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Web service parameters

This operation allows to submit from EVICERTIA an EviSign contract with the following data:


Code Block
titleExample of request in JSON
Attachments:[optional] List of message attachments:

Note: for a higher compression BASE64 of PDF file has been replaced by the tag "[ATTENTION: BASE64 for the PDF file would appear here]".

In case of successful sending, the identifier allocated to the evidence (uniqueId) that can be used later to consult its state is returned

Example of answer in JSON


Idempotence Activation

There is the option to activate the idempotency capability to avoid sending the same EviSign more than once in case of repeated submitting. For that, a request with the name "X-Evi-IdempotencyToken", must be added to the request headers, adding as a value some random text (the use of a GUID is recommended).

Examples and further information about parameters

More information is given below and examples of the parameters are given, so that they are understood more easily. This section is organized in alphabetical order.


The behaviour of that field is as follows:

BY DEFAULT, it displays this text:


By marking ACCEPT and then pressing the SIGN button, you are formally declaring that you ACCEPT the document and contents that are shown herein, and in particular, you acknowledge that:



As indicated above, CustomsFields are internal fields that allow data that later will be included in the searches to be included, and they also add logic from EVICERTIA’s client business when submitting contracts.

Even so, when issuing CustomFields, you can add as many nodes CustomField as you want, bearing in mind the following limits:


	As shown in the example, two different EviSignSubmit. CustomFields.CustomField. Value were issued, one with value A0000000 and the other one 7777A.


Some images to see the difference between including or not including this value are shown below:


  • Image of a notification where FinalNotificationInfoText is customized.

Signature request with text customization


Some images to see the difference between including or not including this value are shown below:


  • Finally, if you have chosen to request the signature on delivery (SignDelivery = true), and the parameter LandingPageInfoText is also customized, you can see that the message is displayed at the beginning, even before displaying the content.

Personalized text on the start page of the signing process, where the contract is not yet accessible


An example is shown below, where a signature is included on two different pages 1 and 3, the values ​​start counting from the bottom left.


If you want, for example, to raise the signature up, you only need to increase both Top and Bottom values ​​in the same amount.


As indicated in the section above, it is very important to respect the case sensitive and only these values can be:


Code Block
titleTwo questions
			"Label":"Document Id",
			"Label":"Email of document’s signer",


Some images to see the difference between including or not including this value are shown below:


  • Image of a notification where SignatureRequestInfoText is customized

Signature request with text customization


As indicated above, this is a URL that appears on the web server of the issuer of the contract, and that may contain additional information about the signing process, or the following steps that the client is going to take with regard to the contract.

The format of the SignedRedirecUrl has to be a valid URL and must start with http or https.

As part of the EVICERTIA service, it shows the following information in the redirect URL:



When indicating a signature method, it is not necessary to fill in all the indicated parameters, since they are not mandatory, for example, if it is indicated that the type of signature of EmailPin, it is not necessary to fill in SignatureChallenge or SignatureChallengeResponse.

The following considerations must be taken into account:

  • SigningMethod = Challenge, then you have to fill in SignatureChallenge and SignatureChallengeResponse.
  • SigningMethod = EmailPin, in this case, if EmailAddres is filled in, the pin to email is sent to that account. If instead it is left blank, the signer can indicate an email to which the pin will be sent.
  • SigningMethod = Handwriting, this method is only valid to sign in tablet or through the HTML5 canvas for web signature. Furthermore, the node SignatureAppearances can be filled out to indicate the signature’s position.
  • SigningMethod = MobilePin, in this case, if PhoneNumber is filled in, the SMS pin is sent to that number. If instead it is left blank, the signer can indicate a phone number to which the SMS pin will be sent.


  • In the case of Rest/JSon it should be reported as follows:


This method allows to report changes in the state of an evidence, without the need to periodically check its status.

Every time an evidence changes its state, the user will be notified through a POST to the URL shown as a parameter of the request.

Please find here below the common information returned for any push notification for an EviSign:


Code Block
titleExample of a push notification answer (SENT)
		"Identifier": "dd9f60e5-c880-4c67-8aee-a87000e1b20e",
		"EvidenceId": "00b17d3bfd564dedad32a87000d12f02",
		"EvidenceType": "eviSign",
		"Kind": "Sent",
		"Date": "2018-01-22T13:41:42.8767119+01:00",
		"Site": "pruebas",
		"Owner": "Pruebas evicertia",
		"OwnerEmail": "",
		"AdditionalData": {
			"SignerName": "Pruebas Evicertia (AllowOverride)",
			"SignerNotificationAddres": "",
			"SignerNotificationAddresType": "EmailAddress",
			"EventDescription": "Sent",
			"SignerRole": "Signer"
			"TransmissionSuccess": true
			"TransmissionDescription": "The signature request has been sent to"
			"Retry": 1,
			"ExtraData": "{\"myId\": \"99cf386b-1590-4ddb-af68-607b3e7c1194\", \"myCreationDate\": \"2018-01-22T12:54:00.4367924+01:00\"}

ISO8601 Notation

The ISO8601 format allows us to create a string of characters that form a time period.
These character strings that define time periods must always be preceded by the letter "P", then the number with the frequency with a maximum of two digits "nn", and finally the daily "D" or weekly "W" frequency must be indicated.
The following examples are given with the above details:
