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A site admin can modify his site's password policies. To do this, he should take the following steps:.

  1. While logged into his account, he clicks on the link with the name of his site.


  1. On the next page, click on the link "Changing settings for my organization".

(cambiar configuracion)Image RemovedImage Added

  1. Select the tab "Password policies".

Image Added(politicas de contraseñas)Image Removed

Policies that can be modified are as follows:


The admin can force the users of his site to have to modify their password, so that they use the new policies set in the previous section.

To do this, they should take the following steps:

  1. 1. While logged into his account, in My Data menu, select the option User ManagamentManagement.
  2. 2. On the next page, check in Password change column the users to whom you want to force the change.
  3. 3. Then click on the Change password button.
  4. 4. Next time that user tries to log into the system, he will be asked to enter a new password following the policies set on the site.

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Tips on passwords

Below we include a series of recommendations when generating a password and some tips to maintain your privacy. These recommendations are generic, and valid for any application.

  • The minimum password length for Evicertia passwords is 6 characters, but we recommend a longer password. The longer the password is, the harder it is for an attacker to guess your password.
  • When generating a password, use letters (you can interchange upper and lower case), numbers, and special characters (¡”•$%&/()=?¿).
  • Change passwords on a regular basis, for example every three months.
  • Use mnemonic rules to remember passwords, for example, a good way is to initialize each word in a sentence, interchanging upper and lower case, changing vowels for numbers, and ending (or starting with some special character). For, example, the sentence “Sending notifications with Evicertia is easy” can be turned into EnC3eF&&.
  • Do not use your access identifier as a password.
  • Do not use personal information such as your name, your partner‘s name, the name of the pet as a password, …, etc..
  • It is not recommended to use key combinations such as qwerty, asdfg.
  • Do not use any password that you are already using in any other application, because if that password is found, all your passwords will be exposed.
  • Do not write the password on papers that are exposed to others.
  • It is not recommended to use words existing in dictionaries (of any language) as passwords.
  • It is not recommended to use the names of famous people or sportsmen.
  • Do not share passwords on Internet, by email or by phone. In particular, you should be wary of any email message asking for your password or indicating that you have to visit a website to verify it.
