura della chiave
89Error writing the keyErrore durante la scrittura della chiave
90Error deleting the keyErrore durante la cancellazione della chiave
91Error decrypting the RSA dataErrore durante la decifratura RSA
92Error decrypting the CMS envelopeErrore durante la decifratura CMS
93Error creating the SoftCardErrore durante la creazione della SoftCard
94The size of the hash does not coincide with the expected one by the algorithmLa dimensione dell'hash non coincide con quella prevista dall'algoritmo
95Error loading Cosign TokensErrore durante il caricamento dei Token Cosign
96The system takes too much time, HSM overload. Try againIl sistema impiega troppo tempo, HSM sovraccarico. Riprovare
97Timeout passedTimeout superato
98No signature device associated to the userNessun dispositivo di firma remota risulta associato all'utente in questione
1001The OTP device does not existDispositivo OTP non esistente a sistema
1007The OTP device was not activatedIl dispositivo OTP non risulta essere stato attivato
1009Unavailable attempts for the OTP deviceSuperato il numero massimo di tentativi per il dispositivo OTP
1016The OTP device was not associated to the holderIl dispositivo OTP non risulta essere stato associato al titolare

Method getErrors

This method return a list of errors which can be generated from SWS in in

String county code in 2 digit, accept only EN, IT.IN
errorCodeIntegertrueSpecify the error code you want to receive in the error description.IN

Return a list with the error(s) description.OUT

In this method, it is possible to return the list of all errors without setting the value of errorCode.

Examples (source code)

Below will find the links contains the source code with examples.


To add on CMS repo



C# (for SaaS instance):

ADVANCED USE (visible or not?)

For example signPkcs1


While for verifying only timestamp, you can use these methods:

timestampTSDVerify → It permits to validate TSD files (file and timestamp in the same file)

timestampTSRVerify → It permits to validate TSR files (file and timestamp in two different files)