Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents

Upload a file

First, you will need a PDF document which you want to upload.


For this call you need an authentication. For authentication, you’ll need an api token. You can find this information in Settings / Api Tokens and Apps. Note that all API methods require authentication. For more information about the authorization please have a look the  API Reference Guide for SOAP or the Postman Guide for REST

titleAlternative: SOAP implementation (deprecated)

After the authorization you need to BASE64 the PDF which you want to upload. If the call was successful you get a file Id which we will need for sending an envelope.



Defining a MetaDataXML sets the value only if AdditionalClientWorkstepInformation is not already set via api. For example:

  1. Setting AdditionalClientWorkstepInformation AND MetaDataXml

    Code Block
    "SendEnvelopeDescription": {
        "MetaDataXml": "<Tagging doctype=\"INVOICE\"><InvoiceNr>123456</InvoiceNr></Tagging>",
    "Recipients": [
            "Email": "##email##",
    "RecipientType": "Signer",
    "WorkstepConfiguration": {
        "AdditionalClientWorkstepInformation": "<test id='test'>Some Information</test>",

    1. results in 

      Code Block
          <test id='test'>Some Information</test>

  2. Setting AdditionalClientWorkstepInformation only

    Code Block
    "SendEnvelopeDescription": {
    "Recipients": [
            "Email": "##email##",
    "RecipientType": "Signer",
    "WorkstepConfiguration": {
        "AdditionalClientWorkstepInformation": "<test id='test'>Some Information</test>",

    1. results in

      Code Block
          <test id='test'>Some Information</test>

  3. Setting MetaDataXml only

    Code Block
    "SendEnvelopeDescription": {
        "MetaDataXml": "<Tagging doctype=\"INVOICE\"><InvoiceNr>123456</InvoiceNr></Tagging>",
    "Recipients": [
            "Email": "##email##",
    "RecipientType": "Signer",
    "WorkstepConfiguration": {

    1. results in

      Code Block
              <Tagging doctype="INVOICE">


titleAlternative: SOAP implementation (deprecated)

Code Block

All policies disabledAll policies enabled

Image Modified

Image Modified

As you can see on the right screenshot the recipient of the envelope can now print the document as well as reject the envelope and more.


The disposable certificate signature is a signature variant using the Namirial Trust Service Provider services to issue a (typically qualified) electronic signing certificate on the fly during signing, on explicit request of the signer.
The implementation distinguishes between "traditional" (depracated) and "lean" (recommended) disposable certificate procedure based on the configuration in Settings - Organization.

Registration as Local Registration Authority (LRA) at Namirial is mandatory to perform the necessary identification steps in order to issue disposable certificates. The LRA ID, service password and service username need to be configured in Settings - Organization.
To issue a disposable certificate, the (future) certificate holder must be identified according to the regulations of the LRA contract upfront. The LRA Contract may contain clauses about how consent for issuing a certificate has to be requested, or delivered to the signer.

titleNeeds Rework

Requires an update regarding (minor) changes in the API - difference between traditional and lean disposable


titleAdditional Scenario


Please see the following sample configuration for a disposable certificate signature:

