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titleDelete template

Delete template

A template can be deleted when it is in draft or deactivated status, in the case of deactivated status it can only be deleted when a period of two months has passed, as this is the maximum life time of an EviSign.

  • Draft: A template can be deleted as long as it is in draft status. To do so, it can be deleted directly from the Grid by clicking on the icon of the template or by going to edit template  and pressing the delete button 

  • Deactivated: A deactivated template can only be deleted when it has been deactivated for a period of two months. A template can be deleted from the Template Grid, by clicking on the icon or within the detail of the same , by pressing the button

titleDeactivate State flow of a template

State flow of a template

An active template can be deactivated by the administrator user. When a template is in Deactivated status it cannot be used in shipments.

To deactivate a template, go to the "Active" tab.

Image Removed

Templates can be deactivated directly from the Grid using the icon Image Removed or by entering the template detail Image Removed and clicking on the button Image Removed.  When one of the two actions is performed, the user is informed that the template in deactivated status cannot be used in communications and is given the option to continue or cancel the deactivation.

Image Removed

A linear diagram of the states through which a template can pass is shown below.

Image Added

titleBest practice guide for creating a template

Best practice guide for creating a template

To create a new template and have it approved, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  • Avoid excessive images:  Excessive use of images can affect the ability of the template to load in the email, which in turn can decrease the open rate. Therefore, it is recommended to have a limited number of images and keep their size under control. As for the request to convert images to "inline" in base64, this helps to reduce the overall size of the email, which makes it easier to load and render the email.

    • Convert 'inline' (base64) images to reduce rendering overhead.

      Code Block
      titleEjemplo imagen base 64 inline
          <img src="..." alt="imagen">
          <p>This is an example of an e-mail with an image.</p>

    • Templates must not contain more than 3 images larger than 48x48 pixels.
    • templates must not contain more than 8 images smaller than 48x48 pixels (usually used for social network icons). 
    • The sum of images and content must not exceed a file size of 1MB.
  • Restricted components: The following content cannot be used in templates to prevent mail managers from blocking emails on suspicion.
    • javascript
    • animated gifs (whenever possible)
    • <iframe>
    • embedded audio
    • embedded video
    • forms.
  • Suspicious links: Suspicious links should not be used in the template.

  • Appropriate text for the type of notification of the template:  It is important that the template text is clear, concise and appropriate for the type of template being created.  It should be easy to understand and not confusing to the recipient. Below are the different types of templates separated by product:
    • EviSign 
      • Signature Request/Signature Reminder:
        • The text should refer to the issuer's request for a signature.
        • It must contain the mandatory variables for this type of template. 
      • Final Notification: The text must be clear that it is a final notification of the signing process, where the guidelines for obtaining the Affidavits are given..
        • Text indicating that it is a final notification.
        • Steps for accessing generated evidence
        • Link to the evidence generated.
        • It must contain the mandatory variables for this type of template. 
      • Progress: Using Liquid programming code, this type of template can be used to communicate the following statuses (Rejected, Signed, and Expired)
        • Rejected: The text must be clear informing that there has been a rejection of the main document by one of the signatories. It must contain the mandatory variables for this type of template. 
        • Signed: The text must be clear informing that there has been an acceptance of the main document by one of the signatories. It must contain the mandatory variables for this type of template. 
        • Expired: The text must be clear informing that a signature process has expired without being signed. It must contain the mandatory variables for this type of template.
  • Text that avoids being labeled as spam or suspected of phishing: To avoid being labeled as spam, it is important to use clear and simple language in the content of emails, and avoid excessive use of suspicious or sensationalist words. In addition, it is important not to use words that may trick recipients into opening the email, as this may be considered phishing or deceptive practices.

  • The signature button (read document) must be visible to the signer: In the case of EviSign and the signature request template type, the signature process access button must be clearly visible to the recipient, so that they can easily identify how to proceed with the signature. The button must have a link that is set with system variables.

  • The link to the signature process should appear: In the case of EviSign and the signature request template type, in addition to the signature button it is also mandatory that the access link to the signature process appears. This link is established by using system variables.
  • GDPR policy text must appear:  This text should mention that Evicertia will act as Data Controller in direct communications to Notifyes and/or Signatories. The text should be something similar to the following:

    Code Block
    Evicertia is a service of EVICERTIA S.L. (NIF ESB86021839) that as a certification service provider, assumes the role of trusted third party, according to the requirements of the European and Latin American regulations in force regarding electronic commerce and signature.
    Evicertia is managed by certified auditors and experts in computer security, who protect it as independent witnesses of the communications and declarations of will that are made through it.
    Evicertia has been recognized as legally valid evidence by the Supreme Court of Spain (cassation order of 21/03/2013 no. 855/2010 of the 1st Chamber).
    EVICERTIA S.L. informs you that your personal data have been obtained through the issuer of this electronic communication/notification and will be processed for the sole purpose of making available to you the documents issued by the issuer for signature or notification, obtaining evidence of the process and keeping them for the contractual and legally established term. The recipient may exercise his rights by writing to, indicating in the reference "Data Protection". Additional information about your rights or the processing of your data is available at You can also contact the national authority if you consider that your rights have been violated. You can also obtain more information about the service on the website:
    This message is addressed exclusively to the addressee and may contain confidential information and/or information subject to professional secrecy, the disclosure of which is not permitted by law.
    If you have received this message in error, or have any questions about the security of the process, please notify us immediately by email to our attention at or by email to

    This text can be composed with the help of environment variables for links and e-mail addresses.
