Add "{{SupportEmail}}" to your address book to avoid SPAM problems and to ensure you receive emails from {{ServiceName}}.
{{IssuerLogoHtml}} evicertia

This email was sent to {{PartyName}} in relation to treatment by {{ServiceName}} of a certified evidence ({{EviType}} - {{EvidenceTypeDisplayName}}), created on {{SubmittedOn | date: 'U'}} (UTC), in which you are listed as an interested party.

The issuer, {{Issuer}}, has provided your personal data for the sole purpose of providing the services under the conditions described in the following address: {{LegalTermsUrl}}.

{% if EvidenceUrl != null and EvidenceUrl != "" %}

If  you want more information, see the detail on the following link:


{% endif %}

{{ServiceName}} team.

{{ServiceName}} is a service of {{ServiceLegalName}} (VAT# {{ServiceLegalId}}), who as a trust service provider, assumes the role of trusted third party, according to the requirements of European and Latin American regulations on E-Commerce and digital signature.

{{ServiceName}} is managed by certified auditors and experts in information security, protecting you as independent witnesses of communications and declarations of intent that are performed through it.

{{ServiceName}} is the first and only electronic platform whose certification service has been recognized as a legally valid test by the Supreme Court of Spain (order of appeal of 21/03/2013 no. 855/2010 of the Chamber 1).

{{ServiceLegalName}} informs you that you may exercise your rights by sending a letter to {{SupportEmail}}, indicating in the Reference "Data Protection". You can consult additional information about your rights or the processing of your data at {{GDPRUrl}}. You can also obtain further information about the service on the website: {{ServiceUrl}}"

This message is intended solely for the use of the recipient and may contain confidential and/or trade secret information, the disclosure of which is not permitted by law.

If you have received this message in error, or have any doubts about the security of the process, please we kindly ask you to inform us immediately by sending an email to our attention at {{SupportUrl}} or by email to {{SupportEmail}}.

© {{CopyrightDate}} {{ServiceUrl}}