Code Block
  "SspFileIds": [
  "SendEnvelopeDescription": {
  "Name": "test",
  "EmailSubject": "Please sign the enclosed envelope",
  "EmailBody": "Dear #RecipientFirstName# #RecipientLastName#\n\n#PersonalMessage#\n\nPlease sign the envelope #EnvelopeName#\n\nEnvelope will expire at #ExpirationDate#",
  "DisplayedEmailSender": "",
  "EnableReminders": true,
  "FirstReminderDayAmount": 5,
  "RecurrentReminderDayAmount": 3,
  "BeforeExpirationDayAmount": 3,
  "DaysUntilExpire": 28,
  "CallbackUrl": "",
  "StatusUpdateCallbackUrl": "",
  "LockFormFieldsAtEnvelopeFinish": true,
  "Steps": [
      "OrderIndex": 1,
      "Recipients": [
          "Email": "##EMAIL##",
          "FirstName": "##NAME##",
          "LastName": "##NAME##",
          "LanguageCode": "en",
          "EmailBodyExtra": "",
          "DisableEmail": false,
          "AddAndroidAppLink": false,
          "AddIosAppLink": false,
          "AddWindowsAppLink": false,
          "AllowDelegation": false,
          "AllowAccessFinishedWorkstep": false,
          "SkipExternalDataValidation": false,
          "AuthenticationMethods": [],
          "DisposableCertificateData": {
            "CountryResidence": "AT",
            "IdentificationCountry": "AT",
            "IdentificationType": "PASSPORT",
            "PhoneMobile": "##PHONENUMBER##",
            "DocumentType": "PASS",
            "DocumentIssuedBy": "Namirial",
            "DocumentIssuedOn": "2020-07-07T00:00:00Z",
            "DocumentExpiryDate": "2020-07-29T00:00:00Z",
            "SerialNumber": "1234",
            "DocumentNumber": "123",
            "OverrideHolderInCaseOfMismatch": false
      "EmailBodyExtra": "",
      "RecipientType": "Signer",
      "WorkstepConfiguration": {
        "WorkstepLabel": "test",
        "SmallTextZoomFactorPercent": 100,
        "FinishAction": {
          "ServerActions": [],
          "ClientActions": [
              "RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList": false,
              "CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync": true,
              "ClientName": "SIGNificant SignAnywhere",
              "CloseApp": false,
              "Action": ""
        "ReceiverInformation": {
          "UserInformation": {
            "FirstName": "##NAME##",
            "LastName": "##NAME##",
            "EMail": "##EMAIL##"
          "HolderInformation": "<recognitionType>PASS</recognitionType><documentIssuedOn>07/07/2020</documentIssuedOn><documentExpiryDate>29/07/2020</documentExpiryDate><documentIssuedBy>Namirial</documentIssuedBy><documentNumber>123</documentNumber><countryResidence>AT</countryResidence><firstName>##NAME##</firstName><lastName>##NAME##</lastName><email>##EMAIL##</email><phoneMobile>##PHONENUMBER##</phoneMobile><identificationType>PASSPORT</identificationType><identificationCountry>AT</identificationCountry><passport>1234</passport>",
          "TransactionCodePushPluginData": []
        "SenderInformation": {
          "UserInformation": {
            "FirstName": "##NAME##",
            "LastName": "##NAME##",
            "EMail": "##EMAIL##"
        "TransactionCodeConfigurations": [
            "Id": "smsAuthTransactionCodeId",
            "HashAlgorithmIdentifier": "Sha256",
            "Texts": [
        "SignatureConfigurations": [],
        "ViewerPreferences": {
          "FinishWorkstepOnOpen": false,
          "VisibleAreaOptions": {
            "AllowedDomain": "*",
            "Enabled": false
        "ResourceUris": {},
        "AuditingToolsConfiguration": {
          "WriteAuditTrail": false,
          "NotificationConfiguration": {}
        "Policy": {
          "GeneralPolicies": {
            "AllowSaveDocument": true,
            "AllowSaveAuditTrail": true,
            "AllowRotatingPages": false,
            "AllowEmailDocument": true,
            "AllowPrintDocument": true,
            "AllowFinishWorkstep": true,
            "AllowRejectWorkstep": true,
            "AllowRejectWorkstepDelegation": false,
            "AllowUndoLastAction": true,
            "AllowAdhocPdfAttachments": false,
            "AllowAdhocSignatures": false,
            "AllowAdhocStampings": false,
            "AllowAdhocFreeHandAnnotations": false,
            "AllowAdhocTypewriterAnnotations": false,
            "AllowAdhocPictureAnnotations": false,
            "AllowAdhocPdfPageAppending": false
          "WorkstepTasks": {
            "PictureAnnotationMinResolution": 0,
            "PictureAnnotationMaxResolution": 0,
            "PictureAnnotationColorDepth": "Color16M",
            "SequenceMode": "NoSequenceEnforced",
            "PositionUnits": "PdfUnits",
            "ReferenceCorner": "Lower_Left",
            "Tasks": [
                "PositionPage": 1,
                "Position": {
                  "PositionX": 89.0,
                  "PositionY": 575.0
                "Size": {
                  "Height": 80.0,
                  "Width": 190.0
                "AdditionalParameters": [
                    "Key": "enabled",
                    "Value": "1"
                    "Key": "positioning",
                    "Value": "onPage"
                    "Key": "req",
                    "Value": "1"
                    "Key": "fd",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Key": "fd_dateformat",
                    "Value": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
                    "Key": "fd_timezone",
                    "Value": "datetimeutc"
                    "Key": "spcId",
                    "Value": "padesSigningId"
                "AllowedSignatureTypes": [
                    "TrModType": "RemoteSignatureDisposableCertificate",
                    "TrValidityInSeconds": 300,
                    "Ly": "remoteCertificate",
                    "TrConfIdIssueCertificate": "disposableCertificateEnrolAndSignSmsText",
                    "TrConfId": "remoteCertificateSignSmsText",
                    "IsPhoneNumberRequired": false,
                    "Id": "180c4201-4146-4161-baf8-cb5a607eec62",
                    "DiscriminatorType": "SigTypeTransactionCode",
                    "Preferred": false,
                    "StampImprintConfiguration": {
                      "DisplayExtraInformation": true,
                      "DisplayEmail": true,
                      "DisplayIp": true,
                      "DisplayName": true,
                      "DisplaySignatureDate": true,
                      "FontFamily": "Times New Roman",
                      "FontSize": 11.0
                "UseTimestamp": false,
                "IsRequired": true,
                "Id": "1#XyzmoDuplicateIdSeperator#Signature_b58c192b-47c0-5339-cb18-4fe77c3d1812",
                "DisplayName": "",
                "DocRefNumber": 1,
                "DiscriminatorType": "Signature"
        "Navigation": {
          "HyperLinks": [],
          "Links": [],
          "LinkTargets": []
      "DocumentOptions": [
          "DocumentReference": "1",
          "IsHidden": false
      "UseDefaultAgreements": true
      "OrderIndex": 2,
      "Recipients": [
          "Email": "##EMAIL##",
          "FirstName": "##NAME##",
          "LastName": "##NAME##",
          "LanguageCode": "en",
          "EmailBodyExtra": "",
          "DisableEmail": false,
          "AddAndroidAppLink": false,
          "AddIosAppLink": false,
          "AddWindowsAppLink": false,
          "AllowDelegation": false,
          "SkipExternalDataValidation": false,
          "AuthenticationMethods": []
      "EmailBodyExtra": "",
      "RecipientType": "Cc",
      "DocumentOptions": [],
      "UseDefaultAgreements": false
  "AddFormFields": {
    "Forms": {}
  "OverrideFormFieldValues": {
    "Forms": {}
  "AttachSignedDocumentsToEnvelopeLog": false


titleAlternative: SOAP implementation (deprecated)

Code Block
  <eMailSubject>Please sign the enclosed envelope</eMailSubject>
  <eMailBody>Dear #RecipientFirstName# #RecipientLastName#


Please sign the envelope #EnvelopeName#

Envelope will expire at #ExpirationDate#</eMailBody>
        <documentOption docRef="1">
      <workstepConfiguration skipThirdPartyChecks="0">
          <ClientAction clientName="SIGNificant SignAnywhere" closeApp="0" RemoveDocumentFromRecentDocumentList="0" CallClientActionOnlyAfterSuccessfulSync="1"></ClientAction>
          <SendVisibleArea allowedDomain="*">0</SendVisibleArea>
        <Policy version="">
          <WorkstepTasks originalSequenceMode="NoSequenceEnforced" SequenceMode="NoSequenceEnforced">
            <Task type="SignField" DocRefNumber="1" id="1#XyzmoDuplicateIdSeperator#Signature_a3d634d1-5b9e-8089-e77d-4888a9616fb2" internalCompleted="0" finishPercentage="0" completed="0" enabled="1" displayName="" required="1" />
        <Navigation />
    <TransactionCodeConfiguration trConfId="smsAuthTransactionCodeId">
          <trRsDcNamHolderInformation version="2">
        <pdfForms isEditingAllowed="0" />
        <TypewriterAnnotationTaskInfo />
        <attachmentFields />
          <sig id="1#XyzmoDuplicateIdSeperator#Signature_a3d634d1-5b9e-8089-e77d-4888a9616fb2">
            <TaskDisplayName />
            <param name="enabled">1</param>
            <param name="positioning">onPage</param>
            <param name="req">1</param>
            <param name="fd" />
            <param name="fd_dateformat">dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss</param>
            <param name="fd_timezone">datetimeutc</param>
              <sigType id="89f2876e-2149-4a88-b841-547a1b3478a5" type="TransactionCode">
                  <FontFamily>Times New Roman</FontFamily>
            <param name="spcId">padesSigningId</param>
        <AuditingToolsConfiguration WriteAuditTrail="0">
          <NotificationConfiguration />
          <authentications />
          <authentications />


Disposable certitifacate (Long-lived)

It is possible to define P7M signers in eSignAnyWhere. This allows you to define at the end of a signing workflow to define signers with P7M. Due technical reasons it is not possible to add non-P7M signers after the first P7M signer. P7M is an advanced feature and must be enabled for you, so please contact your Namirial Sales

The P7M signer can be defined in the recipient list (P7M Signer Type). The P7M signer has no assigned signature fields in the document, so you will not be able to assign signature fields, form fields or predefined fields for him or her.

When a workflow with a P7M signer is finished you will not receive a PDF document, but a signed P7M container with the PDF. Please see the next figure:

Image Removed

The workstepconfig must be extended with a invisibleSignature, Task and a document information:

Code Block


Code Block
<WorkstepTasks SequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks">
	<Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="pkcs1" displayName="" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignPkcs7" finishPercentage="0" />


        <EnvelopeDocumentInformation numberOfPages="1" DocRefNumber="1" name="" isOptionalDocument="0" isPkcs7="0" enabled="1" />
        <EnvelopeDocumentInformation numberOfPages="1" DocRefNumber="2" name="" isOptionalDocument="0" isPkcs7="0" enabled="1" />
        <EnvelopeDocumentInformation numberOfPages="1" DocRefNumber="3" name="" isOptionalDocument="0" isPkcs7="0" enabled="1" />

Automatic Remote Signature Recipient via API Image Removed

titleAdditional Scenario

Beside the disposable certificate, the solution can use a specific procedure called "Long-Lived Disposable" for scenarios where the signature becomes a valid qualified signature after signing. This can be useful where the identification is confirmed/approved after signing of the document. When using this special type of Disposable Certificates, the procedure of the Opative Manual has to be followed; which is different for the case of Long-Lived Disposable. See Long-Lived Disposable in SSP documentation for more information.

General description

The Long-Lived Disposable Certificate (LLD) is a special variant of a Disposable certificate.

The main difference to the disposable certificate is, that it is not being activated immediately, but after the signatures have been applied. LLD are always active, no need to activate them.

Please see the following sample configuration for LLD:

Code Block
  "SspFileIds": [
   "SendEnvelopeDescription": {
  "Name": "test",
  "EmailSubject": "Please sign the enclosed envelope",
  "EmailBody": "Dear #RecipientFirstName# #RecipientLastName#\n\n#PersonalMessage#\n\nPlease sign the envelope #EnvelopeName#\n\nEnvelope will expire at #ExpirationDate#",
  "DisplayedEmailSender": "",
  "EnableReminders": true,
  "FirstReminderDayAmount": 5,
  "RecurrentReminderDayAmount": 3,
  "BeforeExpirationDayAmount": 3,
  "ExpirationInSecondsAfterSending": 2419200,
  "CallbackUrl": "",
  "StatusUpdateCallbackUrl": "",
  "LockFormFieldsAtEnvelopeFinish": false,
  "Steps": [
      "OrderIndex": 1,
      "Recipients": [
          "Email": "",
          "FirstName": "John",
          "LastName": "Doe",
          "LanguageCode": "en",
          "EmailBodyExtra": "",
          "DisableEmail": false,
          "AddAndroidAppLink": false,
          "AddIosAppLink": false,
          "AddWindowsAppLink": false,
          "AllowDelegation": true,
          "AllowAccessFinishedWorkstep": false,
          "SkipExternalDataValidation": false,
          "AuthenticationMethods": [],
          "IdentificationMethods": [],
          "DisposableCertificateData": {
            "CountryResidence": "AT",
            "DocumentIssuingCountry": "",
            "IdentificationCountry": "AT",
            "IdentificationType": "PASSPORT",
            "PhoneMobile": "##PhoneNumber##",
            "DocumentType": "PASS",
            "DocumentIssuedBy": "Namirial",
            "DocumentIssuedOn": "2022-05-24T00:00:00Z",
            "DocumentExpiryDate": "2022-06-07T00:00:00Z",
            "SerialNumber": "##SerialNumber##",
            "DocumentNumber": "##DocumentNumber##",
            "OverrideHolderInCaseOfMismatch": false
      "EmailBodyExtra": "",
      "RecipientType": "Signer",
      "WorkstepConfiguration": {
        "WorkstepLabel": "test",
        "SmallTextZoomFactorPercent": 100,
        "FinishAction": {
          "ServerActions": [],
          "ClientActions": []
        "ReceiverInformation": {
          "UserInformation": {
            "FirstName": "Jane",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "EMail": ""
          "HolderInformation": "<recognitionType>PASS</recognitionType><documentIssuedOn>24/05/2022</documentIssuedOn><documentExpiryDate>07/06/2022</documentExpiryDate><documentIssuedBy>Namirial</documentIssuedBy><documentNumber>##DocumentNumber##</documentNumber><countryResidence>AT</countryResidence><firstName>John</firstName><lastName>Doe</lastName><email></email><phoneMobile>##PhoneNumber##</phoneMobile><identificationType>PASSPORT</identificationType><identificationCountry>AT</identificationCountry><passport>##Passport##</passport>",
          "TransactionCodePushPluginData": []
        "SenderInformation": {
          "UserInformation": {
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "EMail": ""
        "TransactionCodeConfigurations": [],
        "SignatureConfigurations": [],
        "ViewerPreferences": {
          "FinishWorkstepOnOpen": false,
          "VisibleAreaOptions": {
            "AllowedDomain": "",
            "Enabled": false
        "ResourceUris": {
          "DelegationUri": ""
        "AuditingToolsConfiguration": {
          "WriteAuditTrail": true
        "Policy": {
          "GeneralPolicies": {
            "AllowSaveDocument": false,
            "AllowSaveAuditTrail": false,
            "AllowRotatingPages": false,
            "AllowAppendFileToWorkstep": false,
            "AllowAppendTaskToWorkstep": false,
            "AllowEmailDocument": true,
            "AllowPrintDocument": true,
            "AllowFinishWorkstep": true,
            "AllowRejectWorkstep": true,
            "AllowRejectWorkstepDelegation": true,
            "AllowUndoLastAction": true,
            "AllowColorizePdfForms": false,
            "AllowAdhocPdfAttachments": false,
            "AllowAdhocSignatures": false,
            "AllowAdhocStampings": false,
            "AllowAdhocFreeHandAnnotations": false,
            "AllowAdhocTypewriterAnnotations": false,
            "AllowAdhocPictureAnnotations": false,
            "AllowAdhocPdfPageAppending": false,
            "AllowReloadOfFinishedWorkstep": true
          "WorkstepTasks": {
            "PictureAnnotationMinResolution": 0,
            "PictureAnnotationMaxResolution": 0,
            "PictureAnnotationColorDepth": "Color16M",
            "SequenceMode": "NoSequenceEnforced",
            "PositionUnits": "PdfUnits",
            "ReferenceCorner": "Lower_Left",
            "Tasks": [
                "Texts": [
                    "Language": "en",
                    "Value": "Agreement text"
                    "Language": "*",
                    "Value": "Agreement text"
                "Headings": [
                    "Language": "en",
                    "Value": "Agreement Subject"
                    "Language": "*",
                    "Value": "Agreement Subject"
                "IsRequired": false,
                "Id": "ra",
                "DisplayName": "ra",
                "DocRefNumber": 1,
                "DiscriminatorType": "Agreements"
                "PositionPage": 1,
                "Position": {
                  "PositionX": 72.0,
                  "PositionY": 594.0
                "Size": {
                  "Height": 80.0,
                  "Width": 190.0
                "AdditionalParameters": [
                    "Key": "enabled",
                    "Value": "1"
                    "Key": "completed",
                    "Value": "0"
                    "Key": "req",
                    "Value": "1"
                    "Key": "isPhoneNumberRequired",
                    "Value": "0"
                    "Key": "trValidityInSeconds",
                    "Value": "60"
                    "Key": "fd",
                    "Value": ""
                    "Key": "fd_dateformat",
                    "Value": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
                    "Key": "fd_timezone",
                    "Value": "datetimeutc"
                "AllowedSignatureTypes": [
                    "TrModType": "RemoteSignatureLongLivedDisposableCertificate",
                    "TrValidityInSeconds": 300,
                    "TrConfIdIssueCertificate": "disposableCertificateEnrolAndSignSmsText",
                    "TrConfId": "remoteCertificateSignSmsText",
                    "IsPhoneNumberRequired": false,
                    "Ly": "remoteCertificate",
                    "Id": "7392f37f-32f5-4f53-bade-d830ddb51fa2",
                    "DiscriminatorType": "SigTypeTransactionCode",
                    "Preferred": false,
                    "StampImprintConfiguration": {
                      "DisplayExtraInformation": true,
                      "DisplayEmail": true,
                      "DisplayIp": true,
                      "DisplayName": true,
                      "DisplaySignatureDate": true,
                      "FontFamily": "Times New Roman",
                      "FontSize": 11.0,
                      "OverrideLegacyStampImprint": false,
                      "DisplayTransactionId": true,
                      "DisplayTransaktionToken": true,
                      "DisplayPhoneNumber": true
                    "SignaturePluginConfigurationId": "padesSigningId"
                "UseTimestamp": false,
                "IsRequired": true,
                "Id": "1#XyzmoDuplicateIdSeperator#Signature_4385a5b6-4615-2f23-3a1e-49e31af38dba",
                "DisplayName": "",
                "DocRefNumber": 1,
                "DiscriminatorType": "Signature"
        "Navigation": {
          "HyperLinks": [],
          "Links": [],
          "LinkTargets": []
      "DocumentOptions": [
          "DocumentReference": "1",
          "IsHidden": false
      "UseDefaultAgreements": true
      "OrderIndex": 2,
      "Recipients": [
          "Email": "johndoe@sample",
          "FirstName": "John",
          "LastName": "Doe",
          "LanguageCode": "en",
          "EmailBodyExtra": "",
          "DisableEmail": false,
          "AddAndroidAppLink": false,
          "AddIosAppLink": false,
          "AddWindowsAppLink": false,
          "AllowDelegation": false,
          "SkipExternalDataValidation": false,
          "AuthenticationMethods": [],
          "IdentificationMethods": []
      "EmailBodyExtra": "",
      "RecipientType": "Cc",
      "DocumentOptions": [],
      "UseDefaultAgreements": false
  "AddFormFields": {
    "Forms": {}
  "OverrideFormFieldValues": {
    "Forms": {}
  "AttachSignedDocumentsToEnvelopeLog": false

