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titleSOAP API is deprecated

Please note that we announced deprecation of the SOAP API already a while ago in the product release notes. This documentation is therefore marked as DEPRECATED.
See Api Reference - Introduction REST for the REST API reference which should be considered as the successor of the SOAP API.

Repeating here also how SOAP discontinuation was published in the release notes:
We declared SOAP as deprecated and therefore SOAP will not be included in versions after 21.76 (already postponed by one year, initially the 20.76 was announced). Latest release including SOAP API for eSAW will be 21.76, released in spring 2022 and with the software maintenance on 21.76 until spring 2024.
Therefore, we recommend REST technology for integration. Please see also the migration guide.

Nevertheless, the content and structure explained on this page is more or less valid also for the REST API, in REST API Versions v1-v5 even if the format changed from XML to JSON. 

The Envelope XML Guide contains all information about how you can create envelopes with SOAP. Beside the information about how to configure different electronic signature types (e.g. Click2Sign, Draw2Sign) with SOAP, this guide also shows how to configure authentication methods with XML page will teach you about the envelope XML for eSignAnyWhere.

Table of Contents

Envelope Structure

The envelope XML contains all information about an envelopenecessary for sending out a workflow to different signers or other types of recipients. Basically it consists of the envelope definition and the workflow. The documents itself are not included but referenced. The workflow itself exists of steps and within the steps of the recipients. Signing recipients have to have the workstep configuration. The workstep configuration is the definition of the signing task.EnvelopeXMLImage Removedworkstep configuration is the definition of the signing task.

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The following table shows the different icons for the document status with explanation:

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Hello World Tutorial – Envelope XML

titleRequires Rework

This chapter requires rework. The examples below explain the Envelope XML of the (deprecated) SOAP API. Comparable content and structures apply also for the Envelope JSON structure, which is used in REST API integration scenarios.

The next lines of code shows


the basic structure of the envelope XML:

Code Block
  <!--  META information for envelope: e.g.: Name, eMailSubject, Reminders, Expiration, CallbackURL etc.  -->
      <!-- Step x in Workflow: Information about recipient(s) and Workstep Configuration -->
      <workstepConfiguration />
      <!-- next step in workflow -->
      <workstepConfiguration />

The following table shows the different icons for the document status with explanation:

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Hello World Tutorial – Envelope XML

Let’s have a look at the Hello World Tutorial envelope XML. You can download the XML here.

Code Block
  <eMailSubject>Please sign the enclosed envelope</eMailSubject>
  <eMailBody>Dear #RecipientFirstName# #RecipientLastName#


Please sign the envelope #EnvelopeName#

Envelope will expire at #ExpirationDate#</eMailBody>
  <metaData>Your meta data</metaData>
        <documentOption docRef="1">
      <workstepConfiguration skipThirdPartyChecks="0">
        <FinishAction />
          <SendVisibleArea allowedDomain="*">0</SendVisibleArea>
        <Policy version="">
          <WorkstepTasks originalSequenceMode="NoSequenceEnforced" SequenceMode="NoSequenceEnforced">
            <Task type="SignField" DocRefNumber="1" id="1#XyzmoDuplicateIdSeperator#Signature_36cff3f5-38b2-cc21-a467-713e8bb2de18" internalCompleted="0" finishPercentage="0" completed="0" enabled="1" displayName="" required="1" />
    <TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId="smsAuthTransactionCodeId">
        <pdfForms isEditingAllowed="0" />
        <TypewriterAnnotationTaskInfo />
        <attachmentFields />
          <sig id="1#XyzmoDuplicateIdSeperator#Signature_36cff3f5-38b2-cc21-a467-713e8bb2de18">
            <TaskDisplayName />
            <param name="enabled">1</param>
            <param name="positioning">onPage</param>
            <param name="req">1</param>
            <param name="fd" />
            <param name="fd_dateformat">dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss</param>
            <param name="fd_timezone">datetimeutc</param>
              <sigType id="9e0e5ea9-2ba0-4769-84dc-fe7b20b134a5" type="Picture">
                  <FontFamily>Times New Roman</FontFamily>
        <AuditingToolsConfiguration WriteAuditTrail="0">
          <NotificationConfiguration />
          <authentications />
          <authentications />

Envelope Section

The Envelope Section contains the configuration of the envelope.


