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titleFields to complete

Fields to complete

The fields to complete in the process of issuing an EviSign are shown below:

  • Signers: Details of the person or company that appears as the signer of the document. Several signers can be included (up to 25) and different customization elements can be defined for each one of them. The details can be configured in the box that appears when entering the email address or mobile phone:
  • Report to: Signer‘s email address or mobile phone number.
  • Name: Name of the person or company to whom the notification is sent.
  • Legal Identification: Identification number of the person or company (NIF, CIF, RUC, RUT, Passport etc.).
  • Signature Method: It is the method that will be used so that the recipient can access the content of the communication:
    • Click on web through safe link or locator: The recipient will be able to access the content by clicking on the corresponding button.
    • Challenge question/answer: The recipient will be able to access the content of the communication if he correctly answers the question asked. This question and its correct answer are configured when the notification is issued.
    • Security code PIN sent to mobile phone: The recipient will be able to access the communication if he knows the secret number that was sent to his mobile phone. This phone number will be specified when the notification is issued.
      • Enable PIN sending by WhatsApp: Select whether the signer can request the signature pin by WhatsApp
        • Disabled: The WhatsApp channel is not enabled to send the PIN. Corresponds to the Normal delivery policy (by SMS).
        • Enable sending by WhatsApp instead of SMS: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN as an alternative to SMS.
        • Enable WhatsApp for sending retries only: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN only on retry.
    • Security code PIN sent to email: The recipient will be able to access the communication if he knows the secret number that was sent to his email address. This address is specified when the notification was issued.
    • Web Digitalized Signature: It allows to include the signer‘s handwritten signature.

*Note: The PIN code has a life time of 60 minutes, after this time it will be necessary to request another PIN code. The number of 9 attempts to correctly enter the PIN code sent is also established.