After sending the envelope the receiver get the following after clicking the signature field to accept the general terms and conditions.:

Image Added

The information about the LLD is also shown in the audit trail:

Image Added

Please also note the following difference:

Difference in the certificate issued

A main difference is in the "certification policies" documented in the certificate:

"Normal" Disposable Certificate (Sample)Long-Lived Disposable Certificate (Sample)

Image Added

Image Added

* Refers to Policy OID:* Refers to Policy OID (Long-Lived Disposable)

P7M Signers Image Added


It is possible to define P7M signers in eSignAnyWhere. This allows you to define at the end of a signing workflow to define signers with P7M. Due technical reasons it is not possible to add non-P7M signers after the first P7M signer. P7M is an advanced feature and must be enabled for you, so please contact your Namirial Sales

The P7M signer can be defined in the recipient list (P7M Signer Type). The P7M signer has no assigned signature fields in the document, so you will not be able to assign signature fields, form fields or predefined fields for him or her.

When a workflow with a P7M signer is finished you will not receive a PDF document, but a signed P7M container with the PDF. Please see the next figure:

Image Added

The workstepconfig must be extended with a invisibleSignature, Task and a document information:

Code Block


Code Block
<WorkstepTasks SequenceMode="SequenceOnlyRequiredTasks">
	<Task enabled="1" completed="0" required="0" id="pkcs1" displayName="" DocRefNumber="1" type="SignPkcs7" finishPercentage="0" />


        <EnvelopeDocumentInformation numberOfPages="1" DocRefNumber="1" name="" isOptionalDocument="0" isPkcs7="0" enabled="1" />
        <EnvelopeDocumentInformation numberOfPages="1" DocRefNumber="2" name="" isOptionalDocument="0" isPkcs7="0" enabled="1" />
        <EnvelopeDocumentInformation numberOfPages="1" DocRefNumber="3" name="" isOptionalDocument="0" isPkcs7="0" enabled="1" />

Automatic Remote Signature Recipient via API Image Added

Via API you have to use a new recipient type (“Automatic”). Moreover the workstepConfiguration must contain information about the automatic remote signature. As additional option, you can use more than one profile for the workstep configuration at once via API. Note: this leads to a missing information in eSAW UI!

