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The next request will show you an authorization. This is an important part of the requests for sure but not only because of security but also because we will need the authorization for all other requests.

Let us create another request to make our second API Call to try the authorization. The only extension to the previous call is to define the headers. If you click on “Headers” you will see three columns. The first and second one, so the keys and the values are necessary for the authorization.

Two ways of authorization

For authentication, you’ll need an api token. You can find this information in Settings / Api Tokens and Apps. Note that all API methods require authentication. The API token is a user specific secret which should not be shared with other users. We recommend to create different API keys for different application integrations, to avoid configuring the same key in various integration systems. This allows, e.g. in case of sharing a key by mistake, to disable one key while keeping other integrations working with their existing configuration.


You can also authorize with the organizationKey and the userLoginName.
Note: The organizationKey can also be found in Settings / Api Tokens and Apps
The organizationKey is the actual organization API key. The userLoginName is the actual login e-mail address.

Authorization Request JSON

not required

Authorization Response JSON

Should response 200 OK

Upload a file

Before we can send an envelope, we must make sure that we have already uploaded a file. Therefore, the next request will be about uploading a file.

As you can see in Figure 5 you must also edit the body. So, the header will be the same as we have already seen in the authorization. In the body you must select that you will upload a file and you must choose a file which you wanted to be uploaded. (In this case “Tutorial.pdf”)

Attention! It is necessary to change from “none” to “form-data”.

Afterwards you should get a file ID. It is necessary that we do not forget this ID because we will need it for the envelope sending request.

Upload Request JSON

not required

Upload Response JSON

Code Block
    "SspFileId": "17d23c79-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