  • It requires captcha: By checking this option, the captcha control at the time of requesting the signature will be included.
  • Sign first the acknowledgement of receipt: By checking this option, the chosen signature method will be applied at the beginning of the process, before accessing the documents. The decision to accept or reject but without requesting the signature again will be left for the last step.
  • Do not send signature request: By checking this option, no signature request will be sent to the signer using the email address or mobile phone number. This option is usually used for delegated signatures, where the signature process will be guided by a user other than the signer and will be completed when the signer shows the delegated signature user that he has received a code on his mobile phone.
  • Reviewer: By checking this field it indicates that the notified person is a reviewer. The reviewer does not sign the document, he only gives his consent for the process to continue or be cancelled based on his decision. In case there is no order of signers, the reviewer(s) will be the first one(s) to receive the notification. The remaining signers will not receive it until the reviewer has made a decision.
  • Language: It allows to choose the language in which the signature process will take place. It includes the notification received and the process for reviewing and signing the documents and attachments.
  • Order: It allows to define the order of signature for different signers and reviewers. It allows the serial or in parallel signature. All signers who have the same number in the order of signature will receive the notifications at the same time. The signers with a higher order number will not receive the notification until all the signers of the immediately preceding order have signed the document. This order may apply to reviewers, but a reviewer can never be the last person to sign. If any of the signers or reviewers rejects the document or any of the attachments, the remaining signers will not receive the notification or will not be allowed to sign if they have previously received it.
  • Geolocation: It allows to enable o disable the geolocation request during the signature process. It supports three values:
    • Disabled: In this case, the geolocation of the browser is not recorded.
    • Enabled: Permission will be requested from the signer at the time of starting the signature process. If the signer agrees, the browser‘s geolocation coordinates will be recorded. If the signer denies the permission, the process may proceed without the coordinates being recorded.
    • Compulsory: Permission will be requested from the signer at the time of starting the signature process. If the signer agrees, the browser‘s geolocation coordinates will be recorded. If the signer denies the permission, the process will NOT proceed. This denial will be reflected in the Affidavit.
  • JSON of additional data: It allows to define additional questions in the signature process, where the signer can enter data (for example, the identity document number, or the date of birth) or answer to questions or requests (such as “by checking this box you agree to receive notifications”). Encoding is done using JSON.
  • JSON of signature position: It allows to embed the signature in one or more parts of the final document.
  • DeliverySubDomain: This field has to do with the iframe feature. It shows the domains in which the recipient will do the signature process. If there is more than one domain, it will appear in a combo where you can choose.
  • DeliveryCustomUrl: This field has to do with the iframe feature. It allows to define the page to which you will take the recipient where the signature process will be done.
  • DeliveryWebView: It has to do with the Webview feature that allows to embed the signature process in Android applications. In this field, a header with the following structure must be provided: X-Herma-Delivery-WebView-Id. To request this feature, contact
  • Enable delegated signature: Indicates if delegated signature is activated.
    • Enable PIN sending by WhatsApp: Indicates the default value for the PIN sending policy by WhatsApp.
      • Disabled: The WhatsApp channel is not enabled to send the PIN. Corresponds to the Normal delivery policy (by SMS).
      • Enable sending by WhatsApp instead of SMS: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN as an alternative to SMS.
      • Enable WhatsApp for sending retries only: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN only on retry.
  • Subject: Description text of what you want to communicate to the notification‘s receiver. This text is the one that will appear as visible when you receive the signature notification email.
  • Document: Main document for which the recipient's signature is requested.
  • Report to: Email address of the people to whom notifications of the signature status will be sent. Status that will generate notifications are defined in the Notifications fields for stakeholders of the Options group.
  • Internal reference: Reference code provided by the issuer, which will allow to locate a signature file or group several files under the same code.
  • Attach files: In this section, the files that you want to go along the notification will be attached. In this section, the limits on the size of the files, the files to be attached or the maximum size of the messages are reported.
    1. 1. Select Files: Utility to select files.
    2. 2. Drag & Drop: It allows you to drag the files you want to attach.
  • Additional Data (CustomFields): In this section, an Internal reference is shown by default, which is an alphanumeric field with 1 to 15 positions allowing a subsequent search for this value. Evicertia platform allows to define within the site settings additional reference fields. To see the details click the following link. (link Custom Fields)
  • Options: They are customization elements that can be configured in the issue of the signature of the contract and they allow to set up the behaviour of the issue.
    • Cost Centre: Code of the centre to which the EviSign consumption will be allocated.
    • Level of certification: It specifies the level of certification that will be applied to the message. You can choose among these values:
      1. 1. None: No affidavits are generated, only Tracking, alerts and traceability.
      2. 2. Standard: A Summary Affidavit is generated at the date of expiry.
      3. 3. Advanced: Multiple Affidavits with time stamp.
    • Tracking until: Date until which the signature process will be tracked. It is the life time parameter and involves that once this date is reached, delivery attempts will no longer be made, and the signers will no longer have the opportunity to sign the documents. In case of standard certification, this would be the moment when a summary Affidavit is generated.
    • Affidavit Profile: it shows when the rendering of the document content will be included in the Affidavits:
      1. 1. Content on the sending: The content appears in the sending Affidavit.
      2. 2. Content at closing: The content appears in the final Affidavit.
      3. 3. Content on creation and at closing: The rendering of the content is included in both Affidavits.
    • Chances for agreement: This parameter provides the receiver with the possibility of showing his agreement or disagreement with the content If this parameter is enabled and the receiver makes an option, an affidavit will be generated with the result of his decision. It admits the following values:
      1. 1. Accept: The receiver is allowed to accept the content of the message or do nothing.
      2. 2. Reject: The receiver is allowed to reject the message or do nothing.
      3. 3. Accept or reject: The receiver is allowed to take one of both options.
    • Allow comments: This option will appear only if one of the following agreement possibilities has been enabled (accept, reject, accept or reject), it will allow the recipient to add comments when accepting or rejecting. This comments will appear in the corresponding Affidavit.
    • Language of Affidavits: It allows to choose between the languages ​​of the drop-down and causes the affidavits to be generated in the chosen language.
    • Language of notifications: It allows to choose between the languages ​​of the drop-down and defines the language in which the notifications will be displayed to the signers, reviewers and interested parties. In case a language has been defined for the signer in the "language" section at the time of configuring the signer‘s details, individual conditions prevail over these general conditions that apply to all signers or reviewers.
    • Information Texts: It allows to customize different texts that appear in the signature process.
      1. 1. Initial notification.
      2. 2. Reminder.
      3. 3. Information on the initial page of the signature process.
      4. 4. Final notification.
      5. 5. Rejection notification.
      6. 6. Expiry notification.
    • End URL: It allows to define the web address of a page to which you want the signer to be redirected once his specific signature process is finished.
    • Additional Terms: It consists of a list of texts (additional conditions) that you want to be shown to the signer on the screen where he accepts or rejects the main document.
    • Attach to final notification: It allows to choose which documents will be attached to the final notification email that the signer will receive once the process has been completed:
      1. 1. Attach nothing.
      2. 2. Attach the document without attachments: The signer will receive an information email of the result of the signature in which the main document will be attached.
      3. 3. Attach only attachments: The signer will receive an information email of the result of the signature in which the documents that have been incorporated as annexes are attached.
      4. 4. Attach all: The signer will receive an information email of the result of the signature in which the main document and the annexes will be attached.
    • Attach to the signature request: it allows to choose which documents will be attached to the signature request email that the signer will receive at the beginning of the process:
      1. 1. Attach nothing
      2. 2. Attach the document without attachments: The signer will receive an information email of the result of the signature in which the main document will be attached.
      3. 3. Attach only attachments: The signer will receive an information email of the result of the signature in which the documents that have been incorporated as annexes are attached.
      4. 4. Attach only attachments: The signer will receive an information email of the result of the signature in which the documents that have been incorporated as annexes are attached.
    • Event notification Url: Url address on which Evicertia will carry out the "Push" notification of the different events that the signature process generates: Processed, Sent, Delivered. You can choose the events to which this signature process is subscribed in the following point.
    • Show filters for event notification: It allows to define the events that will be reported to the “ Url for events notification”:
      1. 1. Processed
      2. 2. Sent
      3. 3. Delivered
      4. 4. Signed
      5. 5. Rejected
      6. 6. FullySigned
      7. 7. FullySent
      8. 8. FullyDelivered
      9. 9. Closed
  • Notifications for the interested parties: It allows to define the events that will be reported to the interested parties that were defined in the section “Report to” :
    1. 1. Sent
    2. 2. Final notification sent
    3. 3. Signed
    4. 4. Signed part
    5. 5. Rejected
    6. 6. Expired
    7. 7. Failed
    8. 8. Cancelled
  • Signature reminder options: It sets the number of signature reminder notifications that will be sent before the signer accepts or rejects, or the signature process expires (according to the date indicated in section “Tracking until“.
  • Notarial Deposit: If this check is enabled, the evidence generated will be deposited with a notary public for a period of 5 years.
  • Notary: It allows to choose in which notary the evidence will be deposited.
  • Retention Period: It indicates the number of years during which you want the evidence to be accessible on Evicertia website. The default value is 1.
  • Custody Access Control: It defines the way in which the content under custody can be accessed when the reference URL is known. You can take the following values:
    1. 1. Anyone who knows the link.
    2. 2. Users of related sites (issuer/recipient)
    3. 3. Challenge question/answer: In this case it will be necessary to indicate the question and the correct answer.
    4. 4. Request of random known data: The user who has access to the information will be asked for a piece of information that he must know, for example the sender's email.
  • Security Tags: Tags controlling access. Only users with the same tag will be able to access. Security tags are defined in the user‘s profile.