1) Envelope JSON with new recipient type “Automatic”

Code Block
"EmailBodyExtra": "",
"RecipientType": "Automatic",
"WorkstepConfiguration": {

2) Workstep Configuration

2.1) Define Signature Field in WorkstepConfiguration

Code Block
 "AllowedSignatureTypes": [
                    "TrModType": "RemoteSignature",
                    "RenderingLanguage": "en",
                    "Ly": "test",
                    "Id": "##Id##",
                    "DiscriminatorType": "SigTypeAutomaticSignature",
                    "Preferred": false,
                    "StampImprintConfiguration": {
                      "DisplayExtraInformation": true,
                      "DisplayEmail": true,
                      "DisplayIp": true,
                      "DisplayName": true,
                      "DisplaySignatureDate": true,
                      "FontFamily": "Times New Roman",
                      "FontSize": 11.0,
                      "OverrideLegacyStampImprint": false,
                      "DisplayTransactionId": true,
                      "DisplayTransaktionToken": true,
                      "DisplayPhoneNumber": true

2.3) Finalize Action in WorkstepConfiguration Policy

Code Block
 "FinalizeActions": {
            "FinalizeActionList": [
                "SigId": "##SignatureId##",
                "DiscriminatorType": "AutomaticSignature"
                "DocRefNumbers": "*",
                "SpcId": "ltaLevelId",
                "DiscriminatorType": "Timestamp"

Please also see the following sample configuration:

Code Block
  "Name": "Test.pdf",
  "EmailSubject": "Please sign the enclosed envelope",
  "EmailBody": "Dear #RecipientFirstName# #RecipientLastName#\n\n#PersonalMessage#\n\nPlease sign the envelope #EnvelopeName#\n\nEnvelope will expire at #ExpirationDate#",
  "DisplayedEmailSender": "",
  "EnableReminders": true,
  "FirstReminderDayAmount": 5,
  "RecurrentReminderDayAmount": 3,
  "BeforeExpirationDayAmount": 3,
  "ExpirationInSecondsAfterSending": 2419200,
  "CallbackUrl": "",
  "StatusUpdateCallbackUrl": "",
  "LockFormFieldsAtEnvelopeFinish": false,
  "Steps": [
      "OrderIndex": 1,
      "Recipients": [
          "Email": "##Email##",
          "FirstName": "##Name##",
          "LastName": "##Name##",
          "LanguageCode": "en",
          "EmailBodyExtra": "",
          "DisableEmail": false,
          "AddAndroidAppLink": false,
          "AddIosAppLink": false,
          "AddWindowsAppLink": false,
          "AllowDelegation": true,
          "AllowAccessFinishedWorkstep": false,
          "SkipExternalDataValidation": false,
          "AuthenticationMethods": [],
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You can also find the same samples but for SOAP below:Via API you have to use a new recipient type (“Automatic”). Moreover the workstepConfiguration must contain information about the automatic remote signature. As additional option, you can use more than one profile for the workstep configuration at once via API. Note: this leads to a missing information in eSAW UI!

1) Envelope XML with new recipient type “Automatic”


Instead of “Email” in the REST example or “DateTime” in the SOAP example you can place the following placeholders:

ServerTimePlaces a text field with the time of the server
ClientTimePlaces a text field with the the time of the client
SenderFirstName*Places a text field with the first name of the sender
SenderLastName*Places a text field with the last name of the sender
SenderEmail*Places a text field with the email of the sender
ReceiverFirstName*Places a text field with the first name of the recipient
ReceiverLastName*Places a text field with the last name of the recipient
ReceiverEmail*Places a text field with the email of the recipient

For all placeholder with the additional “*” you need either the sender information or the receiver information which are both explained in the section “sender and receiver information”.


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