  • Name of the envelope (name)
  • E-Mail Subject
  • E-Mail Body: the message for the signers email (see Email Templating for more details and the available tags).
  • Reminders and expiration
    • enableReminders: if set to false, no reminders will be sent at all
    • firstReminderDayAmount: an active recipient will retrieve a 1st notification after the defined amount of days. Values: 1 to (daysUntilExpire – 1)
    • recurrentReminderDayAmount: an active recipient will retrieve a recurring notification after the first notification every configured days. Values: 1 to (daysUntilExpire – 1)
    • beforeExpirationReminderDayAmount:an active recipient will retrieve a notification on the configured days before expiration. Values: positive integer
    • daysUntilExpire: If the envelope isn’t finished or rejected within the defined amount of days, the envelope will expire. Values: 1 to _global.xml ‘maxEnvelopeValidityInDays’ setting (default: 28)
  • Callback URL is fired when the envelope is finished (this means successfully finished & signed or by a recipient rejected). So you can notify your integrating system and get the information which envelope is finished (placeholder for envelope id is ##EnvelopeId##). If you want to listen to events within the workflow use the workstep-callbacks.
    Attention: if the callback URL doesn’t return a HTTP 200 the envelope goes into an error state is will not be finished! eSAW tries to call the URL until it gets a HTTP 200 or reaches the limit of callback-attempts (30).
  • The meta data element allows you to store additional, non-eSAW-data (e.g. for archiving) directly in the envelope. You can retrieve this information via getEnvelopeById call. An example of metaData is to store data for the archiving system in the envelope. The callback-integrating solution then can download the files (PDF & Audit-Trail) and store them directly in the archive.
  • DisplayedEmailSender Configuration: If the displayedEmailSender is empty only eSignAnywhere is used. If the field is not empty, this text will be used before ” via eSignAnywhere”. Without displayedEmailSender the organization default setting is used. On-Premise or private SaaS allows to modify “via eSignAnywhere” text.
  • attachSignedDocumentsToEnvelopeLog allows to add the final & signed document to the audit trail. Per default this feature is disabled. Note: this requires eSAW 3.4+


Code Block
<name>eSignAnyWhere Tutorial</name>
   <eMailSubject>Hello World</eMailSubject>
   <eMailBody>Dear #RecipientFirstName#! Please sign this document.</eMailBody>
   <!-- callback to your backend system on a completed envelope 
   <callbackUrl />
   <metaData>Your meta data</metaData>

Step(s) Section

The step(s) section is defining the workflow. You can define steps (with the order-index) and its recipients (at least one recipient, parallel recipients are supported).

Code Block
      <!-- Step x in Workflow: Information about recipient(s) and Workstep Configuration -->
      <workstepConfiguration />
      <!-- next step in workflow -->
      <workstepConfiguration />

Recipient Configuration within a Step

Example of a simple step (one recipient as signer with empty workstep configuration; see section about workstep configuration for more details):


  • emailBodyExtra
  • Order index in workflow
  • Recipient Type (Signer, CC, Acknowledge)
  • Recipient Data (Language, E-Mail, Firstname, Lastname, Delegation, Authentication)
  • Workstep configuration to define the signing task


There are different authentications available. In this section the PIN and the SMS authentication are explained:


Code Block
    <!-- CustomAuthenticationProvider will be mapped to GenericOAuthProvider -->
      <check compareOperation="equals" fieldId="userprofile" value="a232656-6656-5665"></check>
      <check compareOperation="equals" fieldId="useremail" value=""></check>
          <check compareOperation="equals" fieldId="userprofile" value="a232336-6656-5665"></check>

Hide Specific Documents

To configure the visibility of documents you first have to upload at least two documents. Therefor, upload two documents with the API call UploadTemporarySspFile_v1 to get two document Ids. After this API call you have to add the document Ids to the API call SendEnvelope_v1:


This feature is not available in all subscriptions.

Disposable Certificate Additional Information

If you want to use the disposable certificate you have to add additional information for the recipient:

Code Block
    <documentIssuedBy>Comune di XXXXXXXXX</documentIssuedBy>

Workstep Configuration

The workstep configuration is the most tricky part for an integration.

There are many ways how to make a workstep configuration. The following list shows some options:

  • Developer mode (Visit the guide)
  • Workstep designer
  • Create your own configuration
  • GetAdHocWorkstepConfiguration
  • Place advanced tags

Developer mode

To allow you to generate these, sometimes quite complex configuration, we created the Developer Mode. The Developer Mode allows you to use eSignAnyWhere as a “configuration builder”. This means you create your desired workflow with the eSignAnyWhere User Interface (upload document, define recipients, define signature and form fields, etc.) and download its configuration. So eSAW is generating the configuration for your via UI created workflow. Therefor, you do not have to know each step in the configuration and how it is build. Example: If you want to configure a signature field on your document you can first add it on a document in the SAW Viewer and then download the configuration and add the signature in your workstep configuration.

For more information please have a look at the developer mode guide.

Workstep Designer

titleAvailability of Workstep Designer

The workstep designer is a tool for developers only. It is usually not available on production environments, but can be used on our demo environment and on-premise staging environments.

With the workstep designer you can add fields, authentications, viewer preferences, general policies and more. Following steps guide you through the process of using the workstep designer:


Following Screenshots show you these steps:

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  1. Start designing (upload a file)
  2. You have to select “SignAnyWhere” for creating a eSignAnyWhere compatible workstep

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  1. “Create WorkStep” can be used for trying the current configuration in a SAW Viewer (default eSAW client)
  2. Save configuration downloads the current configuration
  3. You have to select “SignAnyWhere” for creating a eSignAnyWhere compatible workstep
  4. Via “+” (Plus) you can add & place signature fields on the document

You can also watch the following video which shows the process from the beginning.


Create your own configuration

You can also start with an empty workstep configuration and add those elements which you want. The next lines of code shows an example of an empty workstep configuration.

Code Block
    <pdfForms isEditingAllowed="1">
    <pdfFormsGroup id="formFilling1">
    <signaturePluginConfiguration />
    <FinishAction />
    <Policy version="">
        <GeneralPolicies />


First you have to add the signature field in the signature template. You can copy paste the following code and replace the ##Placeholder## with the following signature configurations in the following section:


Code Block
<WorkstepTasks SequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks" originalSequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks">
            <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="1" id="93cce567-ae5c-4e98-ac99-9f56ac034250" displayName="SignField 1" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1" allRequiredFieldsFilledOnWorkstepCreation="0" />


Another way to get the workstep configuration is to upload a file and call the GetAdHocWorkstepConfiguration_v1. For this API call you need the document Id which you got from the UploadTemporarySspFile_v1 and a AdHocWorkstepConfiguration. You can find an AdHocWorkstepConfiguration in the next collapse.