titleDelegated signature

Delegated signing

From the screen “New EviSign”, fill in the first field of the signer with the recipient's data:

  • Notifying the sending to a phone number.
  • Signature method: “Security code PIN communicated to mobile phone”.
  • Do not send signature request.
  • Enable delegated signing.

Once EviSign has been configured, a subject indicated and the PDF document added for signature, it is sent.
Subsequently, the delegated signing can be accessed from the “My EviSign” screen, by selecting the contract that has just been generated.
A window will appear showing the contract sent and the details of the EviSign settings. In these details you can find the option “Delegated signature”.

By clicking on the “Delegates signature” link, an alert will appear with the following message “You are going to request a signature by delegations and the signer will receive a SMS with the token for which he will have to ask to be able to sign on your behalf, do you agree?”.

To continue with the delegated signature process, click on Accept and at that time, the recipient will receive an SMS with the code that he must indicate to the person to whom he delegates his signature.

On the EviSign detail screen, when you press Accept, a box will appear with a “Delegated signature code”, field, which must be filled in with the code that the signer has received in a SMS. Once the field is filled in, you must click on “Send” and a message will appear informing that the operation has been carried out and the signature process can begin by the delegate person.

titleHow to define the position of the signature fieldGenerate Signed Document

Generate Signed Document (GSD)

The activation of this option will generate a new PDF document, with the original content, in which the signatures of each signatory will be inserted. In addition, these signatures will be graphically represented in the document if the signature position values are added for each signatory. This new document is independent of the affidavits generated during the signing process.

To activate it we have to select the option "Generate PDF document with the signatures of the certification and each signatory":

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If we have configured one or more personalized certificates for our site and user, we can choose one of them to certify the content of the document. If we do not have any certificate configured this option will not display. 

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the position of the signature to be presented in the generated signed document following the next steps: 

titleHow to define the position of the signature field

How to define the position of the signature field

For GSD we can define the signature position of each signer, for that, from

How to define the position of the signature field

From the "New EviSign" screen, in the signatory data, you can configure the position of the signature to be presented in the generated signed document.

  1. The first thing to do is to select in options, Generate signed document.
2. Una vez activada la opción anterior, se mostrará la opción de posición de firma en los datos del firmante.
1. Once the previous option has been activated, the signature position option will be displayed in the signatory data.

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When activating the field "Specify the signature position in the document", the fields that allow you to indicate the position of the signature are displayed.

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3. Below is detailed how to create the box that will house the signature with the data entered in the fields.

The coordinate system of a PDF is made up of points, where the starting point 0,0 is in the bottom left corner of the document. The horizontal coordinates, or X, increase towards the right and the vertical coordinates, or Y, increase towards the top.

To represent the signature, a rectangle needs to be set, and what is requested in the signature position fields are the coordinates of the lower left corner and the upper right corner. With these points the system can determine the position, height and width of the signature box.

Position of the signature box lower left corner

Position of the signature box lower left corner
Left margin:    Indicates the distance, in points, from the left margin of the PDF to place the lower left corner of the rectangle that will contain the signature. 
 (Delegated signature)

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Bottom margin:Indicates the distance, in points, from the bottom margin of the PDF to place the bottom left corner of the rectangle containing the signature.
Position of the signature box upper right corner
Left margin:Indicates the distance, in points, from the left margin of the PDF to position the upper right corner of the rectangle that will contain the signature. 
 (Delegated signature)

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Bottom MarginIndicates the distance, in points, from the bottom margin of the PDF to place the upper right corner of the rectangle containing the signature.