Versions Compared


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#ContactUrl#The URL refers to the company’s contact info, which is defined in the organization settings.
#EnvelopeMessage#The message which is defined for the envelope. It may contain the personal message defined per recipient.
#EnvelopeName#The name of the envelope. If not specified differently, it is by default the file name of the first PDF document.
#ExpirationDate#The expiration date of an envelope. The date format is defined in the user account settings.
#PersonalMessage#The personal message for a recipient. It may be included in the general envelope message if it was defined before.
#RecipientEmail#Email address of the envelope recipient.
#RecipientFirstName#First name (given name) of the envelope recipient.
#RecipientLastName#Last name (surname) of the envelope recipient.
#SenderFirstName#First name (given name) of the envelope sender.
#SenderLastName#Last name (surname) of the envelope sender.
#SupportUrl#The URL refers to the company’s support website, which is defined in the organization settings.
#Url#The context specific URL used in a link button to execute an action (e.g. URL for Login, URL to open an envelope, URL to download documents, etc.).
#UrlAndroid#The URL to open a signing request in the Significant App Client Signature Capture for Android.
#UrlIos#The URL to open a signing request in the Significant App Client Signature Capture for iOS.
#UrlWindows#The URL to open a signing request in the Significant App Client Signature Capture for Windows-Store.
#UserFirstName#First name (given name) of a user, who is either the web UI user or the envelope sender(depending on the context).
#UserLastName#Last name (surname) of a user, who is either the web UI user or the envelope sender(depending on the context).

Meta Data Section


The meta data section is available only when its usage is allowed in Organization Settings (Section "Recipient Settings", Flag "Allow to set envelope meta data"). In addition, the Meta Data section will be hidden when a "Default redirect url before sending a draft" is defined in Settings-Organization. A custom page before sending is a customer specific integration, which can e.g. implement a dialog asking for metadata in a specific format showing a convenient UI, instead of just expecting the sender to define a free-hand XML or other desired specific format.