Code Block
  <!--A label for this workstep-->
  <!--Defines a image generation correction factor. If for example this document contains very small text, which might not be readable with the standard image resolution of the client, this factor can be used to tell the client to get a higher resolution.-->
  <!--Defines the time to live of all the documents created by the workstep. After this time to live is expired, all documents are deleted. '0' sets the time to live to forever.-->
  <!--Configure the actions done by the server and the by the clients when the workstep is finished.-->
    <!--Configure the action done by the server when the workstep is finished.-->
    <!--Attribute 'callSynchronous' wether the server should call that action before returning to the client which called FinishWorkstep. Possible values: '1' the server does not return until the action is completed. This may cause long waiting times for the client in case of timeouts or other errors, '0' the server returns to the client and calls the action afterwards. This may cause problems if the client finish action depends on the server finish action to be already completed-->
    <ServerAction callSynchronous="0"></ServerAction>
    <!--A client action specifies the behavior of a specific client after a workstep is finished.-->
    <!--'clientName': defines which client should implement this behavior. Predefined client names are: 'SIGNificant WSI', 'SIGNificant iPadApp' and 'SIGNificant AndroidApp'. Any additional client name can be defined by the user.-->
    <!--'closeApp': defines if the client should close after finish.-->
    <!--'RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList': if 1, the Document (Workstep) is removed from the document list, when the workstep has been successfully synced with the server.-->
    <!--'CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync': if 1, the clientAction (Uri) is called, when the workstep has been synced with the server. if 0, the clientAction (Uri) is called, when the user pressed finish/reject - independently, if the server was reachable and returned ok.-->
    <ClientAction clientName="WSI" closeApp="0" RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList="0" CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync="1"></ClientAction>
  <!--[DEPRECATED]DefaultWidth: The default signature width for parsed signature fields in points. Specify SigTemplate.width instead.-->
  <!--[DEPRECATED]DefaultHeight: The default signature height for parsed signature fields in points. Specify SigTemplate.height instead.-->
  <!--Configure the adhoc workstep creation-->
  <!--A template for signature definitions.-->
    <!--The elements width in points-->
    <!--The elements height in points-->
  <!--Configuration for parsing the form fields. Possible values: '1' parse the form fields, '0' do not parse form fields-->
  <!--Attribute 'mapRequiredFieldsToRequiredTask': set the form filling task required when some of the fields are required. Possible values: '1' required forms lead to required tasks, '0' required fields do not enforce the task to be required-->
  <!--Attribute 'formsGrouping': Specify how the parsed forms should be grouped into tasks. Possible values: 'PerPage' all forms on one page are grouped to one forms group, 'PerDocument' all forms of one document are grouped to one forms group, 'PerEnvelope' all forms of all documents inside the envelope are grouped to one forms group-->
  <!--Attribute 'returnSimplifiedConfig': Possible values: '1' return minified form field information, '0' return full form field information-->
  <!--Attribute 'addKeepExistingValueFlag': Possible values: '1' CreateWorkstep will use the PDF defined form field value, '0' CreateWorkstep will use the XML defined form field value-->
  <ParseFormFields mapRequiredFieldsToRequiredTask="0" formsGrouping="PerPage" returnSimplifiedConfig="0" addKeepExistingValueFlag="0">1</ParseFormFields>
  <!--If the workstep is not generated by hand but automatically generated by the Workstep Controller AdhocPolicies are specified-->
    <!--Configure if any modifications, like adding attachments, freehand annotations are allowed after a signature is applied-->
  <!--Configurate the signatures for this workstep. One default configuration has to be defined. The default configuration is used for flatten signatures, adhoc signatures and signature fields which do not reference a special signature plugin configuration. The default configuration does not contain the attribute 'spcId'. If the attribute 'spcId' is defined the signature plugin configuration does only apply to signature fields referencing the configuration by specifiying <param name="spcId">id</param>.-->
    <!--Configurate the signature properties-->
      <!--Should the signatures be pdfA conformant. Note this setting does not convert a document into pdfA, it only keeps it pdfA conformant if it already is. Possible values: '1' sign pdfA conformant - in this case the file size will be bigger than without pdfA, '0' do not sign pdfA conformant.-->
      <!--Defines if the signature should be PAdES part 4 compliant. Possible values: '1' sign the document PAdES part 4 compliant, '0' sign the document with standard pdf signature. Default value: '0'-->
      <!--Defines if the certificate chain for the signing certificate should be embedded into the signature. Possible values: '1' include the certificate chain, '0' do not include the certificate chain. Default value: '0'-->
      <!--Defines if and how the revocation information for the signing certificate chain should be embedded. Possible values: 'DoNotInclude' no revocation information is included, 'Include' the revocation information has to be included, if not possible the signature throws an exception, 'TryToInclude' if the revocation information can be fetched, it should be included, if not the signature is done without revocation information. Information about the signatures where the revocation information could not be included is saved into the WorkstepStatus, 'CheckRevocationIncludeOcsp' the revocation information has to be included when it is an OCSP, if checking of the revocation (OCSP or CRL) fails an exception is thrown. Information about the signatures where the revocation information could not be included is saved into the WorkstepStatus-->
    <!--Configurate the cryptographic data-->
      <!--The hash algorithm used for the signatures. Possible values: 'Sha1', 'Sha256', 'Sha512'-->
      <!--The description of the signing certificate. More than one SigningCertificateDescriptor can be defined by adding this node more than once. If more SigningCertificateDescriptors are present, these configurations are used as backup if the selected SigningCertificateDescriptor is not working. For example if no revocation information can be retrieved although it should be included into the signature.-->
        <!--The certificates identifier-->
        <!--The certificate identifier type. Possible values: 'Subject', 'Sha1Thumbprint'-->
        <!--The cryptographic service provider to locate the certificate. Possible values: 'default' uses the servers certificate store, 'custom' uses the custom signature action-->
  <!--Configure the signature string parsing-->
    <!--Defines a signature string to parse. Tag can be present more than once-->
      <!--The start pattern of the signature string if it has a start and end pattern. Otherwise the whole word to parse-->
      <!--End pattern if needed, otherwise empty-->
      <!--Define if the signature strings should be cleared from the document. Possible values: '1' remove the signature strings from the document, '0' do not change the document-->
      <!--Define if only the entire word should be searched. For example if start pattern is 'signature' only 'signature' but not 'signaturepad' is found. This option does only effect signature string without end patterns. Possible values: '1' search only the entire word, '0' search words containing the pattern as well.-->
  <!--Defines general policies for this workstep-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to save the workstep document-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to save the audittrail document-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to rotate the pages of the document-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to append a file to the workstep-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to add append tasks to the workstep-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to email the workstep document-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to print the workstep document-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to finish the workstep-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to reject the workstep-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to undo actions-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to colorize pdf forms-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to add adhoc attachments-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to add signatures which are not defined in the tasks-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to add stampings which are not defined in the tasks-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to add adhoc freehand annotations-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to add adhoc typewriter annotations-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to add adhoc picture annotations-->
    <!--Is the client allowed to append adhoc documents-->

Place advanced tags

Another way to prepare the workstep is to use signature field placeholder (‘sig’) or advanced tags in the document. For signature field placeholders you need to get the AdHocWorkstepConfiguration via API (GetAdHocWorkstepConfiguration_v1) and for advanced tags you have first to perform a prepare call (PrepareSendEnvelopeSteps_v1). An alternative is to use the Workstep Designer. The workstep designer can help you creating a workstep xml and you can directly try it in the SignAnyWhere Viewer (the eSignAnyWhere default signing client).

titleHello World Tutorial - Workstep Configuration XML

Code Block
   <WorkstepLabel />
      <ServerAction callSynchronous="0" />
      <ClientAction clientName="SIGNificant SignAnywhere" closeApp="0" RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList="0" CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync="1" />
      <sig id="c5dfe088-968b-462b-8cdf-15d282f0edb2">
         <param name="enabled">1</param>
         <param name="completed">0</param>
         <param name="bio">0</param>
         <param name="sigType">Picture</param>
         <param name="positioning">onPage</param>
         <param name="allowedCapturingMethods">Click2Sign</param>
         <firstName />
         <lastName />
         <eMail />
         <firstName />
         <lastName />
         <eMail />
      <text language="en">++Here you should add the legal texts that are the base for the contract to be signed.++</text>
      <text language="*">++Here you should add the legal texts that are the base for the contract to be signed.++</text>
      <text language="de">++Hier sollten allfällige Regelungen stehen, die der Benutzer akzeptieren muss, bevor er den Vertrag / das Dokument unterzeichnet.++</text>
      <text language="en">++Here you should describe, what this transaction is about and what the user needs to do next.++</text>
      <text language="*">++Here you should describe, what this transaction is about and what the user needs to do next.++</text>
      <text language="de">++Hier sollten sie beschreiben, um was es sich bei dem Dokument handelt, und was der Benutzer nun tun soll.++</text>
   <pdfForms isEditingAllowed="1" />
   <attachmentFields />
   <TypewriterAnnotationTaskInfo />
   <Policy version="">
      <WorkstepTasks SequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks" originalSequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks">
         <Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="1" id="c5dfe088-968b-462b-8cdf-15d282f0edb2" displayName="SignField 1" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignField" internalAllConcernedDocRefNumbersList="1" />
            <Password />
            <Uri />
            <UserName />
   <AuditingToolsConfiguration WriteAuditTrail="1">
      <TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId="">
         <Message>Please sign the document with the transactionId {tId} with the code: {Token}</Message>
      <TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId="Trans1">
         <Message>Please accept the transactionId {tId} with the code: {Token}</Message>

Input Validation for Form Fields Image Added

In the workstep configuration you can define (since version 3.1) a form field valdiation for text fields.


Code Block
    <format>dd. MMMM yyyy</format>
    <range from="13. Mai 2018" to="18. December 2019" />


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  •  Email
    • no format or range
Code Block


Code Block
    <format decimalPlaces="2" decimalSeparator="comma" thousandsSeparator="point" symbol="€" symbolLocation="endWithBlank" />
    <range from="-300,00 €" to="5.000,00 €" />

True (within the range)False (outside the range)
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  • Phone
    • Format: required; International, InternationalLeadingZeros, InternationLeadingPlus


Code Block
    <range from="12:00" to="18:00" />


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